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Howdy, walkers of The Path! Last week was a good week ‘round beWilder’s way it was, some good work under the belt again, but before we make that two weeks on the go we’re here to talk about those with two belts on their back to house their dual swords! Yup, we’re back again in the wilds, we are, as we’re back to post all about the outcomes of our Witcher Fan Art contest! We’ve picked a winner, time to tell all about it so!

We ran the contest for 6 weeks or there about, and got 7 entries for the whole shebang. We do so love to see each and every one, we’d love to crown each the champ of something, but alas, we can not… Fortunately enough for us though, picking the winning person isn’t so hard, as they all came from the same fan. So a big ol’ thank you to Art, the artiste, who has won before we even pick the prize winning shots! We have though, so let’s see!

The Top Prize!

What do you get when you cross Yennefer of Vengerberg with our own beloved Noemi of Little Toscana? You get our Top Prize Winner, that’s what! In a stain glass like style no less!

Being the piece with the best resemblance to both Noemi from our own beWilderverse, with plenty of obvious inspiration from the Witcher theme, from Yen, and plenty of colour and flair there, it was the pick of the pack for us. For the submission Art has won himself a copy of The Witcher 1: Director’s Cut, which sadly doesn’t feature Yen, but he can for sure get Triss naked and enjoy that with Nat in mind!

Oh, speaking of Nat and Triss…

Best of Nat

We didn’t specifically set out any sub-categories in our first contest, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do some spotlighting for the Hell of it. We got a few submissions in the vein of Natasha as Triss Merigold, no doubt inspired by this delight of her in our own work:

Some of the submissions Unshi particularly enjoyed, and so by artist degree we’ve chosen this one as the “Best of Nat”.

It may come as a surprise that what made this one the close winner from the batch was the fact, in Unshi’s words, despite the AI flaws one might find she bears a resemblance to Noe (yeah, Noe) as much as Nat, which worked for him in a delightful way. It certainly doesn’t harm it any to have long leg tease, strong arms and push up corset effect either!

Honourable Mention

Lastly, since we picked a top two already, why not round out the podium with a 3rd? Why not indeed! Rather than call it a bronze among equals, we’ll instead call it honourable mention, as there was a piece that we did rather enjoy from the bunch too.

Cat as Yen, Nat as Triss, tis a nice piece indeed! Sure, the resemblance in both directions is a mixed bag, and there’s even a tinge of Sci-Fi in the look we feel, it’s still a delight to see. 2 girls for 1, Cat in the mix, plenty of leather, redness and boobs all together at once, plus it does capture the feel of some of our in-game Agents of Heels moments between the two woman, don’t you? For that we felt it worth a share.


Those are our winners, what’d you all think?

Come see all 7 entries in the “Fan Creation Corner” of our Discord right here. Once again, a big thank you to all who took part in this (entered, viewed, liked and shared), our first ever Fan Contest. It was fun, we enjoyed it. Perhaps we’ll do it again some time? Only time and the Path will tell! (By all means, feel free to pass along suggestions for themes if you like and we’ll give them a fair think on).

And that’s it then. The contest is over and done. Back to making our own beloved fan favourite girls fu-… participate in new content…! Off we go so, while y’all enjoy the gallery of fandom. We’ll check in again sometime soon with more on that, expanding on the Discord update of last Friday with more good news. Until then…

Be artists all your own, and beWilder!



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