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Welcome back to beWilder Island, where the sand is hot and the ladies are hotter! Dare I say eve the hostess counts in that regard too…? *Echem*. Well, that would actually me be… *Embarrassed grin*. Hi all, Caroline here again to great you back and take your through another “après-match” interview with a beWilder girl. We’re 6 matches into Round 1 now, with just 2 remaining until we start seeing the winners again, but there’s still plenty of excitement left to see in Round 1 yet. Our match just gone was a real whirlwind of a return, so let’s start talking through it with our unlucky lady Kate before we send her back home, shall we?

“Lady”, huh? *Giggle*. I can’t say that’s an entirely new one for me but it’s still a rare one. I prefer “Kathrine the Great” myself… *He he*.

I’m sure you do. Wouldn’t we all? But all the same, I’d like it if just once I could get through the intros without being interrupted… Maybe next time?

Oh? Sorry! *He*. Oh, wait… Wait, a sec. Since I’ve already been bad, I might as well be bad twice, right? When you said “send me home”, where’s “home”? You mean back to Grandpa’s surveillance condo, the Uni that me and a former teacher are no longer welcome at, or back home-home… Where I come from…?

*Eeehhh*… The first one? I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t handle logics, I just ask questions and… and let you girls do things to me for the cameras… *Urrgh*… Let’s just have some fun with the first one of those too, ok? Thanks…


… So then, happy fans and contest voters, we’ve widdled down the 16 count by another girl again. Now there’s but 10 little islanders, ready to dine. This time next week, there will be 9… But that’s just a step or 2 ahead of where we are today. After Match #6, we’re now guaranteed to see at least 2 NTR girls in the second round, which going by bWW!18 standards means that side of the wildness is right on track to fill out the same 25% of the brackets. Still, they have 2 more chances to up the number of faces to 3 or even 4, and AoH can still pick up another streak of wins before we circle back around for the top. It’ll sure be fun to watch as the impartial scorekeeper, that I can say.

As for the match just gone, it wasn’t all that close to count, honestly, but boy was it something to watch. It only took about 8 minutes to go from an even-stevens starting point to 11-0 in favour of the woman who would ultimately be the winner. Whoa. That’s a first for Frankie and for us, we might even be right to say. We suspected this match might just go this way, we can say now after the fact, but it was an open question whether it’d be by 2 votes or 10… But once the score hit 12-1 after only about 10 minutes, it was clear who was winning, and that the final score being closer to a 20-vote gap wasn’t so farfetched anymore. Another note, I’m very pleased to report, for the first time since Match #1, turnout was up on the last match! Well… I was happy to say that until I remembered what the means for me, *shudder*… But we’ll get to that later… Point is, turnout was up 20%, and that’s a good thing! The biggest bout of the round is yet to come after all, and those ladies will each need everything they have… But back to Kate for today. Let’s chat.

Hi there! Haven’t had a chance to get to talk to you before, Ms. Caroline. Wasn’t wanting it enough to hoping it’d be after the 1st round, but here we are, eh? I got a tough draw but even I wasn’t expecting to be spanked so hard! Christ…! *Soft giggle*. Oh well. How’re you?

Me…? Oh. I think I’m supposed to ask the questions here, but thank you. I’m good… Pretty good. For now anyway. We’ll see after the day is done, but yeah…

Got to say hon. Lovin’ the back art you’re sporting. Hoping to catch my eye and be hired as a living painting after the contest maybe? *Giggle*.

Har-Har… No but thank you. As it so happens this week I recorded my challenge in the morning before meeting with you as they wanted me to sport the temporary tattoo for more than just 1 image putting it on me. Do you like it, really? I… I actually kind of like it. I was expecting that girl to go mad with gothic symbols or punk band logos, but surprisingly… She actually kept her word on doing something I’d like. Do… Do you think I should’ve asked for the kind that stays more than a week…?

Now that I can’t say, but I did mean it when I said I liked it. Go you, girl. It really pops with your choice of titty-hammock top too. Paired with skinny jeans? Looking gorgeous, and you can take that from a sweetheart like me. Maybe it’s not so bad being here after all… So, what do you wanna ask little young me then?

I’ve got to say, you’re a lot cheerier than most girls I get on the other side of my microphone. Most are huffing and puffing by now, or almost on the verge of tears… I think one of them was both, but she tried not to show me… Why so full of sunshine after losing?

Why not? It’s only fun and games, isn’t it? Oh, don’t get me wrong at all, I sure would have loved to win and I’m not 100% on the joy scale because I actually don’t like to lose, but I’ve still got a whole lot going for me so why let this get me so down? If anything I’m happy that curvy lady gets her kicks for once. Good for her! I think she deserves some male attention, you know? It’s just poor luck for me that I drew lots against her or maybe I’d have seen her in Round 2 or 3 and we’d be all the happier both.

