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Hello all you Brave people, we have more Lara for you all at long last! Since she’s now AoH’s #2 seed, we know people are hungry for her! We’re back again with a slice of her action, all ready to server up as your appetiser this month! She’s even got a special friend now too! Well… friend might be pushing it.

It took us a while but we think you’ll all believe the wait was worth it as we have a real value add now to the story, and we’re going to be kicking ass in comic format as much as we can as well as our usual game stuff! If you’ve played the latest Agents of Heels: MoAR release (v0.9) you’ll know that Lara has herself an important part of the plot to play, and a whole chunk of beWilderverse to explore too! So here she is once more, Chapter 2 all good to go and a whole lot of crazy fun along with it! You can fine both chapters in one below, plus the extra content of the full renders all in one place for convenience sake, now how great is that?!


Comic PDF, Page Images and Full Shots: The Last Raider Comic and Full Package 

Now that her adventure has reached the Brave fans, we will be posing the question to you all about how the next chapter should roll out! How should she react given the choices in the comic? We will find out soon enough but since we’ve already bombarded everyone with 4 posts today, we’ll hold off until this Wednesday to open up the poll! That’ll give all you new readers a chance to view it and make up your mind too! So until then…

Be Quiet and beWilder! 


(No title)



Heads up people. I make a little mistake in this post, it's the Brave release, not the Bold. Fixed now. That's the trick when you make up 30+ posts per month, sometimes they get a little mixed my, my bad! It's only even been accessible for Brave fans (Bolds get it next week) so no harm done. Onward to sexiness!