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Hiydi-hi everyone! We’re back again and we have a special post to get y’all over the hump today! We’ve been aching to bring back the On the Couch style interview posts and put a spotlight on some of the ladies, letting them have the space to speak to you fans directly. So, now that we have a majority of our ladies from the bWW! contest out on their pert little asses, why not do some exit interviews? Alright! Today on the couch we have two girls who we thought would do well in our special contest, and we can say they did surprise us at least! They both also happened to be our wildcards for both divisions, and even more we coincidentally picked from our opposite divisions too, so why don’t we get cozy on the sofa right now and spend a little time with Kate and Val? Let’s kick it off with Spook’s failed personal pick to mix up the contest…

Kate, you came in 13th place out of our roster of 20, and took in a total of 8 votes. What happened?

Kate: “That’s what I’d like to know. I think it’s you guys’ fault really, sorry to tell you boys. Last year I was a big fan favourite, enough to even rival Nat herself, but I’ve not been seen at all this year practically! I’ve not had a chance to convince my fans to stay! Yes… yes… I know you boys wrote some special audio scripts for contests with me as the star, but how can I really compete if nobody can see me? What’s a girl got to do to get some screen time? Do I need to pull my school uniform out of the closet again and dress up for Sp-”

*Achem* Moving on! What is your plan for next year’s contest? Are you going to compete?

Kate: “Of course I am! You think I’d miss the chance to have fun with all the fans? Silly boys. Seriously though, I’ll do better next year, I know I will. Next year will be my year, just watch me. I’ve still got my best yet to come and I do believe I’ll be around to show my stuff in more places than one too. I’ll do better than 13th and maybe even as well as her too.”

What about those Audios you mentioned? Any plans to do more side content for us?

Kate: “I sure would like to, but that’s not my call. I have plenty of adventures from my brief time in university that all you fans just wouldn’t know how to handle. There was even talk way back in the early days of the projects for me to star in my own game along with my older sister… isn’t that right, Unshi? That was before the beWilderverse came to be though, I might have missed my chance. Instead, I’ll tell you boys and girls, my stories, but you really have to ask me nicely. Really, really nicely… and loudly too. ‘Kay?”

Who are you backing to win?

Kate: “Hey now! I can’t tell you that, it could change peoples’ minds and interfere. You are just setting me up to be a bad girl, aren’t you? Any excuse to spank me right here on this couch… I see through you two!”

No really, who are you backing to win? Full Disclosure, this is Kate’s personal opinion and does not reflect the opinions of Unshi and Spook… So tell us, please?

Kate: Alright then, since you asked so nicely. I’m putting it all behind my ‘Best Bestie of All Time’, Kelsey. She’s still in it and she’ll win it, she’s never lost when I’ve been with her. Next year I’ll do my best too and we’ll have a Kel and Kate final where she is defending the title. Won’t that be sweet?

Thanks for your time Kate. We’re happy to hear that you're still full of confidence despite the knock you took in the contest. We’ll let you go now to put that plan of yours into action. We’ll see you around again, or so you say, but for now it’s time to get a little out of this world! Next up we have Unshi’s pick of the contest… Val, are you ready for this?

Alright guys and gals, before we start this off, we have a point of clarification for everyone. We asked our interviewee if we were speaking to the TV character or the actress playing her… and we got a rather cryptic reply. We’re not even sure if she’s the character or just ‘in character’, so bare that in mind!

Val… Val, Val, Val…Last Place huh? 20th of 20… What went wrong?

Val: “Too busy. Too much to be done. I had no time for frivolous popularity contests when there is vile evil to be undone. The Sisters yet live, and I have one cornered here in Massachusetts One. By my blade, the Seventh Soul, I will find her and end her sinful being…”

Ehh… Sure you will… But what about the contest? Why did you not shine like we thought you would?

Val: “You two are as blind as I am. No, I don’t want to talk about that. You two have an action-orientated and even somewhat silly story in mind for Witch One, like any big TV show, but nobody but you two can see that yet. It’s still all in your heads and to the fans so far it’s just a jumble of things happening in the background, nothing more than a plot device for the other girls. Do something about that and we’ll talk more.”

Ok… Fair point. What can we do about that, so you have a fighting chance next time around? Bear in mind though, we’re not taking time away from our two main projects.

Val: “Tell my story, or better yet, show it. You’ve come up with some plot and even some action sequences in your practice time already. You keep your art skills and big picture thinking as sharp as my blade when you have that rare spare time to play with your work, so why not do some posts about those? At the very least they have some nice posing and effects… you’re welcome, by the way.”

Alright, maybe we’ll do that… Before we let you go though, who are you backing to win it all in the bWW! contest?

Val: Simple. That fire girl… Dyana you call her. I will slay that pyro-witch myself once all this is done.

Right… I think somebody beat you to it but whatever… Alright then, thank you for your time Val. We’ll be sure to think about what you said. 

What do you say folks, would you like to see more posts on Val and her encounters? Well, as popular as the show has been in the beWilderverse, it’s no surprise it’ll be renewed for a second season, which of course means promo pics like this one in our world…

So… what to see more stuff like that?


Well that’s that then! We hope you enjoyed spending a little time with some of our lesser ladies as we look deeper into the happening of our beWilder’s Wildest! contest. We meant it when we said the contest would be big for our beWilderverse. We will for sure hear from you all about your views on the competition, but we’ll leave official feedback gathering until after the contest has run its course, cool? If you’ve something burning to say about the Prelims and how they went (or how we ran them), come on by the Discord and let us know what’s what! Speaking of the bWW! contest, the Head-to-Head rounds have already started and in fact the first ever match-up officially ends at midnight tonight! Every single vote will count, as not only will they decide the matchup, but also in setting out which girls will take the places 5-8! If you haven’t already cast a vote, go for it now, or at least swing by and enjoy the artwork! We’ll see y’all for some outcomes on Friday too!

Speaking of Friday, we’ll be back with our first ever Public release of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth and her v0.1 Redeux, just in time for the weekend too! We know there will be some people psyched up to hear that! Now, we’re going back to help Nat into her wetsuit as we push ahead with AoH’s big update of the month! We’ve got our planning and pre-production phase well in hand and are rolling along at a good pace. We’ll have more details on what to expect from us in a few posts’ time, but while we do that all our Brave+ fans can keep hyped up by taking part in AoH’s latest Wallpaper choice too! We’ll leave you all on that note, so stay super and stay sexy everyone! We’ll see you soon, so until then…

Be full of fight for all that’s to come and beWilder! 


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