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Hello again beWildernauts, we’re back with one more post in our change series, only this one is more on the improvements side. We’ve long since had our goals for our games laid out for ourselves, but we’ve kept them relatively quiet with all else we’ve had going on around the page. Well, as it turns out we’ve come to an inflection point with some of our progressions, and while the page is being revamped we thought this would make a good time to bring y’all into the fold on what’s up with our Agents and Waitresses both, as well as get your input like before. So then, let’s get to it… but first… 

A quick reminder to those who have not yet seen them, our Tiers changes, our Season 2 content, and now our Page Goals are all available to get caught up on, including still active polls in all of them. Be sure to come on by and let us know your thoughts!

Alright, to the games! Buckle in, it’s a long one! First up, where we all began!

Agents of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov

We’ve made it no secret of late, but our biggest goal with Nat’s AoH is to reach the end. It’s currently running in Act 3, and we’re aiming to make it to the finale as soon as we can, but without compromising content, cutting or rushing. We want to wrap up our first game, prove we are serious developers who can end a project when it’s the right time to do so, and of course start to unleash this contained passion on a whole new phase of the beWilderverse that builds upon what we’ve done so far. That’s the overall goal, but what about how we get there? What do we have left to do? Well…


Main Story: We have a few elements left to pull into our story and resolve before we reach the last lap. That includes: Nat’s Infection, Ivy’s time in the spotlight, Miller’s past at last, ‘romantic’ closure between our heroine and Scout, also Maeda. That’ll bring us our big finale of our Mission #3, which will also see the side content have their effects play out too, and of course some short endings to put a cap on our great game.

Side Content Wise: We still have more Kate to enjoy, as her story will last longer than just AoH, there is still some action to be had with Maluk/Sam, and a tie in for Cat and our Subject 32’s part in the story too. If there is time, we also have a little more Nat in the Park to be had, but that is the lowest priority of all.

Feature Wise: We want to at long last add our desired Skip feature, and a gallery mode to make the game complete. The early pre-Spook scenes from the opening to the Bank Raid are on our “to improve” list as well. All this will likely come after the content above, while we work on the transition to Game #3, we’ll make AoH all it can be before we call it truly complete. We would like to add these earlier than after the content completes, but that would mean taking an AoH month and making it small on content as we put in the features… That’s a question to specifically ask another day, but do tell us now if this is something you want more than content.


As you can see, there is still a lot to do before we reach the end of what we have planned. That’s one of the reasons we want to really start to focus on our games and drill deep into these for sure. We can’t say for certain how many versions are left until we get to v1.0, but this is where our most urgent short-term plans lie.

With the added time we aim to get from clearing our calendar content and from our support page goal, our aim is to include and extend the sexual content still ahead of us on the list above, without extending the number of versions. We want to pack Nat’s game as full of x-rated time before we sent it away, and to make sure we get in the additional side content we have on the chopping block (ie Park and Train stuff) before we end it.

Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth

Noemi has our longer-term attentions, being that it is currently our back-side cycle project. Admittedly NTR has become a larger scoped project than we originally envisioned, and in part that’s why at our current pace it’s got a little bit of lag in the sexy side of things. That’s where our focus is shifting now, to make sure it steps up some more and begins to deliver on it’s potential. Here’s what’s what on this side of our world:


What We’ve Done to Date: When it came to Noemi, our main focus was the main story overall, as we wanted to make sure to include our 4 main girls as fast as we could, with as much dept as we could. Having all the set pieces (ie the ladies) to call on is important since they all push and pull Noemi’s personal side in ways that are important to her love/sex life. 

We also started out all our character arcs, to lay out some idea as to what the different areas of the game would entail, but that also meant we didn’t get very far in any of them either. That is a problem, we admit.

Lastly, and unexpectedly, we had to completely redo the gameplay right after v0.1, which means we’ve been putting time and effort into making the system we have (which is less about action and more about planning) work well… which is hard with so little feedback coming in on it. Those were the 3 main points we pressed as we went from v0.1-v0.6, but what are we doing from now on?

What We’re Doing Now: The main story is no longer our focus. We got as far as Kelsey, that’s all we need for now. You get what’s going on and don’t need much more in the ways of restaurant war just yet. There is fun to be had there, but it needn’t be the most content rich part for a while. Instead we are going to cut Main Story arc scenes to 0-1 a version and slowly let that play out as the day count increases, and have Noemi’s relationships with Brad, Sal, Damon and Beck get more oxygen.

To the point above about spreading the scenes around each version, we’re going to limit that some more too. In order to get to the x-ratings sooner, for the next few versions our plans are to focus in on one thread a version, adding 2-4 scenes for one of Noe’s beaus/baddies so that we can have some story to tell and some Noemi to sex up. Once we get some meat on the bone (pun not intended for once) in one, we’ll move to the next arc and do the same, until all the main paths for those characters have something worth putting the time in, and we add many more adult scenes to the game as we do.

