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Hi-Hi, as one “Blondie” would have us say, hello and welcome back once again! It’s post’em up time around here again, so come on in, check your difficulties at the door, and let’s all get ready to gawk some at a woman with a lot more on the line… Hell, she’s got the whole beWilderverse to shape! Yup, it’s Teaser Time, lovely Teaser Time! Let’s see Nat in action, with or without Heels!

Amateurs to the left of her, faceless goons to the right, and there she is, stuck in the middle of the battlefield for Maeda. All for him… Or is she? Yes, that’s a shot of Nat leading the Faceless Joe goons on assault against her old HQ, how far she has fallen, so all that’s left for us is to enjoy reaping what we’ve helped her sow. Fight on, fallen woman, fight on…! Show’em you’ll use every corrupt means to take over, first violence, and then… Muhahah!

So let’s set out already. It’s times like these that having a Roadmap can do us wonders, and we so happen to have one on hand. As our first Heels release of the year, we’re obviously at the beginning of the “Scenes and Content” section. The misadventure ahead will be a lot like the last update, the first run on Mission #3, only this time it’ll be in Total Corrupt Nat’s Booted Shoes, and thus will be something of a mirror image of the last go. Friends will be foes, foes will be friends, and Nat will have to go up against her old employer for real, no turning back. Good thing for her she’s got overwhelming force on her side, as we’ve seen just before, so just think of the mischief she can get up to with all that!

So what exactly will be coming? Well, we can’t quite say in detail without spoiling things early, but using the last update as an expectation’s guide, we can tease you with these details for sure:

- Once again the whole update will be on Mission #3, a number of individual scenes pieced together under one umbrella of a single mega-scene. This time though, she’s the leader of the bad guys! From start to finish Nat’ll be in charge of taking it to Heels. Unlike before, when she was behind the ball and against the clock, this time she’s the one who needs to take the Faceless (and witless) minions and turn them into an effective force long enough to infiltrate her old HQ, all while figuring out if a life as Maeda’s number 2 or Ivy’s beloved heir is where she wants to end up.

- Even though Nat’s coming off 2 x-rated scenes back-to-back (with 3 men at that) in the pre-amble directly before, we’re still expecting to slip her some mickeys along the way (the Irish slang kind, not the drug, duh). Yes, much of the update will be action, but Total Corrupt Nat is named such for a reason, so when opportunity rises, she’ll take advantage.

- Again, as mentioned above, this update will be 1 big macro scene made up of a number of smaller, more traditionally sized ones. Unlike the last version were we have to account for 2 Nats at once (Heels Nat being mostly Good Nat and some Corrupt Nat’s that stayed well intentioned if not professional), this is all 1 Nat… in theory. Total Corrupt Nat being so “interpersonal” with most everyone, she of course has some wake behind her, meaning we expect Text Variants will be included to account for some past experiences.

So that’s our outline, as teasy as we can make it without pulling the top right off it! We hope those hints will help you along to some anticipatory excitement, at least half as much as it if for us. Speaking of us, we’ll be working away on making things happen. We’re still in Pre-Production for the update, gathering, prepping and self-modding the new assets needed for the new content, though we do have much of the groundwork furrowed from v0.25 to help us along, so that’s good news. We aim to be into the creation of CGs (full production) as soon as possible. What really matters is when to expect the final goods, though, huh? Well, it’s a bit of an estimation as software always is, but our expectations are early April, the first week’s end or there abouts (6-week cycles, see that Roadmap linked above), but if at all possible we’ll be done in the last moments of March. We hesitate to say that for fear of being too optimistic, but we do want March fans to be contented by content. As always, there’ll be teasers and Discord chatter to keep beWildernauts in the loop on how that’s going.

TL:DR Version


Content: Much like the last version… 1 Large Major Scene as part of Total Corrupt Nat’s (those who sided with Maeda and Ivy) phase 1 of Mission #3, created from a number of traditional sized scenes mirroring v0.25’s content from a more villainous perspective. We expect 4-5 of these scenes, plus Text Variants.

Release Timeline: Aiming for March 31st as best intentioned, best estimate, but smarter money is on Early April for now.

And that’s that. Consider yourself teased! Time we get our own boots on and march to the beat of Nat’s commands ourselves. But as March the month comes along to take over, we’ve got one more bit to do around here too, our monthly tot up and tally of progress, so we’ll see y’all there and then, and then again come Month #3! Until next we meet…

Be behind her all the way and beWilder!




Outfit upgrade 👀


Just a little one. She followed her orders, but felt she needed a little extra support, for tactical reasons. That's all we can declassify before the mission is in motion!


Can't wait for another teaser 😁