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Hey-ho our dear Daring fans, we’ve got more ‘Little Toscana’ to share with y’all, right now! We hope you have an appetite all worked up, because it’s chow time for Noemi now! Take a look at the details within the patch notes below, and grab the game at the link too.

“This release, dubbed “And Then There Were ‘4’” marks the sixth full game releases in the NTR branch of the beWilderverse. The continued war with Sal escalates as he takes some misleading details to the public, at Noe’s expense. To get out from under his thumb, Noe has to make a deal with a different devil. In addition, Sal has a secondary scheme in the works, one that can really hurt Little Toscana, but that’s a side perk after the ‘connections’ he’s making. On the upside, a new relationship is beginning to bloom for Noe, if she’s up for making the most of it. To top it all off, the Restaurant Manager steps up some more with the rewards and the customer satisfaction, while Noe’s days off have her able to forge some friendships with her girls too. This release also marks the first appearances of the key girl Kelsey, Clair from Kriem’s NTR Origin Story, and the new lady Heather too. So you know that that means? It’s time to…”

… Enjoy our main course of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth!

Download Link (Win): NTR v0.6 Windows

Download Link (Mac): NTR v0.6 Mac 

Download Link (Lin): NTR v0.6 Linux


Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.6 – “And Then There Were ‘4’”

In this update we’ve pushed the game’s total time up to 66 days, taking us into the early part of Month 3. The main story takes another big push forward, bringing Kelsey into the mix with her first appearance. She’s a step away from completing the game’s cast and Little Toscana’s staff. We’ve also moved ahead in both the Sal and Damon arcs, preparing to take them even further as we go.

- Technical information

⦁ Version: 0.6 (‘And Then There Were ‘4’’ Release)
⦁ Weight: 783 MB
⦁ Weight Packed: 399 MB

- Content

⦁ 5 Full Scenes (for 29 Total). 

⦁ 52 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 345 Total)

⦁ 8 New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 67 Total)

- 4 New Restaurant Management Outcome CGs Total. 

- 1 Good Waitressing Outcome at 2nd level of Flirtation for Noe, Kriem and Frankie. These Outcomes are more flirty, and higher rewarding too. They are added to the pool of outcomes when Noe’s nerve is 4+.

- 1 Good Waitressing Outcome at base level for Frankie, putting her even with the other 2 girls.

- 4 New Day Off Outcome CGs Total

- 1 New Poker Repeatable and 1 New Yoga Repeatable for Relax Mode, Unlocked at 2+ Competitive and Open Mind Respectively.

- 2 New Training CGs, 1 for Kriem’s Competitive and 1 for Frankie’s Romance, allowing them to train and increase their stats too.

⦁ Added 11 new days to the playable game time (now up until the end of Day 66 / Month 3 Day 6 - Wednesday)

⦁ Added 2 new Permanent Outfits to the game: Noe’s Professional Meeting Attire, and Asana’s Semi-Formals.

⦁ Added a new Progress UI pop up to the Day Menu, showing the achieved/available scenes for all arcs, as well as simple unlock info for the next Main Story Arc Scene and the time remaining in the current game.

- Features

⦁ Expanded the Restaurant Gameplay section to include Second Level outcomes based on Noe’s Nerve for the Waitressing task. The new outcomes include more flirty situations, allowed thanks to Noe’s grown resolve to win, which in turn comes with higher base tips earned. 

⦁ Altered the formula used in the Promote task that takes the girl’s Competitive stat into account for the bonus to Rep Change. Instead of all point bonuses (+ for LT Rep Gained, - for SD Rep Lost) kicking in every 4 points, the effects are now staggered. Every 4 points of Competitive Stat from 2+ gives a bonus point to LT’s rep now (that’s at 2/6/10/14/18, up to the same +5 potential bonus per day), while the extra point off Sal’s Rep still kick in at every 4th point (4/8/12/16/20 for 5 extra points to take away). This means raising the Competitive stat is twice as rewarding in the gameplay sections as it was before. We continue to look into making every increase meaningful, but for now this major improvement is the first big step.

⦁ Expanded the Day Off section of the Gameplay to begin allowing for Kriem and Frankie to train their stats for the restaurant sections too. This initial test allows for Kriem to train competitiveness through Poker and Frankie to train Romance through cooking training (Visit Girls – A New Activity added). These stat increases can be used to improve their results in the management section of the gameplay, specifically in the Promote and Cooking tasks

⦁ Continuation of the Main Story arc up until the first appearance of Kelsey, the last of the game’s cast, plus the continuation of the Sal and Damon arcs.

⦁ Updated Decision UI, including the handling of consequences from earlier decisions and required stats. Previous choices come into play, allowing for consequences to Noe’s actions reaching more than just the originating scene.

⦁ Added a new UI Pop Up on the Day Menu. This new UI shows the total amount of scenes in the version for each character arc, as well as deeper details on the Main Story arc including when the next scene will play and what debt requirements it has. The character arcs that require Noe’s stats as perquisites (the non-waitress characters) also have an icon denoting the primary stat needed for them. This UI may well undergo some beautifying revisions in future versions, but for now the helping info should be all there. This is the first test of it. 

- Community Feedback

⦁ Thanks to reports of difficulty in unlocking scenes, primarily (we gather) from difficulty in keeping Noe’s debt down, we’ve removed almost all costs involved in her Day Off sections. Stat increases are now free (only costing the use of the day), and poker will only add to Noe’s earning, she can’t lose money playing (except in Character Arc scenes). Only Yoga still adds to the debt, but comes with a much bigger stress relieving effect compared to other options. This should mean it is much easier to keep Noe’s debt going down over time, and therefore keep the game pacing well. Thanks to several people for this!

⦁ We’ve increased the Typewriter effect’s speed by 100%, making the text reveal at twice the speed as before. As always, you can still turn off the effect completely with the ‘T’ key, as noted in the Keyboard Controls text file that comes with the game exe. 

⦁ We’ve added a Jump feature, a way of skipping/jumping whole scenes entirely or to the next choice if one is present, by pressing the ‘J’ keyboard key. This will allow for quicker/easier replaying of the game. It can be used on both Story/Character scenes as well as the repeatable Day Off scenes. To skip the Restaurant Outcomes scenes please use the Simulate button instead.

- Known Issues

We are thrilled to report that there are no known issues at this time. Please do inform us via message or our Discord server if you do come across any, we sincerely mean that.



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