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Hello out there! Hey-hey to all the wild ones out there near sexy screens! It’s the end of another month, but aside from that it’s another Friday, and so we’ve got a good postin’ to enjoyin’!

Now, we’ve got some serious chitter-chat to cover about the month ahead as well as this month’s remaining goodies (we call her Noe!), so let’s talk about that. Our usual Goals and Plans post is coming up tomorrow, but we wanted to make good and sure this info gets seen and absorbed, so we’re making a dedicated go of it now.

Now, we want to make good and clear right now that nothing in Noemi’s line of things is changing. In fact, it’s in part because we’re keeping Noemi in our near sights that we feel a shake up is necessary. As we said in our most recent Backer Tease this week, Noe’s next release is coming along well but the art is taking time to get through. We expect it to be the second week of May for her to get her update together, our aims and hopes is for it to be early in that window, but it’s possible to be in the back end, around about the 13th-15th. That’s our biggest focus and the core of our goals for the time to come until it’s done.

However, that leaves us with two obvious problems to solve, now doesn’t it? Firstly, we will only have a short window to see an AoH release put together which will mean there will be a knock on to June even as we rush it. The second is that a Daring Release and Brave Release are both attainable in May for Noemi, but we can only fit in a Bold release if we short-change the other tiers in their few days of exclusivity. That’s not something we can fairly do, to solve one problem with another. So… calling an audible is needed, and we’ve got a plan we hope you’ll all fine to be fair, and even something to look forward to!

Agents of Heels in May


Noe is coming, and she’s coming in hot! But once we put that Philly Filly back in the stable for a short while, we have some serious business to cover with Nat. AoH’s v0.22 is to be the beginning of the end, and we mean that in a bittersweet but glowing way. It’s the start of Nat’s final Mission in game, where consequences and choices collide and action, impact and sex all come together too. We’ll likely need a few versions to cover all the possibilities, much like Kate’s party needed only quite possibly a bigger scale. We want to start it off on the right foot, and quite honestly we need some dedicated time added to our usual Pre-Production to turn our ideas and plans into a concrete flow of interlocking events that cover all the possible points of allies, enemies, corruptions and past actions, for each Nat. It’s not something we’re comfortable rushing and since we’ve been playing catch-up all year, finding the time to do it before now has been tough to say the least.

We’ve got to get this right, and so we will. Here’s our plan then. Instead of trying to force the first part of Nat’s big mission into the back end of May and the first half of June, we’re going to take the remaining time in May after Noe graces us to put that early Pre-Production together as we get the ball rolling on AoH’s v0.22. While we do that, we will also be producing something for you patient fans however! Chapter #6 of the Last Raider, Lara’s time in Mexico and in her captors’ lap, will be on our To-Do so y’all get something sexy as Hell to enjoy at the end of May in lieu of Nat. That’s our Daring and Brave fans taken care of, as well as Noemi’s game releases of course! Nat will come along after in June with all she’s got in the chamber!

Bold Fans


Now for our Bold fans, because we’ve also got you covered. Noe will reach y’all in early June too, the usual amount of time after the Brave releases, but we want y’all to have something for May’s efforts too. Since we’ll be hard at work with our Italian dish for the next while, then planning for Nat and putting Lara through trouble again right after, we’ve decided the best thing we can do is reach into the vault and share some of our special goodies with all our supporters while y’all wait.

Y’all remember our beWilderverse Stories, right? With Harley Quinnand Jill Valentine (on our Discord) getting action packed sexual adventures of their own? Well, we’ve got some more of those very same delights we’ve made for our own fun and joy, on our own time, just for the thrill of it and in May we’re going to share one with y’all. How’s that?

Our planned piece features a girl we’ve had on our page several times now. She’s a fan favourite and a team personal one too, as our Discord dwellers all know. Back some years ago, even before we made her model, a beWilderverse Story just for her was made, as a way to get a grip on her complex character in a trial setting before we tried anything with her, and also just to put the lewds to a deserving girl. Since we’ve had her all made up and shared her lots, you can tell we liked what we put down to paper for her! We expect y’all will too, so it’s about time our first Raven canonical content saw the light of published day, right? Right!

So that’s what we’ve got for y’all. We’ll be codifying the beWilderverse Stories branch of our universe here on the page in mid-May. We’ll post a new sexy thriller and we’ll take feed back on it as well, the whole 9 yards so all our supports Bold included get some jolly for their generosity in seeing us through to another build of beWildness.

Additional Items


One last addition as we’re here now, we might as well lay it out too. Usually when we have a spillover in to the early days of a month, we curtail much of our posting so as not to give the wrong impression we’re unfocused during a delay. However… Who wants us going until Noe is finally out with us to see another slice of beWilder tasty on here? That’s probably not going to make anyone happy, so in early May we’ll keep our posts up as we go. We’ve still got a Backer Teaser of Noe’s newest sexventures to come, plus probably another Public Teaser as well. We’ll save our handover for when it’s handover time (this time to Lara first, then Nat as said above), but we may squeeze in another for fun and jollies post as we go, just to see us through.

Sound good?

So here’s the “Too Long” Summary Points:

- Noemi’s NTR release will be somewhere in the 2nd Week of May. April Daring fans will get links as normal in these cases as releases. Brave fans will also see an NTR release at the end of May

- Nat’s AoH v0.22 needs some extra special Pre-Production time for plans and assets, as we being the final mission. We can’t rush this into the end of May. It’ll come in June.

- To make up the content gap in the end of May, we’re releasing the next chapter (#6) of Lara’s The Last Raider comic, to our Daringand Brave fans.

- To make up the shortfall in our Bold release for May, we will be releasing to all beWildernauts Raven’s first ever canonical beWilderverse Story in mid-May, originally written in 2019 as a test of her character for the beWilderverse. This is a mini-story focused on sex and character, much like the Harley Quinn beWilderverse Story from a few years back.

- These changes are for May only, we’ll be back to our usual flow for June, all things going smoothly, and these changes will be reflected in tomorrow’s Goals and Plans post for April and May.

So that’s the big news. Not bad for a Friday feaster, huh? We hope y’all can get behind this audible switch-up, and even moreso, we hope y’all can get pumped up for a month ahead of Noemi, Lara and Raven all together. It’s a special treat as much as it is a chance to get Natasha in ship-shape for some spectacular action, so let’s get hyper for it.

We’ll see you in May then. We’ll bring the girls, y’all bring the smiles! Until then…

Be agile on your feet and beWilder!



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