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Hello again, hey and howdy! Back with us to wrap up another month? Great! We’re up to our usual ways and like always we want to close out another successful month with a progress report and holding ourselves to account before we hit another month real hard! More hot and heavy times ahead, and much more of our ever growing world to unfold, but first let’s hold our feet to the fire and see what we’ve gotten done this October! Thanks in advance, now let’s jump right in!

Oh, but first, a quick note! This is our 200th post of the year! Averaging 20 posts a month, not bad! We expect to top 250 by the years end so high five! That’s whole a lot of sexy!

Our October Goals:

- NTR v0.3 Released to the Adventurous and Pure Wild tiers. Complete! – Oh yeah! Our beWilderverse is all the bigger and better, as Noemi gets another release under her and we’ve given it out to the Adventurous and Pure Wild fans! Many people think female protag games only star idiot and bimboish ladies who can’t stick up for themselves, but those people clearly haven’t spent time with our Natasha, and with this update we prove Noemi is no slouch either! Ready to see why we’ve called this release ‘Fight Back!’? She’s punching back against Sal, but of course not everything goes as smoothly as she could hope for! Find out what we mean in NTR’s v0.3!

- AoH v0.9 Released to the Daring tier. Complete! - We dropped down Nat’s nastiness to all the Daring fans as promised, and there’s been nothing but love for the good times (or in the case of a certain feisty feline, a rough night) within! Nat’s story unfolds even more, her character grows, and most importantly her panties drop and her lower lips part! Oh boy was it a damn fine update! It’ll soon be with the Brave fans, but for now it’s all Daring! We hope y’all love it like we do, because it’s coming up on the time for us to try one-up our efforts here again!

- NTR v0.2 Released to the Brave tier. Complete! – Noe’s v0.2 has been released in style to our Brave fans finally! Our new gameplay is put to the test but even better we get to see her stoop low in order to stay in the fight with Sal, go so far as to hire Kriem and start forming her plan of attack which our v0.3 was all about! We got some sweet flashes of bare skin, some rather intimate touches while at Asana’s and we even meet a potential young beau for Noe too! And did you see her in her nightie and her gym gear? Oh my! Enjoy it all our friends, and be hungry for the next version coming soon!

- Release of the Pure Wild package to the Pure Wild fans. Complete! – Oh yes, our special package of dev stories, special concepts and preview pieces dropped today too, and the Pure Wild fans are going to enjoy this one! We’ve plenty of concepts featuring many of the bWW! winners of this month, both playful and fierce situations for your eyes and loins to enjoy, plus some extra background on the mysterious files at the centre of AoH’s mystery plot too! Added to that we documented a number of steps of how we made Quiet this month, and my-my did she undergo some work! She looks amazing in the end though, right? Right! It’s all here for the diehard fans!

- Walkthrough for NTR v0.3 Released to the Adventurous tier. Complete! – We’ve got a helping hand for those that want it, already to go along with the game’s new release! We’ve chalked this game full of new gameplay outcomes, and an expansion to both gameplay systems, the Restaurant Manager and the Downtime Activities, not to mention a number of new scenes to find, so a walkthrough is always a nice thing to have in just case, right? We’ll it ready and waiting for you if you need it!

- Season 1 Wallpaper contests, Wallpapers and sticker book releases. Complete! – The Season rolls on and we’re now in the wet and wild final rounds, just 4 more to go! This month we’ve had a shake up to the tournament as Nat won her last Wallpaper of the season and showed us the life of a Top Agent isn’t always sex and drama, there’s action too! On the other side, Frankie took home a huge win from under the nose of all those watching the Kriem-Kelsey rivalry heating up, giving her a second win and a shot at being the next of our ladies to make it to the finish line! The next round will indeed be a fierce one as Ivy will need to get her first of three consecutive shutdowns on Cat if she’s to avoid being the big loser of the Season, and to get her stickerbook page before we get to the double-digit rounds (speaking of the Stickerbook, the latest Patreon Friendly and Wholly Uncensored updates are here!). Kriem too has got to get her shit together if she wants to stay in the game, as the ‘Rebirth Waitress Rumble’ possibly goes into its last hurrah! We’ll have our eyes glue to Round #9 for sure!

- beWilder’s Wildest (bWW!) Preliminary Rounds! Complete! We’ve been running wild all weekend, every weekend this month with our series of bonus posts dedicated to learning who the fans’ favourite girl is! You couldn’t possibly have missed it! We saw Nat and Noe take Round #1, Lara and Kelsey put up a fight for Round #2, Mystique and Asana break their way into our attentions and the board with Round #3, and we’ll be learning who the last of our Top 8 will be at midnight tonight! We are loving the contest and all the wonderful times we’re having on the Discord about it, so we can’t wait for the Head-to-heads to start this weekend! Who’s hyped up for some girl-on-girl, 1-on-1 action? Who looking forward to that Mini-VN Grand Prize? We are!

