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Welcome-welcome, one and all! It’s the end of another month and with it comes a fine chance for us to take a moment or two and assess the last few weeks of wildness! Yes, with another mount under our belt, we’ve got do the right thing and put ourselves under the microscope, see how well (or not) we’re keeping on track and what delights are coming up on our next slate of goals too! Come on, lend us a hand and keep us to account. It’s the Goals and Plans post, right now! Let’s begin at the beginning…

Our July Goals:

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.22 Released to the Daring, Brave and Bold fans. Partial (67%) – We’re kicking off the top of the list with a mixed brake, but mostly for the better. We were adamant about finishing up Natasha’s long-awaited update early this month but thanks to real life away from the keyboard, it didn’t happen. Alas. We’ll not put our hang ups on you nor make excuses though. Let’s be objective here. We got our Daring release out at last, links send out for June folks too, and Hell yeah it was tasty. Have you ever seen such a killer, hot woman like Nat go bum slumming so hard? Well, you have now! The Brave fans can also attest to her determination to get the job done, she even got her daily workout covered without leaving Scout’s lap unattended! Lastly, we wanted to get the Bold in on our sly girl Kate’s plans for the future, only we just didn’t have the time left sadly. We did carry out a whole series of deliciousness through polls as we had our Bold fans pick us a hot wallpaperin as they wait for their release in August, but that wasn’t originally a goal and doesn’t count, now does it? That means we got 2 of 3 parts, so it’s fair to say we should get 2/3rds of the goals while you all enjoy putting our Agent through more mayhem!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.16 Released to the Daring fans. Delayed (Early August) – Our return trip to Philly and our Little Toscana dinner will have to wait a little while longer. Natasha, you may save the world as your job, but you sure make our jobs hard sometimes, let alone building up the beWilderverse! Thanks to the AoH spillover, service at Little Toscana has been halted, but on the bright side, we’ve got some especially nice dishes to lay on your table this time (the version is call “Salivate” for a reason!), and it’s all still ahead of us to enjoy. Our apologies are all we can offer, plus our promise to July Darings that we’ll have links for you when the time comes. In return, you needn’t offer us the tick on this one, we simply missed it. Onward to August so!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Official Walkthrough’s v0.16 Update Released to the Daring fans. Delayed (Early August) – Well, what can we say about this one that’s not obvious? We couldn’t release the spoilery documents ahead of the delicious meal, now could we? That’d be silly. All the helping hands and intriguing details, all the strategy tips from the creators’ own mouths too, it’s all ready in our 2 PDF docs, we just have to wait for the game to catch up and blow us away. Until then, we’ll sit and wait on this tick, thank you.

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.20 Released Publicly. Complete! – Alright then, a turnaround in our fortunes! Now that Heels has taken a nice step forward, we decided it’s time we take the Public Release up a notch too. Kate’s party is still ongoing, and this time it’s Corrupt Nat’s time at bat and boy does she take on a slugger! Now everybody knows just how much of a show Kelsey will put on when she’s feeling the competitive flow as well, as our NTR visitor makes playful moves on Nat’s man with the help of her Best Bestie Kate. It’s the most fun we could have by the pool with all involved, and now the world knows it! You all can enjoy it, we’ll take a much needed tick. Deal? Deal!

