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Dinner is severed! Noemi’s doing a lot of home cooking for us this time, as she once again takes on the raging Beckster and their stupidest of pointless battles on her home front. We can’t wait! Don’t even have to, either! We’re serving the upped ante and then some right below at the links, so grab them and dig in! Be ready for a mouthful of Noemi goodness, a dollop of trollop on the side in the form of Kelsey, and a little bit of “getting the word out” (and their bodies out) fun for Frankie and Kriem too in additional gameplays for all girls. Oh, and there’s a big ol’ decision to make too, so get your excitement on for sure!

“This release, dubbed “The Worst Best Friend” marks the twenty-first full game release in the NTR branch of the beWilderverse. It’s back around the circuit to become the third focused character release for Beck as it picks up where it left off with his secret side battle with Noemi, and the one other woman in the city who’s in on the action: Kelsey. It’s all Beck this time, with no minor focus to be had. Also added to cap off the content is the first batch in the Lv3’s for both types of Promo outcomes for all girls, so Kriem and Frankie get a foot in the door briefly too. So get yourself comfy in the customer chairs, put in your orders and…”

… Enjoy our main course of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth!

Download Link (Win): NTR v0.21 Windows

Download Link (Mac): NTR v0.21 Mac (Catalina OS Users see Known Issues)

Download Link (Lin): NTR v0.21 Linux

Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.21 – The Worst Best Friend

Noe’s life struggles at the restaurant take some time off, well, at least they are kept in the back of her mind for the new 30 days, giving Beck the time he needs to up the bets in their games. This version adds 3 new scenes to his arc, 2 to the intro phase (now 11 long) and 1 to the newly established [Grudge Match Path], totalling him up to a full 12 scenes now. On the sexy-yet-functionable side, aka the gameplay, we’ve expanded the Restaurant Manager with 8 new Outcomes (all Promotion), all the first Good instalments in the now accessible Lv3 range.

[Important Note] This version comes with a decision point in the middle of it, with some content on one path that currently ends after scene 2, and the other path that continues into the 3rd scene of the version (inaccessible to the first path players). The ability to decide on which path to take will highly rely on (but not 100%) on a previous scene decision. To help with that we’ve included a Save File that will allow access to the early ending path for those that want it for the future when content is added there. There is a Read Me included with the file and the game.

- Technical information

⦁ Version: 0.21 (“The Worst Best Friend” Release)
⦁ Weight: 3.34 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 2.57 GB

- Content

⦁ 3 Full Scenes (for 89 Total).

⦁ 75 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1406 Total)

⦁ 1 Reworked Existing Scene Rendered CG, to correct an issue only noticed post release.

⦁ Added 30 playable days to the game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 231 / Month 8 Day 22 - Monday). NOTE: In an attempt to help rebalance the game and curb run-on, contentless grind days, we’ve pushed the Total Day Count backwards in a previous version, rather than forwards. All players who were past Day 231 from a previous version will have 30 fresh days in game to play from Day 201.

⦁ 8 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 242 Total)

- 8 New Outcomes for the Restaurant Manager section, 2 each per girl to Promote task, one for Proactive attitude (Red Sword – Attacking Sal’s Rep) and the other for Reactive attitude (Green Shield – Building Noe’s Rep). Both sets are newly added Lv3 “Good” Outcomes, which are added to the total play pool once Noe reached 9 Nerve or higher and are the sexiest, most rep earning of the job thus far.

⦁ 1 New Semi-Permanent scene specific Outfit added to Noemi’s wardrobe, simply Brad’s working apron and nothing else.

⦁ ~23,750 New Words of Text and Dialogue

- Features

⦁ Picking back up and recontinuation of the Beck arc, returning him to the Main Focus once again after a long time. His personal arc is extended to 12 scenes total, 11 to complete the shared intro and the opening up of his two paths. The additional scene is the first in the new [Grudge Match Path], while the other path is yet to be established with this version. See the [Important Note] above for additional details.

⦁ There is no Minor Focus for this version, all the content has been injected into the Major.

⦁ A moderate expansion to the Restaurant Manager section, with a new set of Outcomes for the Promote job. These are the first sets of Lv3 Outcomes (all Good this time) to both attitudes, increasing the amount of Rep gain for Noe or Rep damage to Sal with their appearance, as well as upping the sexy another level. Each girl gets 1 for each Proactive and Reactive setting, making 2 in total per girl and therefore 8 altogether.

