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Howdy Bold backers, and everyone showing off your Wilder side! We’ve got a nice little tease for y’all today, a showing of the mess our Bad Nat has gotten herself into! So here it is!

If you take one thing away from today, it’s ‘Always look up and Away’! If you don’t, you never know what might getcha!

This image comes to you direct from AoH’s v0.8, and Bad Nat’s follow up on what she started with Cat in the last version. We’ll not say anymore, instead we’ll let you all experience the show when you get your hands on it, but it’s a fine scene to be sure! Nat better watch herself!

If you like this, we’ve got another sexy look at v0.8 today, just for the Brave fellows! We’ll see y’all there!

And with that, we’ll call this short post to a close. We’ve still got plenty to do if we want to get AoH out for the close of the weekend! We’re closing in on the Post-production stage which means only days left on the wait clock until we have a release, so we’re going to go get there now! We’ll see everyone come Monday for our Goals post among other things, if we don’t see you sooner than that! Until then…

Be watching your back and beWilder!


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