That is a refreshing take on things for once. So it is possible for all parties involved to walk away with no hard feelings… Who knew? I guess we’ll see if that holds though, as I do have to press you with details, so forgive me here… The final score ended up being 23-5, so with all due respect, you were beaten bad at almost a 5:1 ratio… That’s one of the biggest beatings thus far… Even including all of bWW!18 to the mix, it’s still in the Top 3 widest margins … Thoughts on that?

Did you see the body I was up against? I’m not to surprised, even I’ll say that much. *Mmmhh*… Just thinking the kind of new fashions she could debut to the world for us gets me drooling down my pretty little cheek. From ballgowns to hooker-chic, think of the possibilities…!

Sorry… It’s hard to turn off the professional eye. You know how it is. How I feel about it is I still think given an opponent from half the other possible girls in the running from the start I’d have at least made it a close one if not won, but I won’t let Frankie winning take anything away from me. Another tournament, another chance and all that. I know I’ve got a few superfans out there still, a few accomplishments to my pretty little fanny that nobody else can claim right now and even one or two nobody ever can…

… That all being said too, I am a little disheartened to have let down ‘Team Teen’, or ‘Team Special K’, whichever you care to call us. That’s all of us out now in Round 1, huh? Well, with a little time we won’t be teens anymore so that won’t hold us back next time, will it? So smiles again.

Since you’ve brought that up yourself, that’s actually true. So far the youngest winner into Round 2 is somewhere in the early 20’s I think, and with the youngest of the still-to-play 4 in the next matches being 23, that means we’re fresh out of legal teens to contest for the crown… Kelsey, Raven, Kriem and now you Kate… That’s all 4 knocked out…

… I know, it’s sucks just a little, right? I mean, I’m not one to fault anyone’s preferences, but even so… Not even a tingling tickle for some really tight and eager to learn… *Umm*… I’ll say “kitties”, so you don’t get in any trouble with the censors Caroline, ok? They all want the bangin’ ladies bods that much…?

Well, I don’t feel so personally called out when I think of it that way, so all the more reason to smile and cheer from the sidelines, right? And like I said, by the time we’re back to do all this again, if we ever are, will we even be teenage anymore…? Might even be on the other side of college co-ed even and in that case Team ‘Special K’ plus Ray-Ray might just be the pack to beat, huh? *Giggle*.

… For now though, it’s back to workin’ on those big dreams, just as soon after I spend some time on the spectators bench with Kel-Kel by my side as we pick up whatever fun we can from there. Is there a special greenroom or a buffet or something for the ejected girls I can go find her at after this, or…?

Ever the rich girl with high expectations, I see… I’d forgotten about that… Maybe that’s why it’s easy to keep smiling. As for “Kel-Kel”… There’s no greenroom, but there is a leaderboard to fill, which as of now you’ve both got a slot on. That’s the good news. The bad news… You aren’t exactly together on that list. In fact, she’s at the top, and you’re… Well, you’re next to the bottom.

I am? Oh… But she’s at the top you said? Like, the very top? Queen of the Hill?

… Eh… Yes. For now, until we add the Round 2 losers on top, but for Round 1, yes she’s at the very top with 14 votes. You’re at the bottom though, 1 place up from last right now, above Beth’s 4 with your 5 you heard that right?

I did. But I also heard my Best Bestie’s at the top. I knew it. Kel-Kel don’t lose like that.

Actually, she does, hence she’s on this list… But whatever…

As I was sayin’ Cari-love, as long as my other half is doing well up there, we’re both doing well. That’s how I see it. Kels has always been the feistier of the pair of us anyways, she makes it easy for me to seem like the reasonable nice one… At least until I got the poor boy’s heart in my hands… *Giggle*… Figuratively, I mean, of course… I prefer grabbing other engorged parts in reality…

… So no, I’m not so upset at where I am. I can still move up the board a little too, right? Maybe it’s silly to expect 2 bumps but 1 could happen. And even with that, I don’t concede anything on me actually being at the bottom of what the fans what overall. Turns out I’m just not as in demand as a desperate Milf in dire need of getting some. I mean that with all respect of course. Frankie’s lovely, she really is, even if she put me here.

Sounds like there is a little sting in your voice after all, but I’ll take what you say at face value. So you’d contest the accusation that you’d be in the same league as Beth then? Even though your vote counts were similar. You know, for a while there, a full day or even more, it was looking like you might not even pass her on the ladder… One last time then, you’re saying once and for all you’re not generally equal?

That’s what I’m saying. Lookie, I’m not even tryin’ to disparage Bethy either, ok? I want that to be clear. I bet she’s a nice girl, I don’t really know. Wouldn’t be the first nice girl Kel-Kel took to dunking on after all… But that’s what it is. I’m not going to stop my Best Bestie having her fun like that. Plus, they are at war, aren’t they? Like, a business war?

