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Woo-who! Hiya there everyone, we’re back and Maccin’ once again at the top of another month! Yes, it’s that time again, and we’re ready to hand the baton of active development from one game to another and have some sexy fun as we do!

So where, oh where, to start? Oh, we know! Let’s have one last taste of Kriem before we put her away for a short while!

Ah yeah, there she is! Our diehard fans will already recognise this image as the title image of Kriem’s Origin Story which just released a few days ago. We’ll not spoil anything but… she got herself into some trouble. As much fun as we had putting her into particular messy situations, it’s time to give her a rest before we break her… ha ha ha, that’ll never happen, she’d break us long before that! She’s a tough bitch…

… Well, her story is just starting but we’ll need to wait a little while to see more. NTR will be getting it’s v0.2 come August, and we’ll be serving up a steaming plate of Noemi with a plentiful dollop of Kriem on top, but first we’ve got to get some tasty Nat in our diet! Yes, we’re going to give the July sun a run for its money and heat up your PC to the boil with our leather-bound babe of Heels!

Now we know y’all are just screaming out to hear what she’s been getting up to the last month while all our attentions were focused on the eye-catching Kriem, aren’t ya? Oh well… she’s not been up to much… only a little undercover work in some suburban café… no biggie. See for yourself.

Daaaammmnn… we bet you’ve got a few orders to give to her! You can’t fool us, we know you do! We had so much fun making Noe wear Nat’s Catsuit a few months back that we couldn’t resist. She did lose to Noe on completing the stickerbook page too, so she had to do what she was told, right? And with that, we are officially on to Agents of Heels v0.8!

That’s right, Nat is back to being the top girl of the moment, and we are going to bolster her story with more own brand awesomeness over the next few weeks. We’ll make use of her in the ‘Little Toscana’ uniform another time… and other kinky yet classy time… but for now it’s back to the same ol’ Nat we all love! We’re already into Pre-production on what we have in store for her and we’ll drop some details and sexy previews as the days go by, just you wait!

Ok, we’re onto a little ramble now, so let’s wrap it up! We’ll see y’all real soon though as Agents of Heels kicks off it’s Wallpaper Contest this Wednesday! It’s going to be a Royal Rumble for the crown for sure and it’s Nat herself who currently holds the winner's mantel, but for how long? And will this be the last round for her? It will be if she wins, but it’ll also be h-o-t! What an Independence Day that will be! We can’t wait, so until then…

Be all geared up for an awesome month and beWilder!


(No title)



Oh she'll never be far. You only need to listen and I'm sure you hear the sound of her drums or the crack of her knuckles against some asshat's jaw.... she's a wonderful lil'lady. But hey, fair is fair and it's Nat's turn at Bat, so that's what we're going with. If the fans want some more Kriem this month all they got to do is vote her as the winner in the WP poll!