- Keep rolling with posts Posts, Updates and Chats on the Discord. Complete! – I dare say this one is complete! Putting aside all the fabulous discussion on our Discord server just for a moment, and our new DeviantArt page too, we hit an all new high in post per month, 34 to be precise! Oh yeah, more than 1 a day on average! Not many Devs can say that! And Hell, it’s not like they were spam or the like, as we had plenty of highlights to the month! Perhaps the best of the best we celebrated Spook’s birthday by adding Babe #26 to our world, the magnificent Quiet, and damn if that likeness isn’t spot on! We started the month with a display of flexibility most special as Kelsey showed us what she’s got, and had a special party post where we made friends with Palmer and played with Candy again as we did a special Cosplay for them both. We also had our usual special teaser peeks at the our main update, showing off Noemi for the public, our Bold and our Brave fans too. We even announced a special public build and Bold release of her troubles too! Add to all that our Last Raider releases and we’ve had a Hell of a busy month! Can we get a check mark here please?

Bonus Goals:

- Issue Set 2 of the Last Raider Comic. Complete! – Damn right complete! Fuckin’ A even! I think many people will agree the wait was worth it given the addition we got with this one! Chapter #2 Radio Silence brought Quiet to the beWilderverse and with her a whole lot more sexy to our comic format! We’re proud to finally have gotten this rolling once more, and our Adventurous, Daring, Brave and Bold fans agree we think! We’re just getting started, so let’s see what’s in store for the Last Raider, shall we?

Heads Up! AoH v0.10 is going to be so chalked full of action, we’re not going to plan on getting Ch#3 for the Last Raider in November. That’s time better spent on our big bad mission #2, but don’t let that stop y’all hollering for more come December, alright?

- NTR v0.1 Redeux Release to the Bold tier. Complete! – This was another of our bonus goals, but we didn’t put it up on the board last month so as not to spoil the surprise! The cat’s out of the bag now as we’ve already handed out the teaser to our dearly devoted Bold fans, as well we should, and now it’s ready to go out to the public sometime in the near future, just as soon as the Bold boys and girls get their fun fill!

- AoH v0.7 Released to the Public. Complete! – We showed off another delicious slice of Natasha-licious loveliness to the public, including such beloved scenes as the sexy park scene and Annette’s one and only appearance to date (and yet what an impression she made!). We still think this is one of our best updates and one of the ones to aspire to beat each time, finally everyone knows why that is! If you haven’t seen it yet, your in for a treat (And where have you been this month?!)! One more nice thing form your best buddies at beWilder!

Then where does all that leave us? We’re smashing it again (if we may be so bold as it say that), with an ass spanking 100% (8/8) complete on our main goals, one more time in a row! Add in to all that the long awaited return of Last Raider (you have no idea how happy we are to have gotten that made and how much we love it!) and two more bonus goals ticked on our list… damn we are flying high inside! It’s amazing accomplishment for a 4-week run, right? Right! We’re going to let this feeling fuel our passions all the more and we hope you will too, but no getting cocky we say! We’ve got infinitely more kinky and coolness to fill our world and yours with! So here we go, what we’ve got coming up in no time flat!

What to expect in November:


- AoH v0.10 Released to the Adventurous and Pure Wild tiers. Natasha’s back up for her last update of 2018, the December update of course going to Noe. It’s already been a Hell of a year for Natasha and it keeps rolling on! Even on the heels (pun intended) of the last spicy update, we’re aiming to make this the feather in her hat for the year! The big v0.10 will be all about Mission #2, so expect high octane action, some very consequential outcomes and of course, Nat let loose to be as fierce and as sexy as ever! We can’t wait, so much we’re shaking, how about you?

- NTR v0.3 Released to the Daring tiers. Noemi has just been put through another ringer, but she will be back again, and she’ll be bringing her whole mess of troubles with her for you Daring fans to see! She’s got her fighting gloves on and she’s ready to give Sal a punch below the belt… but how will it turn out for her in the end? On top of that we’ve a stacked up bunch of new Gameplay elements to add some spice and sexiness to the whole package and make her game something fun to be played as well as ploughed! Ready for a touch more of Italiana tastiness? Damn right you are!

