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A-hey-hey, howdy fans and friends! It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… Well one of them, as we’ve got so much to look forward to day-by-day! We’re working hard at getting our gal servers to walk the floor and shake those skirts once more, and as temperamental as those ladies can be (and we love’m so for it), it’s worth the time we put into them among other things…!

Speaking of which, as per their contracts, we’ve got to take a moment out to let them tease us all! It’s the much-loved Public Teaser, so let’s get to some hinting, and then some telling all! This time we’ve got more of a brain tingler piece, as Noe finds out just want kind of emotional torture she’s in for at Sal’s hands, and that’s just to start!

“From Hells Heart I stab at thee, Noemi”. That might as well be what Sal is saying in her ear right now, as he saddles her with a night across the table from her once friends, now foes. Oh, this is a shot at her weak spot, no doubt, but have we ever known Noemi to step down from a direct challenge, even if it’s only going to do her more harm than good? Never… Well played Sal, well played…

Looks like there’s big trouble for Little Toscana once again, just the way we like it! Let’s get our teeth into some devilish details now, we can’t wait much longer, can you? So here’s the headline we’ve all been waiting for: Sal is ready to make some bold moves, as he is the highlight of our version this time! Well… not just him, but his machinations and his favourite tail to chase too. You know the one we mean. That’s why this version is to be named “Salivate!”. The last few versions have seen him lay down a number of innocuous brinks in his path to the parts of town he’s looking to plant his flag, so now it’s time to take some bounding steps towards the golden city. Noe’s not going to let him without a fight and a few thrown elbows, but that’s what makes it so fun to watch. Taking over our secondary focus slot for some short steps forward of its own, the Main Story arc will get some injected action all the same. There’s plenty of scheming to come at Team Noe from that angle in the future too, so now that the girls have all gathered, it’s time to move to the next phase there and do some friendly bonding, but not before the war on Easy Street gets stirred up again!

Yes, that’s our plans, in a curiously coy way of teasing you into some excitement. Ah, but we wouldn’t leave you hanging on without some solid details, so let us tell you what we’ve got in store stats wise. Here’s what’s coming v0.16 specifically:

- 4 New Scenes! We’ve struck a nice balance between really running with the Sal shenanigans for his first focused swing at bat, and peppered it with a little Main Story to forge a parallel path of danger for Noe and Co. We’ve got 3 long-to-longer Sal arc scenes to enjoy, including the first x-rated for his arc. And the second. That’s right, 2 x-rated Sal arc scene, 3 total. After that, we’ve got a short but sweet tastemaker of a Main Story arc scene to pick up in the early game, which should help set some imaginations going as to what’s coming in the battle between LT and SD. We told you all a few times now that this version was going to be a good one!

- 5 New Gameplay Outcomes split between the Restaurant Manager and Downtime Activities (also the 12 recently added Waitress outcomes from v0.15.1)! We’ve got plenty of work still cut out for us to make the gameplay sections all they can be, and with this version we’re taking a step forward there too. For this version we’ve leaned heavily into the scenes with our art budget since we all want some popping action, and we know that the gameplay’s time is fast approaching anyway, but we’ve still got some tastiness to find this time out.

Not counting the 12 added Proactives, Reactives and Trap Counters for the Waitress task (the first Tier 2 set in the game we might add) which will be new to find for Daring and Brave fans, this version will bring us 3 more Waitressing dishes to please. Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey will each get their 2nd and last Lv2s (Noe got hers a good while back) to balance out that section and add a little extra play to their day as they collect more tips. This will give us our first complete set of outcomes for all the girls in a Lv and in any task, so it’s a modest but amazing milestone to finally hit. Things pretty much only get sexier from here! It also means that we can turn our eyes to the other daily tasks soon too… Cooking, Promoting or Entertaining new shows, anyone…?

The remaining 2 new gameplays will be for Noe to find on her days off, as we bring her trainings for Open Mind and Romance into line with the rest of her day off fun. That means another Private Session with Asana and some alone time with her ever more risqué movies during TV time At Home is coming Noe’s way. It’s a modest improvement but one that will add some joy to those running up Noe’s stats for the Asana and Damon arcs still. Even more, we’re looking down the line a few versions (after Sal’s got his dues) to a sweet set of expansions to this part of the game, and this month’s additions will help us set the bar for what we want to see when that time comes. Enjoy chewing on that a while!

- Another Significant Rebalancing and Overall Game UI Improvement! With every version we add to Noemi, we take the time to replay her from the start right up to the end for a full player experience. There are a lot of areas that we’re keeping an eye on and putting plans to paper for a good rebalance when the content is there (the rolling upward day count for one, for sure). However, what we’ve got in our sights this time is a much more solid set of changes. You’ll remember that last version we drastically rebalance the Nerve Stats and how fast it unlocks new gameplays, for a better experience and to make most every point count. Well, it was a very good start (and much needed), but we can do better! We’re retooling it once again to make sure every single bump matters, and we’re bringing along the gleaming new UI widget to help you track your unlocks as well, like we promised we would be doing last time. Fear not, we’ll likely take a moment to talk you all through that in a post some day soon enough, just know that we’re on the ball with making the game a smoother ride each and every time. If we’re putting Noemi’s name on something, it’s got to be smokin’ and a damn good time, now hasn’t it? Yeah!

