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In Kings Journal I choose a topic and write a text about my experiences and opinions. Today I write about Digimon.


It is 1999.
The weather is a mess: Blizzards in summer, floods and heat periods. The whole world is hit.
That´ s the beginning of Digimon Adventure, the first season of the anime about the digital monsters. 7 kids spend their summer vacation in a camp, when suddenly a blizzard hit them and polar lights appear in the sky. Then some weird objects fall from the sky, hitting the ground like small meteors. They look kinda technical and their screens start to glow, summoning a huge wave, that hits the children and they faint.

Called by his name "Tai" - one of the kids wakes up. Alone and not in the summer camp anymore... Well he isn´ t alone there is that pink monster in front of him calling his name. xD

That´ s how their adventure begins.

The first season is one of my favourites, because it has pleasant characters with very different traits and shows also some nice character development. The show starts with the kids captured on an island and according to their digimon partners (one per kid) there ain´ t any other humans in that world. But actually that is hard to believe, because there are traces of humans all over the island. A tram, a factory, power poles...
Somewhere must be other humans and they don ´t believe, that they are in another world. It can´ t be... But those evil monsters everywhere, mysterious flying black cogs. What is this place?!

I think the word "adventure" suits the show very well, because it is one big adventure full with creative and weird ideas like a huge teddy bear who shoots lethal laser beams from his eyes, green poop throwing monsters in the sewers or a giant frog king, that lost a karaoke competition and waits for a better song to awake from his slumber. There is a lot of fun and the show also deals with the kids backgrounds. Some with happy families, the others with divorced parents, bad relationships and being adopted.
The show also deals with the topics of false courage, friendship, pressure, depression, indepency, caring about each other and death.

Digimon is very different compared to Pokemon!

Most Digimon don´ t look cute, they can die, they have to poop and their world is challenging. While in Pokemon and it feels like they are 2000 episodes no one ever died and no one had to poop. xD Oh and no one grew older. It is just that perfect world you won´ t see in Digimon.

Let´ s have a short overview about the Digimon anime seasons.
I have seen four myself, but there are more.
Season one and two are connected while season three, four and five tell their own new story. The Digimon franchise develops with each season. New ideas, new rules and a new digital world.
In season four for example the human main characters transform into digimon to fight.

How do Digimon evolve?

Digimon hatch from eggs. Each digimon can evolve at least 5 times or more. Unlike Pokemon there is no clear evolution line. Depending on his stats a digimon can evolve into a completely different form or species.
There is a evolution line for most Digimon, that can be seen as their main one, but as said before it can be random or influenced by good or bad treatment. In the pic above I added one evolution line for Agumon and his "brothers".
The good thing about all Digimon is, that their name always ends with "mon" and they have the same names in each language.

My favourite Digimon

If you know Digimon yourself or you are a fan you might have some favourites as well. Here are some of mine:
Zudomon, Vikemon, Weregarurumon, Machgaogamon, Bancholeomon, Leomon.
In general I like the anthros like felines and canines, sometimes also dragons or reptiles. What I don´ t like are evolutions, that look like robots. I like armor and android stuff, but I really feel uncomfortable, when things look like a "Power Ranger Robot". -_-
Oh no please save cardboard box city. xD
... Yeah I watched that show as a boy, but I did not even like it.
... Dunno why I watched it at all. O_O

Let´ s come to an end for todays Kings Journal.

If you like Pokemon, monsters, anthros or furries you should give Digimon a chance. There are lots of seasons and games to watch and play.
If you decide to watch the anime I recommend you to watch the japanese original or any language - except for the english. It is just bad and replaced the original soundtrack and changed a lot of dialogues - changing whole character traits. Sorry english natives. ^^,
And the original soundtracks for Digimon are always pretty good and catchy.

For those who say, that you can only like Digimon or Pokemon I can only deny this, because I like both and I see no reason to start a fight between the things I like.
I hope you enjoyed reading this journal and if you like you can post your favourite Digimon, seasons or opinion in the comments. :)




Love me some Pokemon on handhelds, but Digimon is the faaaaar superior show, through-and-through! The third season (Tamers) is still, to this day, one of my favorite seasons of any cartoon ever. Takato and Guilemon are my favorites, but Henry, Terriermon, Rika, and Renamon are also fantastic lead characters! Now I want to go rewatch it! From Digimon Adventure, Matt is my favorite. Obvious best boy is obvious. ;)


Amazing journal! Very informative and a good incentive to people watch it! I am a big fan of Digimon myself, and the stories are very interesting, we have cool characters and I don't even need to say, we got really hot Digimons also haha ;) The first four season are great and I do hope you get a chance to see the 5 one (in Japanese if possible, It's soo amazing the original voices!) and also you can got to meet one of my favorite Digimons ever, Belphemon! <3 I also never understood why people fight over Pokemon or Digimon, they both great as they both have flaws, the important is, take the best of both and just enjoy it! =D


Thank you very much! There quite are (a lot of) hot Digimon. :3 I think I gonna watch season 5 while drawing. Usually I watch Let´ s plays or better said - I hear them. I have to focus on drawing. ^^, Anyway I am curious about that season, because the main characters are older than in the other seasons. And there is Bancholeomon. <3 I think it would be a breath of fresh air for the Pokemon games and the anime, if they would start telling a story about grown up Pokemon trainers.