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Hello-Hello, one and all! It’s the end of another month and a whole new sweeping sweetness of beWilder to celebrate! It’s also a whole new chance to hold ourselves to account with some help from you fans and fanettes, as we mark off the promises we set out and see how we’ve done. Accountability is king and we’re ready to go for it! Ah, but it’s not all about what’s happened, but what goodness is still to come! We’ve got our next steps laid out below, so let’s get into it right now.

Our February Goals:

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.14 Released to the Daring fans. Complete But Delayed – It’s here at last and it’s full of charm, villainous banter and best of all, naked ladies getting their love on! Between Asana and Sal pulling Noe in new and wide directions, she’s got plenty to keep her occupied and reaching into her yoga pants too! Y’all Daring fans can see for yourselves know, can’t ya! Now, the trick here is that we did have a delay knocking us into the early days of March, so we are torn on whether we can give the tick on this one… We did put the question to the fans and they had their choice of a longer delay than initial day so we covered all the bases… So we guess we can err on the side of generous since the goods are good to enjoy by now, huh? Alright, a modest and appreciated thumbs up on this one to start us off.

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.14’s Walkthrough Released to the Daring fans. Complete But Delayed – Well, we weren’t going to put this out before the game itself, were we? Now that’s be sillier than Frankie in a punk outfit while Kelsey plays the down to Earth sensible one, huh? Perish the thought! (But maybe keep that Frankie idea outfit?). For serious though, we did indeed hit this goal right alongside it’s parent prerequisite, so it’s a tick off, what it being waiting in the wings to be posted near a few weeks by now. Onward so, while y’all enjoy all the helping tricky tips and scene info you could ever need for this build!

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.20 Released to the Bold fans. Complete! – How was your trip to Cedarfield Heights, Bold boys and girls? Do you think you could keep up with that kind of a party? Upside down, in and out again and again, and with rum all on top? Oh my! Well, we’re happy to have you come around, because we did love the trip ourselves. We’ve got one more slice of Kate’s party to come, but for now y’all enjoy Natasha’s latest nastiness and the younger girls trying to take the crown from her sex-queen head! We’ll take a tick for our efforts, sound fair?

- Keep the good times rolling, keep the smiles and the quickening pulses on high alert too, with another month of Posts, Updates and Chats on the Discord! Complete! – Another month at it, and another month of goodies to gawk at! Let’s start our round up of our Discord highlight first, shall we? The big hit must have been Frankie’s Valentine’s Day concept with her in half-dress for a night of lovin’! We’d be over the moon to have her as our Valentine! We also had some chitchats about Noemi’s surprisingly (to some) deep story, what plans there might be for Raven one day, and the sexy outfits we saw this month… Maybe they’ll make their way into the game by popular fan demand? Speaking of outfits and Raven, we saw them both pop this moth across our page, didn’t we? Our demon girl when back to school, just to show us how to get an A grade in just your uniform. Not to be outdone, Noe got herself a new suit and bunnied up in classic Playboy style! She’s got what it takes to serve in any get up, don’t she? We also covered a number of game related posts to, but before we did that we had ourselves a poll to gather feedback on making girls, in our first ever Girl Jam! Did you see our latest honey? What a tasty treat! She got our sweet tooth aching she did, and Beth obliged in our Public Teaser, making Frankie’s chest a sticky chocolate canvas. Our first Backer Teaser showed us Asana won’t fall for that same schtick, not when she’s without clothes to sully and her sun-tanned skin goes down smooth like hot chocolate already! Lastly we wrapped our time this month with our last teaser, and the Devil himself (well, Sal) put his hands to work! Holding leverage almost literally over her head as her strokes her fine Italian flesh just beneath the collar… Oh how the dastard knows how to shake our Noemi inside! He’s putting moves into action now, as so are we, but that was our month of promo and sexy fun times for the fans, so don’t we deserve a tick off for this one? Let’s say we do then!

Those are the facts, so let’s look at the total score. How did we do? It’s 100*% (4/4) complete on the face of it. Worth a cheer but we also know it’s not all that it seems. Yes, but this count we’ve reached a perfect score, but it’s clear above that there were some marring delays that aren’t well reflected in that score. We’ve put an asterisk on it so, and enjoyed the accomplishment with a modest celebration so, but a celebration nonetheless. Indeed, anything at all in a month’s time, any and all steps forward in general are achievements all the same, one’s we’re proud to call our own and enjoy! So now, in that spirit, let’s turn our attention to another set of things to be excited and proud for, our goals for this month ahead and all the sexy to savour again!

What to expect in March:

- Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov v0.21 Released to the Daring fans. It’s time to get suited up and our Heels on again! Natasha’s getting antsy waiting and we can’t blame her, as we want in on whatever she’s up to this time! We’ve got one more hit of Kate’s party to cover, and this time it’s going to be Bad in the very good way. This may very well be the last of the side content finery to enjoy, so we’re going to make it good’n’spicy so that our run up to the big Mission ahead is paved with sexy slutty fun with every step! It’s our prime content for March, so let’s march to it!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.14 Released to the Brave and Bold fans. Noe’s latest loveliness is out and ready to enjoy for the Daring amongst us, and only time stands between the rest of the beWildernautsand a slice of her delicious pie! Both Asana and Sal have planted flags with new scenes, so there’s a lot to enjoy between each of them and Alice and Beth’s new antics in the the ring that is the Restaurant Manager. For our first serving this year, it’s a great start, so hold tight because soon y’all order will be up!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.12 Released to the Public fans. Back on the agenda is the Public Releases again! We hit a short pause after our Agents last outing, and now it’s back to being Noemi’s turn to show the wider world what she’s got! Our v0.12 is something fierce, between some of the sexiest scenes to date and our big UI overhaul, not to mention the gallery add too. Be ready for something awesome public fans! This is more than the usual free release often has, you’ll see!

- Make another month of community goodness via Posts, Updates and Chats on the Discord! All because we love ya! Yup, it’s our goal to keep the fires burning and the fun churning, because what’s the point of being a community if we’re not having all the fun we can with the fans? We’re having more of our usual Discord fun, from the game chats to the “what ifs” fantasies, to the TittyCity shares et all, it’ll be another month keeping the server jumpin’! Here on the page, we’ve got a few more fun posts to come, as well as our pack of teasers, some chit-chatter, some sexy concepts and maybe even a call for feedback, why not? It’s all to enjoy, so let’s set out to make it so! That’s the goal, once again.

Alrighty then, those are the goals! We’re sticking to the KISS (Keep It Simple-yet-Slutty) method one again this month coming, because we’re keen to keep our eye on the ball and make sure we are rolling strong into a joyous Spring! It’s a tight packed foursome of goals, yet there’s a lot of sexy heat to enjoy along the way, which is really all we need.

Now, before we turn on our heels and head back to the forges, we’ve one last piece of business as always. We like to lead into a new month with our thanks to those that made it possible for us to take on another round of development, because it really stands out all the more, and we want everyone to see and know it. It’s only thanks to the beWildernauts, our beloved supporters, that make it so we can even contemplate doing this like we do, let alone pull it off. It’s thanks to their support, both financial and in pure spirit, that keeps us going strong each and every day. It’s all them, because without them, we’re nothing. So thank you. Thank all of you. We greatly appreciate all you do for us, and we hope we make you proud (and well satisfied) with our work. Cheers to you beWildernauts!

Now that’s all from us, time we get to making more girls acting crazy, looking hot, and getting dirty! Onward to another month of awesome!

Be ready for some March madness (the really good kind!) and beWilder!


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