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Hello again, our lovely friends, our beWildernauts! We’re well into our Prelim phase of our biggest contest and low and behold, we’ve got more results for you all! Who won the second set of slots and seeds? Which two girls will get top billing in match ups going forward? Let’s find out!

The second seeds for both series are Lara and Kelsey! Yes indeed, it is they who won the day. Lara might not be much of a surprise, but Kelsey? We must say we we’re expecting her this round, even if she was a strong contender. We’ll have more on that below, along with some juicy details, but first we have to give the news to our girls!

“Sorry Babe, got stuff to do. Better luck next year!” - Lara's Message to Quiet

“Number 2? Nah, there's some mistake here. I'm number 1, right?”

Lara’s win was a big one, almost replicating the show Nat put on for us last week. It was big enough to flatten the rest of the field and after two rounds we can’t say for sure who may turn up to be the third seed now that the Shadow of the Tomb Raider and the Black Widow is gone! Kelsey? Well she did it again. In some last-minute tactical voting, Kelsey tied her vote count with Kriem and nudged her off the victory, taking the win for herself with a tiebreak based on the Round #1 results. But a win is a win! She’ll take it!

This time out AoH took in a total of 24 votes, 13 of which went to Lara which means she wins the day. On the other hand, NTR took in 21, and Kelsey’s 6 plus her 3 from last round to break the tie gave her the crown and the place on the board. So then, let’s take a look at the scoreboard now that the Prelims are half over!

Rankings by Vote (Prelims Round #2 End)

#1 Lara – 20 Votes (+13) AoH Seed #2

#2 Natasha – 17 Votes (Not on the ballot) AoH Seed #1

#3 Noemi – 11 Votes (Not on the ballot) NTR Seed #1

#4 Kelsey – 9 Votes (+6) NTR Seed #2

#T-5 Asana – 7 Votes (+2), Kriem – 7 Votes (+6)

#7 Frankie – 6 Votes (+4)

#T-8 Beth – 5 Votes (+2), Ivy/Mystique – 5 Votes (+3)

#11 Cat – 3 Votes (+2)

#T-12 Kate/Annette/Dyana/Clair – 2 Votes (+1)

#T-16 Nancy/Alice/Val – 1 Vote (+0)

#T-19 Kelly/Sam – 0 Votes (+0)

With half the rounds down, here’s how everyone stands! More details are down below but first a quick reminder. Tiebreaks will rely on the votes table above, but votes are not cumulative each round! Kelly or Sam could be the next seed if they get more votes in Round 3 or 4 as anyone else, but God help them if they tie! And another thing, Lara is now technically out in front, but Nat and Noe weren’t on the ballot this round… we’ll sort the top 8 slots out in the Head-to-Heads, for now, just enjoy the ride and the numbers!

Alright! Some notable takeaways we’ve observed when going over the data!

- Without Nat and Noe on the Ballot, turnout took a hit. Oh my! That’s a little bit of a bummer, but for sure it means all these votes count even more, so bear that in mind for Round #3 and #4, your vote could weigh a whole lot!

- A very important point that can’t be seen with what’s up there. Many people who voted in Round #1 didn’t vote in Round #2, and vice versa. In fact, the optics say Kriem, Kelsey and Frankie took in a lot of Noe’s vote this time around, but in fact only half those people came back for Round #2. A lot of the support gained there came from first time voters in this round, and stolen votes from the other lesser known girls. Those girls, such as Clair, Cat and Mystique in turn pulled in new voters to make up the difference, which is why they show smaller gains. What does that ultimately mean? For Round #2 people started to vote smart, not for their favourites, and if votes hadn’t shifted we might have seen a whole different landscape. That, and most girls still have plenty of potential for a Round #3 jump if people watch and align!

- We’re starting to see some break away, as the top half of the table distance themselves from the bottom, and the bottom sort themselves out too. By now it’s looking like there are a few girls who have little hope going forward. Never say never we say! It’s possible for any girl to make a jump and win it in a single round, but do those girls have much hope in a Head-to-head? We may be down to 11 or so girls with a serious potential in the contest. We’ll have to see what Round #3 brings us! We’d love to be proved wrong, we really would!

So those are our big takeaways for this second round and first half. What do you think? Got something else you think is interesting from here? Do say so in our Discord channel or drop a comment below! Speculation is half the fun after all! But first, let’s see our facts nailed down so we have a good bases to spin our imagination on, which means…

… Here’s a look at the Bracket as it stands now! Only 4 places remain and not only are the getting harder to get a hold of, the match ups are too!

Lara and Kelsey join Nat and Noe on the board, and nothing is taking them off it. We now know Kelsey will be taking the stage in the second Head-to-head, and her opponent will be the winner of the AoH poll that kicks off tomorrow. Lara will fill half of the last open match, the third Round of 8 against the NTR winner, again opening tomorrow. It’s all getting real and exciting!

Now, who could those other contestants be? Time to speculate! If this last round was an indicator of the final roster, Beth is bumped from the final 8 and Asana drops seeding to Kelsey (now confirmed Seed 2) and Kriem who has for now broken into the Brackets. Ivy and Mystique are still in the picture, and still haven’t nailed down their seeds either, but neither can be certain that will the case in a week’s time. That lines up with the overall table above too. Still well in the hunt are Beth, Frankie (who also had a big rise) and Cat… so it’s still all to play for as things roll on. Let’s not get complacent folks! Don’t like that potential table? Be sure to vote against it then, there’s a Mini-VN and plenty more on the line!

And that is that! Round #2 is done and dusted, the records are set, and history is made! We have two more rounds to go and plenty of action before we get to the sweet meats of the true contest. Our top 8 girls going at it in all their glory for prizes galore! Nobody still in the game is safe, but our ladies are beginning to show their standing in the world and in your eyes. Let’s find out who will be the next pair to make it on the broad shall we? See you back here tomorrow!

Be the one to show our girls some love and beWilder! 


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