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Heads Up! Brave fans, check out the footnote below if you’re a fan of Lara and her Mini-VN.

Hello and Hey-hey! Monday’s come on back again to spoil all the fun of the weekend… But it’s also brought us back out from the cellars of lewd production and into the light of showtime! Speaking of showtime, Witch One is about to start on our TV screen! That means its time to take our seats!

It’s late, its dark, they’ve just got home from a long day on the job… it’s time to get in some entertainment before they hit the sheets! What better kind is there other than the raunchy and the rowdy Witch One? We wonder what ideas it will fill Noe up with, both now and as she stews in a fantastical kink soup?

We had quite some fun making this scene, for more than a few reasons. Making Noe’s poses seem natural as she uses her hubby as a chair cushion took Unshi more than a casual effort for sure. However, the yawn in this one is something we just had to show. Yawns are for the most part poorly done, akin to screaming more than a show of tiredness, so we put some effort into not making the same mistake. How’d we do? Does it make you want to stretch your jaws a little? It does, doesn’t it? If not, you need an empathy injection stat! Once Unshi set the eyes to the screen, stretched the mouth just right, and zoomed out… *Aaaahhhh*… Yup, we got it right! Right? 

From this version, Noe’s got herself some new nightwear, and Brad shows us his boxer, love hearts included. He can afford to dress silly, who else has he got to win over after he’s already got Noe…? (For now… Muhahaha). Her old frilly piece was just a little to clumpy in the boobs for our liking… It’d be better on a smaller chested girl… Too bad Kelsey has her own suiting nightie and that Kriem sleeps naked… We’ll save it for another lady so.

And with that, we’re ready to go back to the forges. We’ve got more Noemi to make! As it stands, we’ve got about half the scenes up and raring to be run, all set up and tested too. The gameplay additions have been added, tested and balanced too. From a New Game start or picking up from the last version, both plays can make it to all the content before the end, iffin’ you only play ‘smart, not hard’, as one braided blonde likes to say. Alright… we’ve plenty still to do if we’re to make this weekend for our release. It’s looking like a hard target to nail, but we’re nothing if not try-ers! So, until we see ya for another tease…

Be ready to sully that sofa and beWilder!

Brave Fans PSA. Heads up Brave fans. It’s come to our attention thanks to some good reporting from a pair of fans, that there was an issue with the Brave release of Agents of Heels: Croft and the Coveted Seal. To cut a long story short, links to a build that had a missing/broken scene towards the end got released in the Brave release post after having been fixed on the day of release for Daring fans. The fixed build is already back up, all you need do is redownload the game and it should all work wonders and Lara’s big climax can be seen. Cheers to both folks who let us know of the error, s’all good now thanks to them, and our apologies for the mix up too, so anyone who wants the fixed go, here she is! 



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