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Hello, and happy weekend to y’all. Here we are once again, it’s time to tot up the goals and account on our performance, and we can only really say a loud ‘Le Sigh”… But alas we reap what we sow, so on we go with it, red faces be damned. Let it be wrap on the knuckles for us if we haven’t met our goals, and there’s only one way to find out, that’s to do the job of public accountability! Let’s have at it then, so we can move on, responsibility taken, and get our boots on to march ahead proper! Here we go.

Our June Goals:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Daring fans. Failed – Words are getting to be too thin a concept to express the frustration here, but we’ll make do as best we can. This F’n Sucks! And not the good way like our ladies do when we do see them! This is another clear fail, and it’s simply because we couldn’t capitalize on past progress enough to close that last gap. New problems have risen up to hamper us when we push back old, as told here, but that’s hardly an excuse. The good news is we’ve set our sights on a release date again at the end if the first week of July, but July isn’t June and so we get no marks for this one, and we add June to the list of Daring fan groups to the list of links to be sent in time. Onward then.

- Handover to Noemi’s v0.21. Failed – And a fail here too. Plain and simple, we didn’t finish AoH, we couldn’t start in officially on NTR. Can’t ask two ladies to dance with us when were already tripping over our feet with just one, right? So that’s that. No tick mark, no love. We’ll touch more on this one below though, with better news.

- Seeing, hearing and enjoying more and more goodness and greatness in the realm of Fan Interaction, with Posts, Discord and Twitter, et all. Partial (67%) – Hard to say on this one, really, as we have been around and about, here and there, doing the best we can to keep the love and hype strong as well as the fandom informed. We’ve done that consistently on Discord and Twitter, but maybe not so much on here, since we didn’t have a whole lot to show off and shout about. That’s how we’ve landed on a self-score of 2 out of 3, what do y’all think? Something else to add into the mix is we had ourselves 2 fan-only news blasts in attempts to keep our most cherished informed, first at the end of the first 2 weeks, and again more recently when the end of the month approached and we could better set a release date. That’s the summary in a nutshell, so 2 parts of a tick then? Agreed?

Goodbye June and hello peak of summer! Let’s let us have it then, time to scorch our mark of shame into the pages of official history, not unlike the sun burning Spook’s fair Irish skin. We’re 22.33% (0.67/3) on the month, it doesn’t take a genius to see that’s a bad one. But what goes down, must come up! It must and it shall, and no better time then the present, so lets plant some familiar flags into July and get to it. This time… This time, Lord, for sure!

What to expect in July:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Daring fans. Surprise, surprise, eh? We’re starting with this as our biggest goal once again. We’ve said already that Sat-Sun 8th-9th is our window and that’s already fast approaching, so by God let us get hyped up and for it to come at last! That’s pretty much it. Send Nat to finally do the job and love ever minute of it, then suit her up again for her next jaunt soon enough… After a few plates at our Philly hideout first though!

- Noemi’s v0.21 Well in the Works, with Public Teaser Progress Displayed. We’ll let y’all in on a little secret with this one: We know we said we couldn’t dance with two dames at once, but we’ve have been, pretty much the whole time bar the script writing phase for Nat. Noemi’s next outing is already put together in all ways but the art, which sadly won’t be done overnight in July, so we’ll have to settle for at least some Teasing to start. Once we get on over to her though, most of the heavy lifting is done by now, so let’s love that fact right now!

- Fan Input Time! A Polling to See What’s Next For Noe and Nat. Well… Maybe not so much “What’s Next” but “Who’s Next”… Important Difference actually, but still! Those of you that have been with us since the beginning of this saga might remember, but at one time we did say we would be asking the fans if they wanted back-to-back Noemi after Nat or the usual leapfrog to and then back from Philly to NYC. We’ve been waiting on getting to Noemi again first before we asked the question, and since that should be soon, it’s time to make this an official goal. So be ready when we come a-callin’ beWildernauts! If you’ve got an opinion on this, be sure to turn in your vote when we go live!

- More and More Fantastic Fandom-y Goodness, via Posts, Discord and Twitter. We’ll keep on having our fun with the ladies and livin’ the dream of being in this biz, because it’s a fine perk of the job. Here’s also hoping that with AoH sent we’ll have more time for the extra posts of tasty stuffs we’ve been missing lately, like some Summer heat action and anything else we can come up with along the way! Between here, Discord chatters, Twitter weekend shares and maybe even a DeviantArt appearance or too (fingers crossed)! So… Who’s got a hankering for the glossy extras again?!

There you have it, our list once more with a bit more to make it hunger-worthy. As we said, no time like the present to make it happen, even if it is the weekend that’s upon us. Yah..! (Oh, to have a real life Kelsey to actually kick us into a gallop with her spurs… You know what we mean!). Before we go, our last duty to the fans first. Our fans, our dearest fans, our patient and gracious fans… We love you and we thank you so. Deeply, deeply so. We understand that may sound hollow lately, but it’s true. If not for you all we’d be in much worse shape. Hardly the consolation we wish we had for you, but all the same, again, thank you. When the beWilderverse becomes a sexy behemoth, the world will have you all to thank too…

And so, until that glorious day comes, and until we have another post share (a whopper let it be)…

Be Jonesing for July’s Hot Stuff Ahead, and beWilder!


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