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Hello-ho-ho, Merry (run up to) Christmas! We’re well on our way into December now, and we’re aiming to get some cheer on… and more than that, we’re looking to get some oomph on our girls too! The best part of the season, it’s not the ambient rains nor the sweet chocolate everywhere, oh no, it’s about finding the best set of presents under the tree each year…! We’re always up late at night shaking the boxes to see if Santa came with a long red-haired joy, or a spicy bespectacled gift, we are… So let’s get into the big gift giving boon that is beWilder’s Christmas this year!

So then boys and girls, children of all ages over 18, here’s what’s what with the holly and the jolly this year. We’re building on the (oh what) fun we had in Halloween with a new game of Unshi’s own design, one we’re calling “Stay or Swap”, and today will be the first round of 4 total as we craft up a big ol’ mish-mash of sexy, teasy, tasty good times for the holidays. Here’s how it’s going to work:

We’ve selected one of our previous favourite holiday pieces featuring everyone’s favourites Nat and Noe getting festive, and together we’re all going to spin the elements from cold to hot stuff! As you’ll see, the image will be broken down into 5 categories: Girl #1, Girl #2, Outfits, Kink and Setting, and this post is a poll for all the beWildernauts (ie. you) to select the 1, yes 1, of them to lock in as your first “Stay”. Whatever it is, it’ll be coming back, so choose wisely! After which, we’ll be taking things to Discord like before, where about a double-digit select of our fans / supporters there (you’ve got to be active on there to be in with an invite chance!) will be invited into a sexy game of Swaps where we’ll magic up as many alterations as there are players there and create a whole new image from the primer we’re starting with today!

Once that’s all done, Unshi will set about creating, and we’ll be back for round #2 to start all over again, using this new Stayed and Swapped image as the new base for another go around. You’ll all get a new say in the next stay, and so on, for forth until we’ve got all 4 of our images for the season slated…

So like fun? We sure hope so…! Let’s begin then! First round, the SFW Christmas Image…!


Ah, our special piece from 2020, back again to warm our britches! We wanted to start out with both Noe and Nat so both sides of the beWilderversehave their favourite playthings, and because we know you can only keep one, if that…! Muhahaha! It’s Bad Santa for a reason!

Forget about the extra bells and whistles for a moment, as we’re playing the Stay end of the game’s opening round right here, right now. We’re taking the image above and reimaging it almost entirely, from girls to places to highlighted nasty! Who knows, the first new iteration could come baring Val of Witch One in a nursing uniform, posing outside in the snow with her ass pressed to us all…! Ah… Let’s imagine that a moment… *Sigh*. Yes, all those gifts may yet be given, but what matters in this moment is your chance to lock in the bit you definitely want to come back again. Will it be Nat? Will it be Noe? Will it be their charming costumes, the snow white inside or the warm welcome? Cast your votes now and we’ll make it so!


- Noe (Girl #1) – We all know Noemi around here, so we needn’t say much, right? With everything else up in there air, the limits are well… limitless…! Yet a vote here for her to “Stay” means we get some spicy Italian for Christmas dinner guaranteed. This time of year she can spend a few days outside the shop at once, so she’s making the most of it!

- Nat (Girl #2) – And yes, we all know the fabulous Natasha too, even if she is the master of covert ops, she couldn’t be more famous on this page. The real question is where redheaded corruption to tinge your candy cane’s peppery-mintiness is to your holly-jolly holidays over a certain somebody else? Vote here is so!

- Santa’s Little Helpers (Outfits) – Maybe you want to throw it all to the wind and go for broke? Maybe you’re favourite beWildergirl isn’t already on the card and you want to double roll the dice for her? Maybe, just maybe, you feel bold enough to believe in your fellow beWildernautsand think they’ll keep both girls regardless? In any such case, maybe you want to vote to keep the saucy little Santa fan-girls get ups and keep it fully festive, or just the tinsel tits look and hope they sit on Santa’s lap like good little bad girls…? Vote here for the fancy packaging then!

- Fan Fixation / POV Tease (Kink) – Perhaps you own personal fantasy is to be a part of the scene? It could well be you…! (So says the lotto ads). Now this particular image is a little mild in this matter since we didn’t originally make it with this game in mind, but Hell, we can do it right! If you care to vote for this concept to keep, what you are asking for is both girls giving their attentions to the camera, to you, in a stronger teasy / tempting tormenting for the holidays!

- The White Christmas Common Room (Setting) – The last of the mixable mashibles is the very room where it happens! And as it so happens, the room where it’s happening now is a fancy dinner table perfect for hosting, sharing season’s greetings, and maybe even playing a game or two…? Sticking with this locale, we’re keeping it fancy, if perhaps a lack of pantys (we’ll see what the outfits bring then, won’t we?), giving us all the props of a nice meal to make dirty with… You know already how much sexy we can do with wine, but what about ice cubes, table candles and those sturdy chairs and table top…? Vote here to find out!


So there we are. The first whirl is underway…! It’s going to be a wild ride for us all, but hey, it’s the time to roast some chestnuts, even our own… Huh-ha! Come on, let the good times roll on to Discord next, but not until we’ve let this poll run for 3 days, and only 3 days (we’ve got 4 rounds in 2 parts to get through before the last week after all) until Friday at 11:59 AM GMT. We’ll be back again come Monday 12th to see the first of our spoils before it releases publicly to the rest of the world on the 25th, and start work on the NSFW alternate made just for you all! So until then (or until our next regularly scheduled game mischief)…

Be holly and jolly, and beWilder!


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