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(Nat and Noe see bright changes on the horizon)

Hey-ho beWildernauts, it’s time for more chit-chat about the goodness of change around our page. It’s been enough time since we dropped our biggest set of switches, our Tiers changes, and before that our Season 2 content (both of which still have open polls for your feedback), so let’s get to the next batch of upcoming shuffling: our Patreon Page Goals for the next 6 months or so.

So then our fan-folk, this one might just have been our hardest set of changes to finalize, but at the same time it is going to be our simplest. We are very little if we are not ambitious boys here at beWilder. We’ve shown that plenty to date, and we have ideas stretching beyond our current games, comics, characters and even beyond our screens… We have so many things we want to do and to make over our tenure as Adult Content producers that it’s quite frankly a little crazy. However, as we have been saying this month, we really want to turn our focus back to our content, and so that’s our goal focus too. We want to solidify our base, make sure the core of what we do is worthy of building a real fandom on, and make sure we earn our place and our future that we dream of. We’ll be reviewing our longer-term achievements every few months like we do the monthly ones at the end of each release, and when the time is right, we can start to add more ambitious actions and technical additions too. Let’s look at what we’ve got!

Page Goals


Goal #1 – Working Full Time: This is our base goal right now and we’re going to leave it untouched. Not to dwell on it, but like everyone else we need to at least earn enough support to keep our most basic costs covered and all our time working fully on our games and content. As long as we can keep at or above this level for the most part, all is well and we’re rolling on. It’s on the board so we keep on top of the less fun stuff. That’s really all we have on this one.

Goal #2 – Double Up on Content: And this is where we want to be the most, so it’s the first goal we are listing. We love our games as much as y’all, even more so in some cases, so much so that we’re bustling with ideas and burning with desire to make even more. We too want to see more and more scenes and sex in each of our updates. We push our keyboards and equipment to the max every release already, using all the time we have every month to get the most out of them too, but it’s never enough. Our goal is still the same as before, with greater support we can make more investments in things like hardware for Unshi that will allow us more CGs per month, as much as twice as many may well be possible when we do. We want to be looking at longer sex scenes, more of them too, and up to twice the scene count of Agents of Heels and Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth per update, per month. With this we can get deeper into our games faster, have longer play times for each of our monthly updates, and of course, the sooner we get through games, the sooner we get new ones (with new and returning girls filling them!). If we can only make one improvement, this is what we want, and what we believe you want too, so let’s aim to make this happen together!

And that’s it! Wait, that’s it? Yes it is. As we said above, we have plenty we want to do with our time and our skills, but for now what we want the utmost is to focus on getting as much of us as we possibly can into reality, and to make our games the best they can be every time we let out a release. We’ve got the quality, we just need to up the quantity! We’re all in on making that happen as best we can, as fast as we can, and it’s where your support is going to go.

We of course have more goals that are not specifically page related
, such as what to with the tail end of Agents of Heels, what direction Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth will take now that we’ve pushed the main story as far as we need to at this point, and things like our next game and our comic content too… But those are a whole ‘nother adventure, and our next post in the series too!

Alrighty folks, that’s it. Simple, right? Make more content per month, have more sexy and more sex, and pack everything our games offer into shorter timeframes so we can have even more stories and women. That’s a prime goal worth working towards 100%, right? Well, let us know! We’ve put another up/down poll on this post too, so you can have your say as a supportive fan as to whether that laser focus is what you want to see you’re backing go towards. Be sure to tell us why too! Our aim is that in time we can add super sweet and sexy things like animations, even more content, and all the hardcore stuff that’s in our heads, but for now think of this as the first node on a community skill tree that will make all that possible. So then, let’s get to it and chase that next level up together! We’ll see ya back here for more real soon!

Be turned to face the c-c-changes and beWilder!

Post Summary


We’re going all in on making more quality content per month, as much as we can, as much as twice our current updates. That’s our one and only Patreon Page/Community Support Goal (besides staying at our keys full time) for the near future: Keep the quality, double the quantity. We’ll add in more ambitious goals as we review our progress periodically and make headway on this major boost.


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