- Turn the heat up some more for July with Posts, Updates and more of our Fan Fun on the Discord! Complete! – Now to round out the list with our usual footer, the big ol’ fun goal of having fun with all our fans! To start on Discord, we’ve had a number of new friends join us in recent weeks, and we’ve enjoyed personally welcoming them all. It’s been a mostly quiet time over there recently we admit, as we decided not to overdo our Friday Fan Funtimes for a while, but when we did, we certainly did! Part of our “Let’s Get Bolder!” wallpaper had a dedicated poll and channel for all our backers to take part in. On top of that, we did have a special Discord Only AoH Teaser Image, some chatter laughs, some self-poked fun, and near daily drops of real lady pics in our Titty City space (thanks again Maya!). Back on the page, we’ve had a number of posts going on, all of them tasty in their own ways (if we may say so ourselves). First up we had business to finish. Nat’s business! We had ourselves a few remaining AoH teasers, including Bright New Dawn and a Full Moon for backers, and a bittersweet goodbye from Kate as she waved the public off. Once AoH was finally off it’s mark and into the race, we turn to a new event and kicked off Noemi’s time again with an official handover post, but not before Nat offered her up to a new friend of hers form the park! How Corrupt can one girl get?! Ah… But then the heatwave set in and the sweating began in earnest. Our best efforts to cool off only made us hotter, as Kelsey and Kriem went splashing in the pool. Some like it Hot, alright! After that, it was the first of our “Let’s Get Bolder!” poll, as we put it to our supportive fans to pick a place to get some flirty-dirty Wallpaper action in. We gave them options from all around the beWilderverseso far, and you had your say with Lara’s Beijing Hotel Hideaway! Before we could even get back to do the second poll, we hit you all with Noemi’s Public Teaser and all the details you can eat! Oh Noemi, we’ve got some trouble ahead for you but you’ll not shy away from any challenge, now will you? No! It’s right there in your name. From here we danced between Bolder polls on ladies and gents, and also more backer teasers. We put the question too you next, which of the 6 favourite girls from the supporting cast you wanted to send for a Chinese sex-cation, and a little later we asked which lucky guy would join her! After all that fun, action and sass, we had one last bit of babe-acious posting in us, and its was bound to please (pun intended!). Noe’s Day Off TV Time gets even more raunchy, 50 shades more raunchy, as she explores a new kind of romance in her life. A woman so fine deserves a few shameful kinks, huh? I’m sure we can find some real cuffs for her around here. Maybe Roy has some going spare for her? Ah… so many ideas, so little time… We of course want so much more in our month, every month, but what plentiful fun we did have. That’s enough for one last tick, right? Right! So then, let’s take it to the scores!

Alright then, let’s tot up the tallies and check out our score. The ladies score 11 out of 10 across the board, but us…? We get 53.4% (2.67/5). Poo. That’s low, quite possibly our lowest ever. We’d better do something about that. Yes, a lot of that low score comes from the AoH hold over running long, combined with a cascading effect of Noe’s delay caused by it and a small set of goals to begin with… but alas, it’s no excuse. We’ll have to tighten up the ways we work and get hoofin’ in some way, because these long stretches are hurting as time goes by. Some introspection is needed, huh? At least on the other side of the coin, we did get some very good content and there’s even more to come short and long term, so let’s look to the good stuff ahead to cleanse the palate and get the motivation raging high again! August, make us shine!

What to expect in August:

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.16 Released to the Daring and Brave fans. We’ve still got a hankering for some of Philly’s specialist dish, and we don’t mean Cheesesteak! We’re much more interested in other pink meats! Our girls are both rare and well done, and we’re going to keep working hard to serve up the finest we’ve got in August. A while more and our Daring darlings will have their seating, and we know we can get our Bravefans a serving of their favourite waitress (or manager/owner in Noe’s case). Bold fans, we’ve got a different dish for you, but if the time falls on our side, we’ll make a meal of this reward for you yet too! So let’s get in to August and appease that appetite!

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.23 Released to the Daring fans. Once we’ve had Noemi see to her loyal customers, we’ve got to have something to be having something sizzling to be working on and working for, don’t we? Oh yes we do! We’ll be returning to New York again as we make more of our Mission bound Agent. Good Nat is on her marks, now it’s time we get Corrupt and Bad on the same track, then set them all off for the early parts of the Finale, but not before we set them right in some truly (in)appropriate attire for what she’s got instore. Got to look good and feel good to save the day, and it only makes us want to put it to her all the more! Now, being realistic, how much and how quickly we can get done in August is dependant on Noe’s performance. Either way, we’re putting it on the list because it will be a big chunk of our August and we want to be hyped about it all the same. Here’s to a highly productive month ahead so we can have Noe and Nat both!

