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Hi-ho one and all, c’est nous, and c’est happy days! We’re back up on our feet, or at least getting there again, and smilingly wide after at last seeing the light of release again back the other side of the weekend! You know what that means for today don’t you? It’s time to reset the clocks (much like over the weekend, huh) and kick off the go around again! We’ve got more sexy-sweetness to land before the holiday season is not just in shops but on the doorstep for real! Let’s do it! Past that baton!

NYC is in danger! The Maeda Cartel are attacking Manhattan and everyone’s fleeing for their lives! The city needs reinforcements and the natural choice is clearly… The Agents of W.A.I.T.R.E.S.S.!  (Acronym pending). Lord, save us now!

When Kelsey heard New York needed her for more than Broadway, she was up the Jersey turnpike before we heard her order pad hit Little Toscana’s floor, and when she found out it was the Kate-kissing Natasha she’s hunting that’s when the fires started! Poor Kriem, she thought at first her biggest problem would be sitting in the driver’s seat with no experience or licence… That and getting her skull choker to fit under her armoured vest… She should have seen this coming, honestly.

Because the last time Kelsey got her hands on the Heels’ Spy Car Prototype… Remember these?

Alright now, alright… Deep breath and… *Phew*. After all that time on it we needed a short fantasy chaser, but now we’re officially all missioned out for a while, but on the other hand we’re hungry enough to go wild for a table at our favourite (ain’t no finer) diner! Just don’t let Noe hear we called her life’s work a “diner”… Indeed, we’re so hungry for some restaurant dramas, we’re officially starting the first of a 2-course stay, as Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.21 is now in production! We’re expecting our 6-week cycle time to be the key here, as we get in a return to Toscana and our Philly in by mid-December, now that we’ve got our new render machine hot to trot and some shots of oomph in our own backsides to plough through too! After that, we’ll be remaining in our seats for Noemi’s v0.22 right after, as per the fans’ demand before, but first things first!

So that’s it! Time to kick of the week, and almost a new month, with some good news. Noemi’s back on top and her girls are already going wild (and out of their lanes too)! So until we fill up November with teaser-y treats and details, not to mention our big sexy tourney and Halloween too…

Be blowing up big and beWilder!



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