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Hey-ho everybody, here we are again my friends, ready to let loose another wallpaper winner onto the world! D’y’all think they can handle it? We’ll have to find out, now won’t we?!

And who is she this time? Well we’ll never tell! What kind of agents would we be if… Wait, what? We’re not agents? Oh yeah, true… we’ll tell you everything! This month’s winner is Lil’ Miss Lara, and she will be visiting us all without her cloths this time around, in her Naked wallpaper! We’re heating up already!

So how did the horse race run itself this time? Oh it was a good one! Right out of the gates it was a tie between Cat, Ivy and Lara, all in less than three minutes. That was it from Cat though as she capped out at 1 vote again while Lara and Ivy fought it out for first place. Skip ahead to the end of the first day and Lara had a new adversary as Nat was hot on her heels! Ivy brought in a few more votes across the course of the week but they came split almost evenly across her three options and in the end, she finished with 5 votes, down for the first time ever. So that left Lara and Nat trading tit for tat, each jockeying for the lead over the early weekend. Come Sunday night, Nat had reached her peak of 9 votes but she still held the lead until Lara pulled even and then finally ahead in the last 48 hours of the contest. She finished just one vote higher with 10 votes in her winning option, and 11 votes total on the round.

Now thanks to her big win today, Lara grabs the record for 'Most Votes in a Single Option' for both AoH’s division and for the whole damn show, with her 11 votes. Previously the record was joint held by Lara and Nat, so their head-to-head just got all the rougher as Nat has just one chance left to win it back! But remember, Nat’s still got the 'Total Votes in a Round' record to herself, as her 13 votes from Round #2 is still above Lara’s 11 of this round. Also, congrats to Lara for becoming the first girl to break into double digits in a single option too! As for AoH as a whole, the division set a new record for total vote count at 26, just one behind the best count yet of NTR’s Round #3 Contest. Turnout was up on NTR’s last wallpaper poll, but a little under the regular rate at 30%. Ah well, more for the rest of us!

And so, a serious ‘Thank You’ to those who had their say and made this such a successful contest. It’s been a bad few weeks for Nat after losing to Noe in their race to the finish line and now being drawn into another battle with Lara on pretty much all fronts. Don’t worry, we’ll help her to relieve that stress in her v0.8, we swear! More on that this Friday! And more catfighting for your votes this time next week as NTR gets underway, this time without Noe on show… who’s going to win it now? We can barely contain our excitement and need to know! We’re sure it’ll be a heart pounder though! Before that however, we’ve got to see some Lara and her lovely lady parts, so start the clock, we’re on it and we’ll have it asap! Until then…

Be ready for some British tart and beWilder 



Hi bewilder. Are you referring to the beta release will probably be the end of this month?


I'm mean that v0.8 will be released as soon as it's ready, most likely around the last week on this month, to the Adventurous and Pure Wild tiers, yeah. Around about the same time we'll also have the Sour Kriem OS for the Daring fans and the AoH v0.7 for the Braves. How's that? Make more sense now? Do let me know!


Curiosity is getting me - how many scenes should we see, in total at this point in version 0.7?


Hard to say exactly as different people will consider different things as a scene in their count, and may or may not count non sexy scene etc... By a hard count of All Scenes as we have them in the code set up lands on 59 Total, that includes all automatic loading scenes and triggered scenes such as the activities. How are we doing? That looking good for a v0.7? We think so!