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Welcome-welcome, sons and daughters, or the best folk we know, the beWildernauts! We’ve got another post for ya, since chat-chitting is one of our unstoppable traits, good or bad! Well buckle up and strap in, because it’s the last pick of the polls in our series of sexy conceptions for and by the fans, at least for this run. On we go, let’s get into it!

A-ha, we’ve pulled a fast one on ya! We’ve got a whole different poll than you might well have been expecting, but that’s why it’s all the more exciting. Why have a guy get the warm water scrubbing treatment of a Car Wash theme when we can have two girls go wet and wild? You understand! We’ll pick a second supporting starlet from a new set of faces just below, but first the full context:

We’re well into things now and already it hotting up, even with all the dosing in soapy water we’re doing! Yes, we put it all too you before, if y’all remember since it was only recently, and a theme was chosen: Car Wash Kink! That one was Straight Outta Philly, Noe style it was! On Discord we had the fanbase of backers who’ve joined us there round out that idea into a full-fledged fan demand. Their wish is our order, and they were hungry for some tail pipe tastiness! Bums and butts that is! The theme may well have had a swinging impact on our choice of starlet, as we had a battle of the wills and votes for sure, and it wasn’t even with the ladies we expected to rule the roost! One such girl ran up a lead early but had her leash-collar pulled back by the one and only Catwoman, as Selina swept up the second half of the contest and won the day! The other ladies can all go take a walk, but it’s Catwoman’s going out on the prowl!

That’s the story so far, but we still need one more element to take it from a single teaser to a duo pleaser! A playmate to help our Cat take a bath and dangle some glittery string is what we need! So then, here’s the options on the block this time:

Mystique – We promised a bevvy of fresh faces, and here’s as many as you could ever want! It’s a rare treat for is to see our Mystique around here (and know it) but given her Ivyspawn sister stole the show recently, we’re giving her the chance too. If you’ve got a hankering for slice of something a little dangerous and a whole lot of hot to handle, why not take her for a ride?

(Please Note: This option is for Mystique in her canonical favourite persona/identity, not her unfiltered natural blue-hue look. Both can be seen here for reference so you aren’t voting blind. The one on the left is the one on offer.)

Kate – Our very own Kate “Kay-Kay” Johnson, all for you! The glamourous girl with a heart of kinky darkness beneath her cute baby-girl smile and those ginger pigtails. She’s quite the quiet hustler and she loves it, almost as much as we do! Going home to Philly to make a sexy show of herself is exactly the kind of thing that’s spark outrage in her Daddy and Grandpa, but that’s only part of why she want your vote! What to see what new moves she might have learned in NYC, then vote for Katrine the Great!

Raven – Because why the Hell not! It’s no secret she’s a super-love of somebody around here, and she’s even canonical now too as we added her first beWilderverse Story to the mix of our media. The closest thing to a big titty goth girlfriend we can give you, can you imagine a girl like her trying to wash a car, no powers allow? Well, maybe some powers, if she uses them for entertaining purposes. Will this teen be the titan when it comes to votes? Let’s see!

Val – Miss Valentina Helsing, witch hunter extraordinaire! The blonde, blind starlet of the beWilderverse’s favourite show Witch One, only the hottest girls make the TV grade and she’s the top of the totem pole these days… or is she? Will our dangerous, daring darkslayer be the girl to shine up the sports cars of our Philly to please us all? She may be drawn to stop the power of evil, but she can’t help but make some sinful magic of her own when the action gets going. Can she capture you vote then?

That’s it, the whole shebang! Have your pick of the poll and set us off to make it so! From now, the poll is open, and will be until Thursday at 23:59, so that’s 4 days to pick a second sexy sweetie for us to lather up! Highest vote wins and gets to play along with our own kitty Catwoman and her bathing butt at work. It’s up to yous to choose! Now off you go! We’ll be here, with Noemi, as always, working to get her done good!

Some good news there as well, so let’s spill it. We’re assured by the artist himself that we’re almost there. This weekend is our expected release, or I’ll be flying over there on Sunday night and kicking his ass all the way back to his old apartment, one painful boot-length at a time! Quite seriously though, this weekend is Noemi’s return to the shop floor in style. This of course means the brave folks are owed some recompense once again, which is something we’ll discuss together in short order. Firstly though we want to enjoy the fun and spirit of a sweet poll in action.

And there goes that last poll in this series, on to the final phase then: the fun! We’ll be back to deliver on these special orders by the end of the month, with more going on between then and now too of course. Ah, but until then, y’all will just have to keep up as you…

Be Bold and beWilder!


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