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.22 Released to the Bold fans. Another hold over from July, but one that’s ready to rock oh so soon! Natasha’s on the way back down to the park just to tease you Bold backers, and we know how well her attempts at being on top have gone for her lately! Between a real work out in the park for Corrupt Nat, some much needed medicine for Good Nat too, and a confession from Kate to round out the experience, it’s good to be Bold it is!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Official Walkthrough’s v0.16 Update Released to the Daring fans. We wouldn’t let out more Noemi content without a guide for those who want to find the treasure trail to her latest goodies! Between new scenes to find and plenty of updated gameplay, tactics and strategies to be laid bare included, it’s a sizeable pleasure aid if we ever saw one! (Gross). Oh well, that’s August’s to worry about!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.14 Released Publicly. Little Toscana is a service business, and so the doors are open to come get your business serviced! The doors are open to the public, and coming their way soon is another round of service, this time as things heat up upstairs for Noe with Asana between her thighs! We’ve loved it, we’ve shared it, we’ve done as our East-Meets-West babe Asana has asked and listened to our bodies, now it’s time to let the wider world in on the secrets to a happy life, the chief among them being with such foxy ladies together as Noe and Asana. You’ll all see it for yourselves come August, when the time is right!

- Keep up the heat all August with Posts, Updates and more of our Fan Fun on the Discord! It’s not just about the games and the girls around here, though those are 2 of the 3 things that dictate what we’re worth creatives and as a fandom… We’ve also got a love of love for the fans too, and it’s our intention yet again to show them as much! Between the direct line to us on Discord for most of the things you could care to want for, to posts galore and just for fun and sharing artworks on our page. Hell, even chat, comments and telling stories about our progress as we get on after another update of awesomeness, we’re up for it all! So come join us and make this page, our Discord, anywhere and everywhere we at that jumpin’, pumpin’ and so hyped we can’t wait to bring ou the girls! We’ll do our part in August, but it takes 2 to conversation tango after all…!

Alright then, that’s a list if we ever saw one! We’re bummed to have hit such a low completion this month, but circumstances don’t rule men, men rule circumstances…! We think…! We’re swinging big to make up for it as our August is packed with plenty of action, sexy and stuff to make us want even more. Here we go then, into the wild blue yonder, making a better beWilderversefor our time and efforts! Join us, won’t you?

Now, before we go, one last thing. An important thing. All this above, all of it, every little bit, it all exists or is on our list for the future because of the support of our beWildernauts. Without them, their financial support, their kind words and motivating desires, we couldn’t do this even though it’s all we want to do. We just couldn’t. We all reading this owe them our thanks, but we at beWilder especially so. Thank you all greatly, kindly, wonderfully. Sincerely, thank you. You make this possible and that’s not understatement. The beWilderverse is what you have all enabled us to make of it, and we love you for it. We do.

(P.S. Extra shoutout to mike, who has been engaging and bringing a bit more vibrant life to our posts by making comments throughout July. Cheers! We do love to see fans excited and curious enough to get chatty. Also thanks to art and sharky among others who also commented and regular chat on Discord too.)

There it is, another super-sized post, from us to you. We know text only posts with some length can be a drag, but we’re happy that y’all got this far through it. These posts are important to us and we hope they are of value to all of you too, mostly be cause we love to keep our fanbase informed and teased to the gills with scintillating expectations! August will be more of the same great times we’re all here for, only we aim for a much higher completion score next time out we do! Onward then, and until we hit our next goal of many…

Be Awe-inspired for August and beWilder!



You speak too much my friend, speak less and produce more content


Believe me when I say it's not how much I write that's our bottleneck. Might as well us this gabbing power on something important like this in the end.