The other waitresses (especially Kriem) have had a lot of content pushed back again and again to allow for other scenes to make it in. Sadly, this will likely not change all that much as we lean on our leading lady the most. We love Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey, and they will appear in other character paths with Noe, but telling their personal stories will be done with the added time we get from cutting back on page content, at least until we get Noemi plenty more time on all fours. Roy and Asana arc content will be our lowest priority for a while too. We’re being realistic as to what we can do in the short term after all.

Gameplay wise, we’re always going to be doing what we can to make it better and more balanced. That’s not going to change, but the more detailed feedback we get, the better we can do that for sure.


So, the short version on all that is really this: For the next set of versions we’re going to focus more on Noemi over Little Toscana, and sex over main story (there will of course be sweet narrative to follow along with make it hotter). Expect the next few instalments to be about the men in her life and how she’s going to get closer to, and more naked for, them as we live up to some of the promised fetishes. 

With the extra time and content per month we aim to achieve, we want to spend it on the second level of priority which is the other girls (Kriem/Frankie/Kelsey) and get some more of them in the mix earlier than we can now, then some main story and Roy/Asana if we have more space available per month too. By this time next year, we want to be able to say Noemi is beautiful, smart and a whore of a woman at least, but also say almost as much about the other ladies too!

Agents of Heels: The Last Raider (Comic)

The Last Raider is our one and only side piece now, in part because we want to keep an outlet to get that creativity flowing and to keep the fan participation alive, but also because Lara’s adventure specifically is linked with Nat’s game. Did y’all remember that? (For real: Check the co-ordinates Miller sends her to in the scene with Nat, they are the same as the ones Lara gets in the comic). It’s something we always wanted to do more with, and to have a sweet tie in with the main game based on its ending. However, it doesn’t look like it’ll finish before Nat’s game now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth having some sticky sexiness with Lata and Quiet in it anyway!

We are going to focus much more on our games going forward, just like we’ve been chanting all this month, but we also want to pick up more of this content too. For the last year we have worked more on Lara between other things when we had the time, holding all our progress until we had a chapter’s worth of pages and a fan decision to roll out. That’s what has been holding back the releases in many ways and so we’re aiming to remedy that going forward.

We’re not going to ramp up the time on TLR then we already do now, only with less balls in the air we will have more opportunities to get some stuff done for her. We’re also going to stop holding pages back until we have chapters, instead each month we’ll release all we have progressed on it and if there is a decision to be had, even better! With this we want to get some consistency in our comic, rather than beef up content (that goes to the games) and use it as a nice value add for fans as well as a little boost to our beWilderverse beyond the games. Once Lara’s adventure wraps, we’ll decide whether we’ll have a second comic sprout up in its place, or let it rest too. How’s that sound?


And that’s our explanation of what we want for our content, and with it, the end of our Changes post series! We do so hope y’all agree with our new focus, as well as the direction we’re aiming to take things. When it all comes down to it, it’s all for having as much of our unique, stylish and story drive sex that we all want to see brought to the world as we can! As always, come on by our Discord for some discussion on any of this, but don’t wait because we’re moving on it all soon!

We’re going to start implementing these changes as of next month, and we’ll be knocking out our last side story for a long while, Kelsey’s OS, while we get through the technical challenge of reshaping the page tiers and our work schedules. It’ll be a little bit of a transition but come October we’ll be ready to be everything we can be! Before that we’ll make a lot of this info public, once we let y’all have your last chance to have your say in it all, so do hit that poll below and in the other posts linked above too!



AoH: MoAR – It’s coming to an end, but we’re not rushing it. Most things have one scene or less to tie up their loose ends, plus the big finish of the story too. We have technical things we want to do as well, like Skip and a Gallery, but we plan to wait until after the main content is finished, unless fans demand otherwise.

NTR – We’ve come as far in the main story as we need, except for adding Kelsey’s to the game properly. We are changing tack to focus on sex for Noemi more than anything else (also making the gameplay work well too), sprinkling in other girls until we can boost our content amount each version. By the time we get NTR to the size AoH is now, we’ll reassess and make more alterations based on where we stand then.

AoH: Last Raider comic – We want to make this more regular, push it further with a release each month no matter how small, and have it as our 1 and only side fun for now.



I think adding Skip and Gallery to AoH ASAP will greatly improve replay-ability and will lead to higher player satisfaction. The game is somewhat frustrating to replay to try to get other scenes. Certainly don't leave Skip-Gallery until after the AoH 1.0 release. Everyone will grab the 1.0, share it everywhere, and most fans then won't ever get the better Skip-Gallery experience because they won't think to look for a post-1.0 update.


For me, story is more important than skip-gallery.


That good to hear, fans speaking up and such. Cheers. We certainly wouldn't mark the game v1.0 without being feature complete, even if all the content was there, as it's not a complete game without all the parts combined. Your point is well taken though, and I'm sure we'll get a dedicated post to this question for sooner AoH months than later ones.


Story is a sweet piece of the puzzle, isn't it? Good to hear from you on that matter too, we'll be sure to give that option a serious consideration before we make any moves. In fact, it's the opinion to overcome for now since we want to continue our storytelling while the telling's good.