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Woo-hoo! Welcome back beWildernauts! We’re well into the contest now, so much so that we’ve only got two more slots on the Head-to-Head board and thus begins the last Preliminaries round of the inaugural beWilder’s Wildest! contest! For 12 of our 20 ladies, for all but 2 (one on this roster and one on NTR’s) that we’ll see today, the biggest contest we’ve ever had will end for them and so too may their Season 1! Artworks, outfits, time in the beWilderverse’s public eye and not to mention a full Mini-VN story are all in play, so get your best or your last girl on the board before it’s too late! Let’s to it!

The winner here will go up against Noemi of NTR in the final Head-to-head in the Round of 8 on November 24th. Be forewarned!

We’ve laid out the ladies again, for new comers and those who need to do a little thinking alike, so y’all have what you need to make an informed vote. You have until Wednesday night at Midnight (GMT), so think about it and choose wisely! Then don’t forget to vote for an NTR lady here too if you haven’t already!

Nurse Kelly – One of our lesser known characters and yet she’s been around ever since AoH’s debut. It’s a shame she’s not been seen all that much, but this is the time to change that. Quiet, silly, and innocently girlish, Kelly is a cutie with a big heart and she doesn’t even know it. As Agency personnel though, there is more than meets the eye to her… what surprises does she have in store for us?

Pamela ‘Ivy’ Isley – Here we have the lady herself, showing her true side before becoming the Poison Ivy we all know, love and lust after. She may be the most intriguing and aloof character in all the beWilderverse, but she can be Earth shatteringly explicit too. Her kiss alone is a killer after all. How far will her overpowering charm take her?

Natasha Romanov (Seed #1) – Natasha already showed us she’s our leading lady, having taken the top seed for the AoH division. She’ll be kicking off the contest’s next phase in a week from today, our Round of 8, with the first ever head-to-head against NTR’s Seed #4 which is being determined right now. So those who would pick her as your top lady, have no fear as she’ll be seen again, for now pick your next top girl! 

Selina Kyle, aka ‘Catwoman’ – Our very own vigilante and feline femme fatale, Cat had always been a slinky and coy counterweight to Nat. Once a poor street thug teen who could keep up with the big boys, now she’s righting her wrongs while helping herself any of the finer things she comes across. She’s proven she’s got ability in both crime fighting and in bringing a smile to the face of men and women alike. Just how far will that take her?

Kate Johnson – The kinky, cutesy schoolgirl and university expellee, she was sent to live at Granpa’s to straighten her out after banging her teacher… of course she’s going to be the one to make her ‘pop-pop’ bend to her level! How can that not get her on the board, even as a Wild Card? Kate became a fan favourite in the early days, but we’ll have to see if she’s kept the wind in her sails after a long time hiding away, now won’t we?

Mystique (Seed #3) – Perhaps the biggest surprise of the contest so far, our seldom seen Mystique has always been one of beWilder’s ladies. She as there from Day 1 on our page, and we’ve had plans for her one day for so long, but she’s be hidden away until now. She’s already on the board and readying to take on Kelsey in two weeks from today! Anyone with plans to vote for her can save them for that day and vote for another fine girl today!

Annette Beaumont – Annette is better known as Maeda’s very best ‘Event Planner’, and his chief whip among his minions. She keeps all her underlings in line, Nat included if she can get her hands on her, and she keeps Maeda’s schemes on track (plus his balls empty). We’ve only seen her once so far, but she’s been highly requested since then, and since she tends to dominate all she does, why not give her the toughest challenge yet? 19 other girls should do the trick!

Lara Croft (Seed #2) – She may be the Last Raider, but she’s AoH’s second seed for sure! She’s already earned a place in the Round of 8, and her opponent will be NTR’s Asana. We’ll see her again in the third match-up of November in just three weeks, so until then feel liberated and vote for the next girl in your line! Lara will be just fine!

Dyana ‘Hotstuff’ Carson – ‘Arson a la Carson’ is a motto we’d all be familiar with, if not for shady goings on beneath the surface of AoH’s web of intrigue. It’s been at least a year since we saw Dyana on our page, but long-time fans will remember her, and everyone will certainly be wanting to see more as Nat’s adventures roll on! She’s a lady on fire and she’s ready to burn up this contest, but can y’all handle her?

Samantha – Sam, the self-ordained ‘Queen of Clubs’ and undeniable public sex enthusiast (to put it mildly), is another girl who has been gracing our screens since AoH’s debut. She’s had some personal turmoil lately, but we all know the crazy ones fuck the best! The words ‘attention’ and ‘whore’ fit a few of our ladies, but Sam lives them daily… will that be the winning formula she thinks?

And here we are again, look at those last two prestigious slots that are up for grabs. Only one shot left because they will be filled! Today’s winner will have an uphill climb what with her first match being against Noemi, but for everyone else “It’s so long and farewell! We’ll see you again next year!”. So let’s do it one more time, who’s the lucky girl to be given the Seed #4 for 2018?! We’ll find out come Friday and get the sparks flying for our first ever Head-to-head! So until we can call time on the Prelims…

Be backing you best gal to the hilt and beWilder!


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