⦁ An important rebalance to the Waitresses’ starting Stats, ie, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey. Originally all girls started with 6 points spread in a 5-1-0 fashion across their personal strong suits. We’ve changes this to a 7 point spread instead, now in a 4-2-1 pattern. There are a few reasons for this, including adding to the balance of the game, lowering the amount of days to train up all the girls (very slightly), etc etc. The most major reason whoever is to fix a design flaw in or game, wherein Kriem became the first waitress on staff and the Cooking task was the first additional job to unlock around the shop, but her stat mismatch meant she would always give a 0% bonus for doing so. This is simply poor design on our part, we admit. This is a step we’ve taken to correct that, and best we do it now before we go on and make the game bigger. Obviously, this change also means slight tweaks across the board in all the Team Building requirements to keep them unlocking at a pace of every 3rd play (you see each scene twice basically). Also to note, this change will only effect New Game players. It will not change retroactively for players already loading saves.

⦁ Added a link to our official Twitter account (@beWilderverse) to the main menu, follow us there for more news about posts, relive the joys of past concepts and other fun banters.

- Community Feedback

⦁ After our last versions big rebalance of the entire game, we’ve created some new formulae for the debt balancing of each scene. These formulae update with each game’s new testing data additions. For this version, we’ve only needed to alter 1 scene.

- Beck’s Scene #9 (“The Best Defense is A Good Offense”) has its debt requirement increased by $25 from $98,300 to $98,325 to keep in line with the steps of progression with scenes of a similar unlock time in game.

⦁ We fixed a minor issue on the Gallery screen, wherein Asana’s page read “Page 1 of 0”. Thanks to those who have pointing this out to us!

⦁ We’ve fixed a text mistake in Frankie’s Scene #5 (“Dinner and a Show”) where Kelsey’s “Tag Champion” line repeated within the same node.

⦁ We’ve increased the Stress Limit’s upper bounds for Promote Lv2 Outcomes by 5 points, now keeping them in the drop pool until a girl’s stress is 71+ rather than 66+, making it a little easier to earn bigger Rep changes while playing. Thanks to those who reported their experiences to us!

⦁ As a reminder – In the version before last we’ve further rebalanced the game’s True Mode and it’s currently available time, for a better overall feel of achievement from playing and advancing through the Restaurant Manager sections. We’ve purposefully relanced the gameplay’s Total Days, by cutting out about 3 months’ worth of empty days that accumulated over the course of adding versions previously. Now the game has a tighter window of playable time in True Mode, though all content is still available with 2-3 months to spare just in case, if playing moderately well. This means new players and those who start new games (not required at all) will face less of an open “no man’s land” of days in later portions. Please note that this will still affect some players in this version, especially if you skipped the last two. All returning players who have played pasted the new end point, Day 231 will be teleported back 30 days before that point so can still unlock all this version’s new content. Nothing but the day count has been reset. All progress, tips, earnings, stats, etc are kept perfectly intact. Players with game saves before Day 201 (the new starting point for returning players) will be unaffected by any changes. Players with game saves already between Day 201 and Day 231, please see Known Issues below.

Please also be aware, that this is a game in active development, pre-v1.0 release, and so things like this are expected to occur at times as we manage constantly adding content and players’ experience. It will happen again, but we’ll do our best to keep distribution to a minimum.

- Known Issues

⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS's Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user's end. "Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won't let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 "/appdirectory/" from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/NoemisToscanaRebirth_v0_21_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened." Repeat: Then you've got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!

⦁ [TEMP ISSUE] We’ve rebalance the number of playable days in True Mode with this version, as we attempt to keep the gameplay enjoyable, moderately challenging, without empty days. However, this leaves a certain subset of players in a slight limbo situation. Players using saves recorded between Day 201 and Day 231 will only be given the remainder amount of days between their current day and the end game end of Day 231 (for this version), instead of the full intended 30 days. For these players, it is recommended to use an earlier save, or a save from after Day 231 instead and leave these saves for a later release when they will have more time to unlock all new content, or to use the provided Save File along with this version. As new versions are added, with more days, this issue will naturally disappear. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but that is the nature of managing a game in development. Rest assured, no actual content/progress is lost for anybody.

We are thrilled to report that there are no other known issues at this time. Please do inform us via message or our Discord server if you do come across any, we sincerely mean that.




Awesome update, one of your best yet! Looking forward to the next one 🙂