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New guy, new pose, new content!
Pull those balls. <3
Huge blonde Nachtigal is back to show his spear.

According to the Tales wikia "Nachtigal" is based on the german word "Nacht" for night.
But I have my own theory.
I´ m German and "Nachtigall" with double L means "nightingale" and that sounds more logic to me.
There are lots of fantasy games where developers put in random german words and as a native they are just weird sometimes. xD
Although you won´ t name a guy Nachtigal the word sounds lovely.



The Eight Phases

Nightingale, hmmm, well papa bird certainly is sitting on two beautifully hefty eggs there! ^w^ XD


lol That would make a great line for the trivia on the wiki - only have to add nude daddy Nightingale to the wiki gallery. And get banned instantly. xD


Ohh nice nice~ &lt;3 And that's true, is so weird when a game use a language for a name but we know the native language of it. XD And wow someone is taking good care of his balls there, and that a great spear~