Bottom line is, no matter what the votes say, I’m the calibre of girl who’s on a woman like Kelsey’s arm, Beth’s the kind that’s on the other end of her heel… So we’re different like that. That’s just the way it is… So…

And that’s why she’s your “other half”?

“Other half”? Did I… Did I say that? Oh… *Heh*. I hadn’t realized… Can we maybe strike that from the record? Please? As a favour from one journalist of a sort to another in the making… I really don’t want another fight like the one Kels and I had before I left for NYC again. Ever. Best you let me talk with her about that to her face, away from prying eyes… So, please…?

I… I’ll see what I can do. No promises… You might want to get a move on with that though. It’s not my place to interfere, but when I interviewed her she was a little more wobbly on a certain topic than you…


Never mind. Forget it. I’d like to talk some more about the contest, but since you weren’t one of the veteran girls from bWW!18’s head-to-heads, there’s not a lot to compare with there, so how about we move on to the “get to know you” questions… Not that we haven’t already seen a few glimpses… So next time maybe people will be more inclined to side with you. I’ll start where I always do, ok? Where does Kate Johnson see herself next?

Ohh… Now that’s an interestin’ question. I can tell you want I want to happen, but I can’t say I know for sure what will… That good enough?

For right now, I’m still stuck in Daddy’s prison, also known as Cedarfield Heights, or Grandpa Tim’s home away from my home. I don’t think I’ll have much of a chance to show my face in Agents of Heels anymore, and I’m actually fretting what it might the like wasting my youth around that pool without Natasha being around so don’t even say that’ll be the case for me…! *Sigh*… I think I’ll have to put in a few more months of being the penitent child, at least enough until Timmy-pops is won over to my side enough to tell my Papa what he won’t listen to me about… Then maybe I can come home to where I want to be, find my Best Bestie again, sort out all bad feelings left and we can restart our goal of taking NYC as our own…

… In the mean time, I’ll keep camming on GirlsOnFilm, keep trying to get my foot in the door at fashion mags like Vixen, keep on making my own name so I can keep up with the East Coast – Soon to be National – Breakdance Champion and we can still have that life together…

… There’s a few possible future games in that, don’t’cha think? Between turning up in other beWilder places and helping launch new ones in the future, I could still be pretty busy… And that my Sweet Caroline, is another reason why I’m not in the same league as Beth. *Giggle*.

Well now… That’s a lot of information. I was half expecting you to say something along the lines of “I’ll go with the flow” or something, given that AoH is not over yet but winding down with time…

I did warn you I’m the cunning type deep down. People never listen when we warn them for some reason… Looks deceive, even when we try and level the playing field. That’s what makes boys such sport to play with I guess?

Right… I’ll trust you on that. So you really think you’ll be back for another future game then? It seems like you think that. Can I ask what gives you the confidence to think that? Something we all don’t know?

… Not really, honestly. It’s just my hunch. It could happen though, right…?

It’s not that I’ve got any insider scoop on what the next game will be. I wish! Nobody’s got that at this point. Ideas do get tossed around though… GirlsOnFilm is already lore and I’m on there. Other stuff is going on and I’m flexible with the positions I’m willing to take to still be an active beWilder girl… So who knows.

What I do know is I’m one of the reasons Spooky took a liking to AoH in it’s earliest days, so I hope I’ve still got an in with both the boys upstairs yet since Unshi created me as a side-piece to Natty-bomb after all. I’m also one of the first OCs they had… Sam isn’t doing much these days, is she? I’m the first of any character to be in not 1 but 2 branches of the beWilderverse, so making it to 3 shouldn’t be that much of a stretch of the imagination, right? Plus, I’m the first girl to ever get to show my face in somebody else’s game as a 1-shot cameo too… Only Noemi can claim that same honour right now, or so I’ve heard…

… So yes, my hopes are still high and I’m still a happy-go-lucky girl with big aspirations. This contest might’ve weakened the ground beneath my kicky heels given my performance, I’ll admit, but I’m not without chances still. I know for a fact I’ll still turn up a couple more times before decisions are made so I can turn it all around yet. That’s all.

“The future remains to be seen”. That’s certainly true. I can’t say I’d place any wagers on your vision becoming reality at this point, but maybe a thing or two might just? We’ll all wait to see. Speaking of wagers and a future close enough we might be able to predict, to my next question: Who are you backing to win bWW!23/24?

What me to be nice and pretend to think on my answer for a while or just come right out and say it…?

No point in picking Kel-Kel at this point, and as much as I’d like good things for Frankie both for who she is and having knocked me out of the running, it’s a total no brainer. I’m backing Natasha. All day with my pants down. Nat-Nat supreme.

