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The Path Ahead – 2 Noemis or No? Time of A Poll!

  • Back-to-Back NTR (v0.21 then v022) 34
  • AoH, NTR, AoH (v0.26, v0.21, v027) 27
  • 2023-07-21
  • —2023-08-11
  • 61 votes
{'title': 'The Path Ahead – 2 Noemis or No? Time of A Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Back-to-Back NTR (v0.21 then v022)', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'AoH, NTR, AoH (v0.26, v0.21, v027)', 'votes': 27}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 11, 22, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 21, 20, 22, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 61}


Hey there one and all, how’s it been and how’s it going? Wellity-well, for us it’s been much the same as we eek out progress on Natasha, but in fact we’re here to day to change it up and talk about Noemi some. How’d y’all like that, then? Alrighty then, a lil’ bit to talk about and plenty of listening to do to you too, so let’s have at it. Admittedly, we were going to do this after AoH released but we also said we would for sure do it this month too, and that’s a promise we can keep so we will. Here we go then!

So, Noemi, our believed plate-wielding warrior. Been far too long since we’ve had a taste of her, huh? It’s all been pretty public as to why, but even so, the craving is there, huh? Well perhaps when Natasha’s cleared her hurdle we can do something about that. The question is, how much?

The next thing that’s coming out of our kitchen after AoH v0.26, will of course be NTR v0.21, but after that…? That is the question. We’ve got one of two options: Back to Natasha and AoH v0.27, or stick with Noemi once more and have v0.22. There are ups and downs to both, so how about we lay them out and then you tell us what you’d prefer? Or better yet… Let somebody else tell you all about it?

The real question here, aside from balancing out pleasing the AoH fans and NTR ones both with content for all (which let’s face it it’s not for sure it’s a 50-50% between them these days is it?), is in whether or not the short term matters more to y’all than then long term. Not much difference between the options otherwise, so let us explain.

Back-to-Back Noemi Versions

Pros – The pros are pretty obvious. More Noemi (and co.) and sooner. It’s been in dealing with AoH that’s been where our troubles have mostly been (key word there is mostly), and while that’s been going on Noemi’s been worked hard behind the scenes. We’ve already got the content written and laid out for v0.22 to follow, which is all good and will hopefully help us launch it faster for it… That said, we can do everything and then some with all Spook can do, it’ll still need the art to release so it won’t be any faster than a normal version to make in the best of situations, please don’t get us wrong there.

Long story short there is that we’ll get more Noemi in this year, we’ll have less issues and balls in the air to slow us down, and we’ll be hoping to be getting both v021 and v0.22 in as close to the desired 6-week cycles as it comes each to get us back on firmer footing and some momentum to us again.

Cons – The cons are less obvious, and are more in the long run, really. For AoH fans, it clearly means less Natasha in the near future (until winter, essentially), but that’s also a downside to Noemi fans too beyond that. AoH still has content to come and we won’t neglect it forever, so it’ll be back up on top in time. We’re also getting ever closer to the final v1.0 on it too, which is something Noemi-only fans should be looking forward to as well as once it’s done it’s all-Noemi, all the time. We likely will start our 3rd game at some point and further the beWilderverse (and we’re aiming to make that something that’ll appeal down the middle to both sets of fans if we can), but that’ll take 1-1.5 years before we even come close to considering a v0.1. Noemi herself was 8 months pre-production before we even announced, so while all that other work is slowly coming together, our daily focus will be on back-to-back-to-back-to-back Noemi version as we build on everything there. Looking forward to a time when it’s Noemi in and Noemi out? Us too, and the more we push off AoH versions, the longer it’ll be before we can hit that run.

Again, the Tl;DR here is the more we put off AoH now for multiply Noemi version, the longer AoH will be sitting in the pipeline in the way of serious Noemi-only time.

AoH to NTR to AoH

The pros and cons are pretty much the same as above but reversed, really. Pros, more Natasha sooner and the closer we get to the ending and our next phase for the future (both Noemi time and any future Game 3). Cons, AoH is at a point were versions are bigger and more complex as we try get to the finale, so it’s a bumpier work pattern and longer, more content filled versions.

Cavate: We’d like to add in here as it’s important, it’s not AoH itself that’s inherently causing us the delays we’ve seen as late. To chose AoH as the version next up isn’t to say we’ll have these months of terror again, nor is it to say choosing Noemi will all be daisies and roses too. We’re sorry they happen at all and are doing our best to pull out all our hurdles regardless. It’s up to y’all if you want to hold the troubles against AoH and try for Noemi and more content sooner, but please don’t hold it against the game itself.

So then. All that’s left is to vote. Got any preference by now? We’ll stick with whichever y’all choose here, so pick with your heart as much as your loins, huh? Also, we’ll leave the poll open 3 weeks from today until 23;59 GMT August 11th because we want this months fans to have plenty of time to vote, but also those who sign up for Noemi’s month on top after AoH’s release to have plenty of time too. We’ll be working on NTR v0.21 next regardless, so it won’t slow us any to hold open the polling for that long at all.

Anyways, vote’m if you gott’em!



NTR needs to progress.


I'd like AoH to be completed so focus could return and remain on Philly