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beWilder’s Wildest: Round #1, Match #5 – Dyana “Hotstuff” Carson vs Starling “Kriem” Blakey!

  • Dyana "Hotstuff" Carson 13
  • Starling "Kriem" Blakey 9
  • 2023-12-10
  • —2023-12-14
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'beWilder’s Wildest: Round #1, Match #5 – Dyana “Hotstuff” Carson vs Starling “Kriem” Blakey!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Dyana "Hotstuff" Carson', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Starling "Kriem" Blakey', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 14, 23, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 10, 17, 57, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


Caroline, back again, here to wish you all a firm and warm welcome back on the sands of exotic beWilder Island! Hello again fans of girls galore, and dare I say fans of mine too? Maybe a bit early yet…? Damn. Well, it’s all the same, thanks for coming once again to a match-up of wildness! We’ve too new virgin girls to face the people today… And by that we of course mean it’s their debut match for both of them in this tournament… *He ha*… Neither of them are virgins otherwise… And we won’t keep them waiting long either, let’s get into it already!

We’re kicking off Match No.5 already, and this time we’re on a whole new side of the brackets, starting off with a pair of real rebel girls! We’re betting it all on black this time, as by chance of the draw both our ladies are of darker skin tone and both set against each other from the start, how cruel! But the game must go on. Even more importantly, we’re looking at both the #4 seeds for both AoH and NTR’s branched here today, and both are the lowest seeded returning women from the bWW!18 head-to-heads! Both faced off against protagonists before, and Dyana nearly topped a then young in her game still Noemi, while Kriem was pushed beneath the Heel of Natasha! But that was 5 full years ago and with time has come content, fans and attentions… at least for some. So now we find out how time has affected our ladies dejour! Will Dyana return from the grave and stay in the fight for holding her 5th place…? Or will our heavy-hearted Starling rise up and soar, becoming the “Kriem” of the crop? Time to hear their appeals, so ladies, if you will! Survival is at stake!

For this slice of the action, we’ve set the girls a “go forage me” quest. Now with a supply of fresh water, fish and even rope traps that may catch a stray boar someday, these girls must supple the gathered fruit and root vegetables to fill out the diets. Maybe they expected the risk of poison to be lower by sending an already dead woman and an experienced stoner on a berry hunt, but it seems somebody brought skins, somebody is the lighter and between the berries and the herb they found they’ve opted to make love not war!

(Artist Note: This round’s image fit so well we decided best to combine it into 1 rather than the usual 2-image panorama. Instead we’ve used to opportunity to test the new machine’s 4K rendering skills rather than 2 2K this time. It turned out well. Enjoy!)


“How’d’ya like the heat there, little wonder girl? It’s not usually in me to give others happiness, but since you did provide the wacky-backy, it’s the least I can do tto make you sweat under all that groin leather. Enjoy it while it lasts, because once this wears off, the bitch will be back and this place will… burn, baby, burn! Each and every round, I’ll melt this place to the ground with mad heat, just like that old hospital… At least the one who’s going first is so chill about it, aren’t you? *Giggle cackle*… Hey… Do I look a vampire like this? I’d better, because I’m back from the dead bitches…! *Hyena laughing*!!! No stopping me getting my revenge and onto the podium this time! Now get your mitt out of your hotboxed oven and pass the supplies and the joint… No, wait… *Ahaha*! Vote Fire. Vote Dyana… *Mad cackle*!”


“The fuck is going on in my pants…? I’m so damn high right now… *Urrgh*. So this is the point where I’m expected to say “This contest again? These things fucking suck! Leave me alone!”, right? Well, fuckin’ surprise, motherfucker, I won’t. It does, don’t get me wrong, but I actually want to win this thing, so there. I’m not stupid, I know it’s likely not going to happen, but that doesn’t mean I can’t win once right? I’ve been busting my ass to be more like Noe and work hard at Little Toscana, it can’t be for nothing and I lose to a fuckin’ dead woman, it can’t! Fuck that! I… I have value and… and s-sex appeal… I do! S-So I’m going to win today! Vote Rebel with a Cause, Vote Kriem! *Hmph*… I still refuse to say my birth name, even if I’m fucked up…!”

