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Hey there friends and agent lovers! One more check in and status report for y’all for the weekend as promised. This one will be a quick one, which we hope you’ll take as good news in and of itself. We’re well on our way and still setting sights on September’s end for release now we’re back up and running again.

Our new Render Machine, name still TBD, is working well and we’ve yet to find the upper limits of her power, muhaha! We’ll give her some real testing come October when Natasha’s already out and working her mission again. For now we’ve got Daz set back up, Photoshop working again, our custom scripts, plugins and PS brushes reinstalled, and Unity looking mostly patched up (best news we’ve heard relating to that engine all week!). Unshi reports that of the reworked images and still to complete pieces (thanks again Windows 11 Install/Crash/Corruption…) we’re down to just over the amount we can count on our hands. They just so happen to be the best ones too, so we really want to see them made sexy. We should be able to finish them up by early next week, so it’s just a matter of setting up the texts in engine (2 days work, at most) and testing (usually a day’s efforts after we’ve gotten this far, but we’ll have to check for Unity issues all over the game on this one, so it could be 2, maybe 3 depending on errors and any lost data).

All in all, we expect about a week. Here’s hoping next Friday’s big smiles come from a crimson redhead putting it there by sexual force majeure, eh? Well then, the less we spent yakking here the more the chances of what we say coming to pass, so let’s say we’ll see you again soon and get to it. Cheers and thanks for the patience.

So until we hit ya back with a leather bound babe in action…

Be suited up and sexy, and beWilder!



How close are we to release!?


Hey there CK18. Truly sorry good sir, but this comment's email notice got lost in the fog somewhere and I only saw now after coming in to check last night's post on said release. That's the good news though, it's up! Sorry again for the long response. Didn't want you to think it got left aside.