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It's time for your weekly art update. ^^
Starting with the Artpack release for all tiers and new pages for "King of my Castle".
Werewolf and Wolf tier members get pages 1-18.
Puppy tier members get pages 1-13 (sketches folder contains pages 1-18).

Radogien has prepared a test with an enchanted sword. Although Chris guessed, that it might be a test, he grabbed the sword without thinking twice.
Within a second the curtains transform into a tidal wave and flush the beast man away.
Chris failed. But he does not give up. With a fresh idea he chases the sword.
What will happen next?! - Well, I will tell you: The next pages will focus on NSFW action.
Radogien x Chris. So you can look forward to some nice daddy content.

Speaking of daddy content. I have some plans for the next month. I will prepare concept art for a short comic featuring Mister Heisenberg. The story will be silly and simple.
Mister Heisenberg will meet 3 teachers and the principal to upgrade his son's grades in school. So my plan is sketching the teachers and the principal one after another.
I already have an idea for the teachers subjects and body types:
Principal P.E. (sports) - muscular body
French - average body
History - overweight
Math - skinny
My goal will be showing some nice variation.

Aside that mini comic project I want to draw two guys from an old hentai movie, where they lack screentime. And they deserve more attention imao.

There are also two birthday specials ahead. One will show gargoyle Cole McReid.

Of course, there will also be a new Request poll coming. The topic will be "milking".

Well and at the end of this art update, I return to "King of Castle", because the comic reached 18 pages and my rough goal is about 30 pages for completition.
As a reminder, the following comic project will be "Knights in Japan" chapter 2.
I might work on the Heisenberg mini comic simutaneously to KOMC and KIJ.

And at last. I have created a backup account on Subscribestar.
The tiers are identical to Patreon (just in case Patreon tries to kick NSFW artists). I also think about using Deviantart Core. They offer a subscription service and a shop option.
I unpublished all items in my store on Gumroad and they owe me money -_-
In general I am open for suggestions, where I could offer my art online.
Note: JFF would be my last choice. They want 20% of my income. With my low pricing I would hardly earn anything there.

Aaaand that's it for today. Check your emails/DM to download your rewards.
Take care and happy Easter to those who celebrate it.
werewolf hugs



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