Think you can decide on who stays and who’s shipped off home?


The Rules!

We’ll keep them simple, here they are:

- Vote for who you’d like to see through to the next round and live it up on the island. Maybe that’s who you think is most deserving, the most fun, the best suit to surviving or best suited to finding their swimsuit. It’s your choice.

- Any ties will be decided automatically: Highest Seed (as in highest number, the underdog) Wins!

- There are no other rules!

What They’re Playing For!

- Winner stays on into the next round and keeps their dreams of the crown alive, not to mention the other prizes

- Winner also stays to see extra concepts of her island life amongst the other winners. Remember to take that into account!

- Loser’s votes still count in determining positions 9-16 for the final contest rankings, plus future contest seeds (if we have any).

- Loser goes home, but not before we take her exit interview and see her off with last sights and sounds from her!

Same rules for the right bracket girls and matches as the left, no changes other than the image set! Every vote counts just the same, winner moves on up the ladder, loser’s count decides her fate between the current top Kelsey on 14 and bottom Beth on 4. You’ll decide which woman goes where, right here and now! And with that said, I’ve got to turn you over to Salvatore now by contractual obligation, as he’s got another twisted up scheme to mess with me… *Sigh*. The things I do to earn my way on the roster… Go on Salvatore… If you will… *Urrgh*…

Salvatore’s Premium Dish!

Oh, sweet Caroline, one day you’ll beg for me to be pestering you so. Many a lady has come crawling back for my attention… But today they come back for my food! I have another premium dish to dish out, so we must feast our imagination!

This week we’ve got two tasty treats of similar… delightful origins… to salivate over, and thusly my dish of the week will trigger your sweet-teeth in order to take the edge off their sourpuss exterior attitudes… Ha. Why, of course it’s a dessert classic from (African)-Americana… A plating of deluxe smoors, right off the campfire! Yes, the delicious mix of that melty white marshmallow mixing so easily with dark chocolate… A rough, snappy cracker exterior with a gooey soft inside… Tell me, am I describing my menu item or the contestants right now? *Muhaha*! If you can’t tell for sure, you can’t call me one of those to be cancelled, can you…? Ah, but I do see how my telling it as it is could ruffle some feathers in internet land… Youth today… So I’ll offer an alternative as I so lovingly do. We’ve recently added a one wonderful Mystique to the losers’ stable, and she has proposed what she’s called an “Imitation Game” with miss Caroline. If I can count up 27 votes between both girls this bout, I’ll submit to allowing my server Bethany, who still has to make up her lose and my brand’s damage, to tell by taste and mouthfeel of private parts alone which is the real hostess and who is the imposer! So, shall we play a little game of lewdity? Or would you prefer a melted chocolate splat on a plate to chew on as a pack instead?

It’s up to you all now, fans. You’ve already beaten 27 totals 3 of 4 times thus far… ah, but importantly not the last time! Better you muster your forces and come baring votes! Poor Mystique, to whom I own the thanks for this challenge, will be so very torn apart if you should fail. I’ll get the chocolate ready regardless… And so, Caroline, my dear cohost… Back to you!


… I don’t even want to imagine what you’re posing coming to pass… Of course I want to see a pile up of votes, so I… I…

… Thanks for coming, cast your vote now, because I can’t do a damn thing about what they do to me now we’ve started! At least I can bask in the fun if the match… Can’t I? I wonder who will win? Will Dyana heat up Round 2 with her presence by sending Kriem’s chances up in smoke? Or will the girl with grit, the heart and the creative skill make sweet music for us all and tattoo an exit sign on Dyana’s back once and for all? We’ll find out come Thursday 14th at 23:99 GMT, and the weekend ahead will see the loser at the speaking end of my microphone.

Cast your votes to make one of them really fly high, and until our next postgame show…

Be voting for your babe and beWilder!



PLEASE NOTE: There has been an official vote cast for Kriem that has not been accounted for in the official polling as it was texted in outside of Patreon. Special dispensation has been given due to circumstances outside of their control. This means the total votes for Kriem and towards Sal's challenge are +1 to the official numbers listed as of overnight on 13/12-14/12.