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"A Dad dating Simulator"

A few days ago a new game released. "Dream Daddy".
In this game you are a single parent - a dad - with a daughter and you move to another town to start a new life. In this one you meet other dads and your adventure begins.
The game is a classic simulation with dialogue boxes only. You can make some decisions and you follow the story depending on your choices.
The game is published by the "Game Grumps". They are famous Let´ s Players and "Dream Daddy" gets a lot of public attention and is highely ranked on "steam".
The games content focuses on what it means to be a dad in our modern life, without old-fashioned father stereotypes and it shows parts of their daily life. One of the highlights is a Pokemon like battle between two dads comparing their children. This is totally weird, but creative and fun.
The main content of the game is of course about romance and dates.
You will find a dad for nearly each "taste": Hipster, smart dad, gothic guy, happy bear...
But you won´ t find nsfw content.
I didn´ t expect some, as I found out the publishers. I guess such stuff doesn´ t suit them or whatever.

It is a great moment, that a gay game with dads becomes so famous and I hope it becomes popular, too. A game with a realistic view of gays. Guys you could meet everywhere, who don´ t have some blinking neon sign on their forehead saying "I am gay".
So if you haven´ t heard about the game so far - now you have. ^^

I think about playing it myself, altough I´ m not a fan of textbox games, but I am curious... xD and I started watching a Let´ s play from a german (gay) Let´ s player, what is a lot of fun. Why? Because you can see who someone likes or not. Which daddy is someones favourite?!
I did that choose your daddy game with two friends last evening.
One of us plays the game already, one of us didn´ t know about it and than there´ s me. I uploaded the picture you can see above in our chatroom and we started. Since we didn´ t know their personalities we chose our favourite by his looks. ^^,
Friend one chose Damien.
Friend two (we bet about his choice before asking) chose Craig (and we won) XD
And I chose a daddy, of course, too. ^^
I reveal him at the end of this journal.
We also talked mischief about the daddies looks. Not in a rude way. And one result was, that Joseph looks like a mass murderer. XD

Did you know about the game? Do you play it? Will you play it?
And do you think there should be nsfw content? I think about drawing nsfw fanart, but I am not sure if I should.
Which dad would you choose? (I added their names to the picture to make it easier)
Please tell me in the comments.  :)

And now who would I romance?
Hugo. I love his hair (pretty superficial) XD - let´ s be more serious.
I love smart men, guys who I can talk with about a lot of things. Someone who looks beyond the box and treats me well. And altough Hugo looks kinda square I really hope he isn´ t. I love humor (especially dark humor) and maybe Hugo is strict first and than he shows his wild site in private. An educated beast, that tames himself - but not always ^^ and than he comes for some nice kissing and more and you feel that moustache on your skin. XD
Yes, Hugo is my dream daddy.
Who´ s yours?  ;)





Robert & Craig ! XD


They would make a nice pairing! Somehow each one in the game would! XD


"Joseph looks like a mass murderer" lmao if you datamine the game files there's a scrapped halloween ending where he turns out to be a cult leader harvesting the dads life force so that's about right


also Hugo is a dom top with a big dick i Know it, i know it in my heart.


Hm... Is that a theory or a spoiler?! XD But our guessing could be true. Better not eat any cookies. XD


I'm playing it haha, still have to do some routes, but my favorite Daddy is Robert, his story is so cute and develop so well <3 and which Daddy should you draw... all... xD But I really would love to see Robert and Brian :3 The game is really interesting and I like how some characters story are wat more complex than I would expect, and next route I gonna do is Craig, BROO XD


Well my Dream Daddy is definitely Robert. Great story for him liyeraly fell in love with him. And im defenitly loving Hugo also love his secret. Would love to see Robert and Hugo going at it sone day. 😉🐺


It´ s great to read your comments. I think I know about Hugos secret- or secrets. ^^ And Robert is pretty interesting, too. He only should level-up his tidy up skills a bit. XD I wonder about Joseph... He is a youth minister or so at church. Although I was christian I have no idea what that means - I think such stuff/job doesn´ t exist in my country. Someone might have an explanation for me, please? ^^,


it's a theory but it got confirmed by the devs. it's not canon anyway🐸


Robert will be mine, come pay day!