Here’s the quick recap version of this version:

- 4 New Scenes, 3 for Sal (2 of them x-rated), 1 for Main Story.

- 5 Completely New Gameplay Additions, including 3 waitress outcomes (1 each for Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), and 2 Downtime Activities for Noe (Yoga and TV stat trainings). Also included are 12 New Gameplay Additions on the Waitress task from last version’s bonus patch, which will be new to all but Bold backers. These include the first set of Tier 2 Proactives, Reactives and Trap Counters for Alice and Beth actions, found in the Waitress Task.

- A second (and hopefully final) pass on Rebalancing the Nerve system for driving the Restaurant Manager outcome unlocks, along with some quality of life UI improvements and new Widget to follow along more with the Nerve system as you play.


Still with us? You haven’t passed out from the happiness yet or stepped out to have a satisfying post-“excitement” smoke? Good, because we’ve got one last bit to go over. The bigger picture as it gets that much bigger! Earlier this year we posted our goals for the game in 2021, and so we’re going to take this chance here to be open and clear with where we’re steering our efforts for the most impact. Shall we take a looksee at what’s getting done and what’s still to come?

A reminder of our Top 5 Game Content Priorities (Unordered. Not Counting Gameplay Priorities)

- Include side character arc content to fill out the Downtime/Day Off sections, including content for each of Noe’s stats, for each type of player.

- More appearances and focus on the villains/antagonists (mainly Sal), and on the Main Story arc content, fit more into the game’s main themes of restaurant feuding.

- Include more girls in the sexier scenes, having more than just Noe (as hot as she is) in the x-rated parts.

- Add more sexy content and x-rated scenes overall.

- Expand on at least one of the other Waitresses arc content, Kriem/Frankie/Kelsey, to open up expansions to tactics, daily strategy choices in the Restaurant Manager portions and last of the Team Bonding options in the Downtime sections.

And our Set Roadmap Goals for 2021:

For 2021, we aim to include a sharper focus on Sal’s personal arc, the next steps in the Main Story where our main girls can interact and bond more, bring Asana’s arc as far as Damon’s has reached as well as have at least one of the waitresses getting some additional content too.

We’re up to Noemi’s third release for 2021, about half-way through the time we have this year for these goals, but we’re making strong moves on them certainly. In our first 2 releases of the year, we put it to Asana and made great strides there, so much so we’ve ticked her part off our Roadmap for some time. With her we also made some great progress on our listed goals, specifically #1, #3 and #4. We even got some of #2 out of her with Sal’s appearances, and we’re not just talking about his scenes in those versions. It’s only goal #5 that’s still to get any major uplifting. All in good time though.

You can see how our Roadmap and listed goals are shaping our versions now too. We’re going all in on Sal and Main Story for a while so we can add what’s the most sorely missing to the game’s content right now, more thematically restaurant stuff and a darker but sexy heart to the ntr/cheating fetish aspects. This version coming is heavy on the listed goal #2, with a moderate boost to #3 and #4, plus a light touch of #1 through the gameplays. This is where we’re going to be putting our attentions for a while, letting the end of the year be the time we finish out as much of our plans with some Waitress focus and much more of goals 5 and even 1.

So that’s the Road Map and bigger plans. We’re making plenty of progress and we see Noemi’s game getting better and better before our eyes. Don’t you agree? We hope this also helps to show you where our minds are at, that we see some weaknesses still to improve on in the near future, and that there’s plenty of fun still ahead. By now we’re starting to look at what might change in our goals and priorities for late 2021/ early 2022 should this all keep going so swimming, things like aiming at more than just 1 Waitress to get some kinky screen time of her own, catching Beck up with the rest of the crowd, etc. etc. Ah, but let’s not get that far ahead of ourselves just yet. For now, let’s simply breathe deep and know that soon v0.16 will make visiting Philly all the better again!


Ok then, that’s one whopper of a tease, but we’ve got one whopper of a fanbase who deserver to be in the know and to be make hungry for a fine meal! Consider yourselves teased and then some! Now all that matters is us making it into a reality, and there is much progress on that front too. We’ll tease you all again with those details in short order though… and until we do…

Be breaking bread with your enemies and beWilder!




hi, when will the game release?


Hey there! It's still going to be a few weeks, we're only starting to ramp up the art side of things after AoH was so delayed, and we have some UI work we want to be sure to do right in this version. Everything is progressing pretty well though. We'll have more up-to-date information in the Backer Teasers like always, coming over the next week or two. Shouldn't be too much longer than than, but we can't put a specific date on it just yet I'm afriad. All the best!

Cloud Strife

Yay some Sal naughtiness incoming:)


Yup. Like a good villain he's been slowly building up his clout and now's his first chance to pull some strings and pull Noe a little closer too. Should be nice to see.