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What’s up everybody? It’s that time again folks, another stickerbook update for everyone! We’re in a party kind of mood, a real fancy black tie affair kind of party, and what luck we had to find our very own Natasha here too! Oh my, we seemed to have walked right in on her conducting business, and maybe even a little pleasure… and all we have to say is if they sold those kinds of holsters in stores we’d totally buy them! You might think that's a dangerous place to keep a weapon, but as was said when this wallpaper hit our Dev chat, “I’m sure she’s used to things going off in her ass by now!”. What else can we say though? “Best Assassination Ever”. Enjoy the sticker everyone, it’s pretty fine, and daring Daring+ fans can find the full 2K Wallpaper right here!

Here’s the updated PDF…

PDF Download: Link  

And here are the images themselves up to date too:

(Image Link) 

(Image Link) 

(Image Link) 

And that completes our lucky number 7 sticker and brings up the head to head that’s brewing between our top girls. We extend a big congrats to Nat for making it to 2 wins and for being the first of the AoH girls to do so. However, we remain impartial now that she and Noemi will be fighting it out not only for a win within their own game’s contests, but also to be the first beWilder lady to fill out her stickerbook page for Season 1, the first to clear the board, and the first to the big 3 wins! Funnily enough, both girls only have their SFW options left, so they are evenly matched. Only time will tell, and we’ll be kicking off NTR’s Round 4 real soon, this Monday in fact! Will Noe take the win and put the head-to-head to bed so early? Will Kriem join the race to the finish? Or will Frankie / Kelsey get their own page in the book at long last… Lara’s still waiting on a page partner after all! We can barely wait to see! Until then…

Be real careful next time you cop a feel and beWilder! 


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Oh no, no, no... it's not dead, silly! We just put out an update to v0.7 two weeks ago and next month is all Nat and the figure '8', as we up it another version. Also of course, today's new Wallpaper too, should help keep people all revved up for her while they wait if the NTR girls arn't your thing!

Robert Dunlop

looking at nats latest wallpaper, it amazes me that she never got patted down on the way into that venue, i mean who wouldn't want to pat that ass!? the security there are obviously very lapse!


Well.. the more pragmatic way of thinking would be that she's a top class agent and finds away to pick up the gun once inside via some shadowy game of hand offs or a well placed stash... but I'd like to believe she has many ways to convince guards to let her by... fun and exciting ways that might even involve two guards at a time... Glad you like it though!