She came within a tiebreak of winning last time and that’s my objective reasoning on why, but who needs data like that when you can just look at her, right? Whatever your parts fetish, she’s make a wreak of you with hers, guaranteed. Even though she’s a grown woman reaching Milfdom herself she’s still got the same player’s instinct as Kelsey and I do, which I find inspirational… Not to mention despite her secrets I can tell she’s the kind of woman who’s in it for the love of making guys fall in love with her, no matter if she ever intents to love them back, you know? Heck, she even seduced my beloved Grandpa and I couldn’t even get mad like I thought I would, I was just so impressed with how naturally she did it… I love my sis Karen so much, but I wish for Big Sis Natasha in my life for sure… Maybe even with some more kissing just for fun, if Kels can get over that…

… So yeah… I’m picking her to win, all the way, every day. Natasha #1, don’t care who comes after…

She seduced your Grandpa? That’s not in my notes… *Uuggh*… But ok, whatever you say, if you’re not mad about it. I don’t really want to hear the details… In fact, I think we might just leave it there, because I’m being told that a certain other teenaged ‘K’ needs me back for a quick touch up before she adds me to the growing portfolio… Great. For what it’s worth Kate, you’ve been more cordial to talk with than I’ve come to ever let myself expect from these, so thanks for that… Please go easy on me in what comes next, ok? Best of luck with that future, and fans, I’ll see you below… Salvatore, she’s all yours.


Katherine, dear delightful little Katherine, so good to see you. I’ve heard much, let me tell you. At last we meet.

Sally-wally-dingy-dong… As you might’ve guessed I’ve heard a lot about you too. Another player of the game, a certain Best Bestie has told me…

I see… So let us drop all pretences then, if you won’t be so easily fooled into considering sporting a tank top and jean shorts look for a while…

*Uggh*! Don’t even get me started on that “outfit” you’ve got your girls sporting. That won’t even make the “What’s Not” list in a whole edition of “What’s Hot”, honestly. As a fashionista, let me give you some free advice, chap… Wool tank top and a zero-bra policy…? Shame on you.

*Tsk* I was right to think I’d be better off approaching your father’s vast money pit through some other means… Ah well, another day and another game, yes? You know the way things work around here by now I’m sure. Losers such as yourself get one last chance to kick up some fuss before we ship them back second class to the mainland. This is your last 15-minutes of fame of some time to come, not mine. *Mean smirk*. So what will it be? What should Caroline expect for her next potential feat of entertainment gone awry? I understand you got along well today, but please, save the nice girl act for the next breadstick you end up moistening with that other smart mouth of yours…

… How ever did you find yourself at the centre of a harem? Kels was right, no subtly or tact… Now I’m the disappointed one… But, since I’m always a good sport and up for a spicy game, I’ll play! And sorry Cari-dear, I’d love to do you a favour or two, but I can’t help notice my little “other half” slip is still on the record, so nice dice, beans and rice… You’re mine next week too!

Here’s something you kind dears might not know, but as much as I’m working my way up to be the top fashion journalist in the lands, there isn’t a girl alive who’s not got a hint of a designer in them too… Especially girls like me with a budget topping 5-figures if I only ask for it from Pops or Grandpa… Y’know, play money and all that. I want Caroline to be my catwalk model, or at least my sand-walk model, as I do some testing on what might be the first ever KJ label outfit releases… Or maybe I’ll just dress her up in something dopey and slutty so I can flex my critical journaling muscles! Same diff to me! Can you make that happen, Sally? If so, I’ll consider that outfit offer you gave to me for real, k?

Consider it done, “hon”. I’ll make it so, you’ll see… Now back to Caroline’s current challenge while we two work out arrangements… *Evil chuckling*.




> Broadcast reserved for /”beWildernauts”…

> Please stand by until broadcast resumes. Thank you.





And just like that, I’m red all over… From embarrassed blushing even more than the Henna! *Whimper*… And things where going so well in the interview portion! W-Why…?!

It’s over! It’s done and over, so I won’t cry! It’s not going to happen… *Sniffle*. That was Match #6’s Postgame, won by Frankie and done by Kate! S-See… No tears… *Huff*… Thank you both ladies for playing along with us and Frankie we’ll see you back again for a fresh match with Dyana another day…

… But well before then and in just a few days’ time, we instead turn our attention to Match #7 and the first of the last untouched pair of grouped brackets. Soon you’ll, yes you’ll, be deciding who takes the penultimate place in the final 8 as we settle Quiet vs Alice once and for all! Who’ll put the other on the couch or whatever cushion with me, the silent assassin or the hearty hatchet girl? Will AoH add a 5th girl to the list of winners? Or will NTR up their proportioned fill of the roster from bWW!18? Will we see a 4th parody girl or a 4th OC on the trot instead? Will it be a close one or a huge upset either way? Again, that’s for you to tell us, this weekend!

So until next we bask on beWilder Island together…

Be staying on the island and beWilder!



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