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Let the hallowed angel music ring, for a joyous day it is at last! Yes, it’s a release day here in beWilder’s little world, now that much bigger as we unleash more Natasha on it! Come on and be a part of the lasted instalment in her clandestine affairs, this time as she rocks her body for the Maeda clan! Grab the game at the links below and be there to witness her fall from good graces!

Download Link (Win): Agents of Heels v0.26.1 Link! 

Download Link (Mac): Agents of Heels v0.26.1 Link! (Catalina Users, Check the Known Issues)

Download Link (Linux): Agents of Heels v0.26.1 Link! 

0.26.1b Patch Notes

- Technical information

⦁ Fixed an issue with the new content not playing in-game for some. Some players loading Corrupt Path saves would hit an end of game wall (the usual "Content over. Play NTR?" message) after the last content in the path. This is fixed and the v0.26 content should play as intended now. We missed this trigger on account of the larger Save System issue fixed in v0.26.1 patch below.

Thanks to a brandi lane for reporting this bug!

0.26.1 Patch Notes

- Technical information

⦁ Due to an update in the most up-to-date version of Unity, adopted as we moved to our new render machine for building as well, the old .NET framework used for Saving and Load was finally deprecated out of existence. In lay man’s terms, changes to Microsoft’s internal code broke our system for reading old save file. We’ve since revamped the system so that both old version and new version saves will now work again. Apologize to those who played the Daring v0.26 version, we didn’t know of this issue until it was reported, but thankfully now we’ve built a better and more robust system for both AoH and eventually NTR too, so it’s all worked out.

Thanks to a few fans who helped report this bug and provide save data for test! Big help!

0.26.0 Patch Notes

- Technical information

⦁ Version: 0.26.0
⦁ Weight: 3.69 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 3.44 GB

- Content

This version contains the first sections in the multi-phase End Game final Mission #3 for each Natashas in our arsenal. This update’s contents are this time solely dedicated to “Corrupted (Maeda/Ivy) Nat”, as the name suggests, tackling the trail left by those players’ Nats who sided with the bad guys. Later updates will cover the remaining Bad Nat’s mission Intro.

⦁ [SPOILER] A total of 4 new Main Story Scenes for Corrupted (Maeda/Ivy) Nat, all as a part of her Mission #3 opening. Unlike previous updates, this final Mission runs in sequence, as these smaller scenes are blended one after the other to make on large meta-scene that is the Mission. This scene will also blend with the end of the Mission #3 preamble scenes as well.

⦁ [SPOILER] 1 Introduction routes to the mission action, following up directly from the last scene on this route, alone with Maeda at Club Kaikaku, and bleeding into the early moves on Nat’s time in command of the Faceless Joes army.

⦁ [SPOILER] 1 Mid-Mission Detour Scenes, where Natasha goes undercover to accomplish secondary objective with the help of her new lackeys.

⦁ [SPOILER] 1 Battle Scene at Heels Plaza, as Nat leads the cartels’ forces against the battered Heels Security forces and their leader.

⦁ [SPOILER] 1 Post Battle Special Scene, as Natasha takes on the role of rewarding soldiers-in-the-making for their efforts as well as conducts her own interpersonal side-business.

⦁ [SPOILER] Among these newly added scenes include 2 lengthy x-rated sequences of mid-mission sexual encounters. These are tailored to fit the narrative and the feel of a mission as best suited.

⦁ [SPOILER] 2 new outfit variants, including a base update to the Thug Mission Outfit given to Nat by Maeda in a previous version, now with lace netting lingerie beneath her leather criminal gear, and a semi-permanent clothing-damaged effect variant of the same.

⦁ There is no added time in playable days to this version, as the game is in its final stretch now. Revamps and improvements to the gameplay sections will come post Mission #3.

⦁ 114 new CGs, ~38,500 words of new text. (That’s ~50% additional content over a standard release).

- Features

⦁ This version contains all the first phase of Mission #3 for Corrupt (Maeda/Ivy) Nat, for those players who turned on Heels and sided with the bad guys (*Final choice between either bad side still pending). All new content is focused entirely on Nat’s trial run as the Maeda Cartel’s new Captain as she leads them against Heels.

⦁ As was the case with the Heels Nat update previously, this new section of the game largely takes place in one super-environment, an outdoor NYC street system, with over 100+ manually set props, 150+ custom textures, 100+ shaders, numerous weapons effects (from electricity to heavy artillery fire) and a new dedicated lighting rig for the scene.

⦁ [SPOILER] The second production test of our previously developed clothing damage designer system as implemented by us for the first time on Corrupt Nat. The second of our finale mission outfits set now takes traumatic fabric damage through mission work (et all), and so we’ve reflected tearing, ripping, cutting and burning effects on tough materials, resulting in a new “Outfit Variant”. This is the second of our Alpha test for our abilities in this regard, and something unique we’ve not seen in contemporary games so far, so while we are highly excited by this prospect and it’s early results, it is still a long-term “work in progress” as we find opportunities to use this appropriately in future releases/games

- Community Feedback

For this version, there is no new community feedback to report on.

- Known Issues

There is an issue with Mac OS's Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user's end. "Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won't let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 "/appdirectory/" from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/AoH_023_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened." Repeat: Then you've got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!

We have one Known Issue with the Gallery UI which will be taken care of in future versions, when time permits. The scenes listed in the UI all come with a colour coded icon in the top left which denotes which version of Nat it corresponds too (Standard/Common path, Good, Corrupt and Bad). However, for now this icon is only denoting Standard/Common for all scenes, which will need to be manually fixed for each scene in future. For now, the scene name text label denotes which path the scene should correspond to.

⦁ There is a known issue involving the main story and conditions on the Nat character paths. If the player ignores the main story to the point they miss completing Mission #1 (Day 5ish start) by the time Mission #2 kicks off (Day 12), they will be stuck in a limbo state of having missed the main plot of the game. We will be resolving this minuscule player experience in future versions, possibly with a Bad End since Nat has purposely ignored all story actions for weeks, until after it’s too late to resolve the story. Anyway, a heads up on it, try not to do that alright?

Be Bold and beWilder!




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Maybe you could upload it on Pixeldrain Mediafire or Google Drive too, Mega has monthly limit.(*´I`*)