- AoH v0.9 Released to the Brave tier. Natasha and her (s)exploits will be all ready to go for the Brave fans! And when we say sexploits, we mean it! Not a scene in this update is without the potential for some hardcore action! Not just action for Nat, but some hard times for another of our ladies, and Cat will need some ice if you leave her out to be played with! This update has been one of our proudest, and one of the most lauded by the Daring+ fans so far too! So are y’all ready to get your hands on it? Soon, our friends, very soon!

- Release of the Pure Wild package to the Pure Wild fans. Of course we’ll have ourselves another PWP! Tis is one of the better parts of the month, as we have a looksee at a lot of the stuff only we would see if we didn't do this, and tell some of the stories, laughs and quips that go down while we’re hard at work. Not only is it a great way for us to blow off some steam, it’s an awesome looksee at the processes, that unused artwork and all the greatness that goes into every drop of beWilderverse! So, with that we’ll be dropping another full package for those who just can’t get enough of our world, just like us!

- Walkthrough for NTR v0.3 Released to the Daring tier. As October brought us a whole new batch of content for Noemi and her growing demons, it also brought a new update to her Walkthrough! It will be time to share the walkthrough to the Daring fans too, along with the update! We wouldn’t mess with you like that and hold it back! So, for those who like to have a little helping or like to see the visual flow of the scenes as the updates pile up, we’ll have a nice doc to sate that thirst!

- Season 1 Wallpaper contests, Wallpapers and sticker book releases. We’re into Round #9 now and the final third of our Season 1. It’s time to see if the 5 remaining girls will turn to 3, or will we have the underdogs uprising and the fight rolling on? We’ve yet to find out who the big losers of the Season 1 are, and if there are any times to see records getting smashed it’s in the big shootouts for the final stages wins! Will Ivy pull of the first steps of what could be an amazing rise? She’s the only lady who can possible make 3 wins in a row now too… but can she do it? Will Cat claw her way to the top half of the Leaderboard and get team win for her and Noe? On the NTR side will Kriem pull back even with the other girls and keep their battle royale rolling on one last time? Or will she eat dirt beneath either Frankie or Kelsey’s feet as they find their way to the finish? Only time, and more importantly, your vote will tell!

- beWilder’s Wildest (bWW!) Knock Out Round of 8! The prelims are almost over (ending today of all days! Vote here for AoH and NTR if you haven’t already) and we’ve had ups, we’ve had downs, there have been some shocks and some heartbreaks… there’s even been tears and outrage too! Most of all though there has been excitement and sexy pics, and we’re only getting started! 

We’ve got our Top 8 (or we will a little later today) and those will be paired down to the semi-finalist 4, one head-to-head at a time, starting each and every Saturday of November! There is artworks, outfits and a kickass Grand Prize of a full Mini-VN to be won, so let’s keep this super psyched up train steaming ahead and find our beWilder’s Wildest!

- Keep rolling with posts Posts, Updates and Chats on the Discord. Try and stop us. Really, we tend to go a little overboard on the chatting side at times, but its better to keep y’all informed than be one of those devs who you rarely see, maybe once or twice a month, right? Damn right! Like we said, we’ll likely top 250 post on the year by the time December 31st comes around, not because we’re aiming for that but because we have still got so much to say, do and release for everyone between now and then, so watch us do it in style! Not only that but we’ll have plenty of chat, sexy talk / looksees and speculation on all things beWilder (and beyond) on our Discord too! So let’s roll on! We’ll see you plenty more in November! 

Bonus Goals:

- Public Release of NTR v0.1 Redeux – We’ve got a special build made and all foretold especially so we could finally give a little taste to our public of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth! Instead of holding off for the new year when we’d have v0.2 in a place it’d alright to release, we managed to get a version of v0.1 to work with the new gameplay so we put our best foot forward when we put up a demo for the world to see. We’ll be dropping it fairly early in the month so we hope those who just can’t afford to be a backer and have waited patiently for so long can get a little treat on us before we go wild with our fans’ funtime for the rest of the month!

Damn… another big bad post under the belt! More aspirations and goals shared with everyone, and we’re only a few short weeks from turning them into reality! It’s only because y’all are there to back us and make it possible, so don’t think we don’t know it and love y’all for it! Every act of support, both little and large, are a boon to us and we appreciate it all to no end, so we won’t let you down! Now that we’ve laid it all out, it’s time to go make it all happen, so were going to call this monster post to a close with one big “Thank You!” shout out! Get ready everyone, Nat’s about to tear it all up again, we’ll have an action-packed Season 1, bWW! and Wallpapers abound, posts and art galore, and a downright wild November for all! So seriously, thank you all dearly, and we’ll see you all back here real soon for greatness!

Be naughty all November and beWilder!


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