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Hey there, ladies and gents. Checking in once again to give a heads up on what’s what around here. Been longer than we wanted to be away since our last post and substantive teasing, but sadly it’s going to be another little while before we are back to it properly, I’m sorry to be here to say.

As it turns out, Unshi and the entire art department (he is the entire art department), has been stricken down with a bad flu since last Friday which has put the breaks on the sexy-train. It’s been a tough bug to slay it seems, as we prepped to do at least Lara’s Nut Busting post for today but he few hours at the PC it needed didn’t do him so well despite the last day or two being on a better recovery trajectory… Le sigh.

So, for the next couple days Unshi will be keeping his head down and as clear of mucus as possible, while Spook will be about to do the things to keep the lights, the office warmish, and the scripts fire. Our apologies for this poor news, too. As for explicit actions we’ll be taking (as is always important to have on hand), here’s where we’re at:

- We’ll be aiming to be back on Friday with the much-anticipated Backer Teaser #2, pulling from something we’ve already got covered and done already (minus the post-processing that needs doing before seeing it). This’ll give us a better forum to dish the details about the game to come and the newest timeframe for release, sooner the better.

- We’re delaying Lara’s 3rd Nut Buster, until a time Unshi’s feeling well enough to whip up a hot toddy worth it for the occasion. We expect this will be either late in the weekend, early next week, or at worst (hopefully) but bumped into a double dose next Wednesday. If we’re not reaching that timeframe on a count of flu still, then we’ve got bigger things to worry about, don’t we?

- We’ll keep on track with our usual end of month admin, Goals posting, December planning et all.

- Spook will be around on Discord as he near always is, if you’ve any questions, chit-chat, or even a mood for the pre-teases already going on there. We’ll also have a Friday Fan Fun time this week for both AoH and NTR fans, as we post an important question to y’all that’s worth some chitter-chats, and while Unshi’s shaking off the rust.

So, that’s it. Going to be a hairy couple of days that we were hoping would be busy for release run-up reasons and nothing else, but alas… It’s always something. We’ll keep on chugging on though if you will. So onward we go! See y’all sooner than it seems, we dare to hope! Oh, and get your flu shot… Feckin’ thing sucks if you don’t.

Be bundled up warm and beWilder!



Get well soon Unshi!


Thank you, he'll be sure to be warmed by the thoughtful considerations.