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Hello again everyone and thanks for joining us in another weekly post! Today we’d like to discuss talking itself, and what our longer-term plans for voicing are, how does that sound?

So, let’s start off by telling you our plans and options before we set out on this road. Adding at least some form of voicing has always been on Unshi’s roadmap and the whole process has been a long-time a passion for Spook. Way back when AoH first started Unshi looked at various actresses who could potentially play some of the key girls in our stories and he even auditioned a few at the time. As fun and as sexy as the process was, it became clear quickly that it wasn’t the right time for bonuses like voicing. But is it that time now?

We don’t think so, not just yet. At least, not as part of the larger game projects. Both of us here have talked it over quite a bit and we think we should stick to the original plan: finish the game and release a special follow up version with completed acting! We have our reasons for this, a fair few of them actually, but let us give you the main ones now:

- We don’t want to rely on external partners for our releases. Actors can be busy people and we would have to work to their schedule, not them to ours. This isn’t something that works in our favour, especially when we begin to bring in more voices and people. We would rather complete a project and then turn over all the needed work to a voicer to carry out on their own time, then release a version with it all ready.

- As much as voicing adds to the game and we ourselves believe it ups the sexy factor, it is admittedly not for everyone. Adding a feature that is time intensive, work intensive, file size bloating and not to everyone’s taste is not really a smart move. That time and effort is better spent bringing more and better visuals to you as well as more side content like our comics and mini-VNs, wouldn’t you agree?

We’d like to take a pause here and give you a moment to think that over. We would seriously like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this as we move forward. Go ahead we’ll wait here… *dum da dum dum*…. * nonchalant humming * … * la le-la-la la*… oh, you’re back? Good, let’s move on… and by the way, think how much better those typed sound effects would have been if they we’re really voiced!

Now that you’ve had a chance to think about it a little, let us hit you with another possibility. We have a deep love for our expanded world, the beWilderverse, and we love to add to it where we can. We’re especially interested in side stories and additional content that doesn’t tap the Art time budget or take away time from the game development. Voiced readings might very well scratch that itch, don’t you think? And on that note, we have some good news for you!...

As of next week (starting March 11th), one of our favourite vocal artists, the sweet Candy of “VoiceLikeCandy” is running a script competition over on her own patreon page. The reward for winning? The script is voiced of course! Spook has already written up and submitted a script featuring everyone’s favourite ginger-haired, pigtailed naughty little girl, our lovely Kate. We’ve seen before how she left school, but how would you like to hear about her attempts to “make friends” when she first arrived? Well then, help us get that script voiced! 

We so enjoyed the experience and the idea of telling more of Kate’s story before she was kicked out of school and ended up living at Granddaddy Tim’s house that it is something we are definitely up for doing more of! But is it something you all want too? Do let us know, and if you can, be sure to vote in Candy’s contest for our girl! It’s only open to patreons, but we think that’s $1 well spent (you can even get a kinky recording for $3 now too, how sweet is that?). Let us and the world know if you want to hear more of Kate and all our girls, well before we can bring you a whole game, and we’ll make it so!

While we watch with bated breath the outcome of the script contest, we’re still hard at work on development. We’re on the very last steps of Noe’s OS and we are already so damn proud of what we’ve got. The final touches are being put on and the dish is being plated, it’ll be on your table this week! As it’s the first outing of Noe, we’ll be releasing the VN publicly and beginning the staged release of NTR with v0.1 (the OS VNs for the other girls will not be public sadly). We also have some good news for AoH fans as well as we will be releasing v0.6 to the Brave tier backers later in the month too… we’ll have more on that a little later on. Also keep an eye out for new Lara and the re-do of the “Last Raider", not to mention our first batch of wallpaper releases this month (don’t forget to vote!), it’s looking like we’re in for quite a treat! With all that going on, we’d better get back to work, so away we go, we’ll see you later in the week!

Be loud and beWilder!


Robert Dunlop

hi guys, i'm sure that some patreons would love to have the voice acting added, but my thoughts on the voice acting, are that it's not that important at least it's not to me, but i do feel that sound effects, like cars, guns, busy restaurants, background music, doors opening and shutting, sex scenes, and other things of that sort, add to the feel and immersiveness of the story especially if they are used in the right way, i.e not overly loud except where warranted. my thing with voice acting is that, yeah it can work, but i have this idea of how a character sounds already in my mind and if the voice actor does not match that or falls way short of my idea of how the character should sound then it can be jarring! all that said, at the end of the day it's your project and your call, so it's to you guys.


Thanks for the feedback Robert, it's always helpful to hear. To you concerns, this is exactly why we are starting this dialogue today so we can flush out whether it is worth while to undertake. We understand where you're coming from, and that's pretty much the second reason we listed as our big cons to having voice acting. We feel it might be worth while doing more side content in this format as we are always looking to produce quality content for all the fans but things that require Art always eat up the clock. That's why we are looking to appeal to other senses as well. I think everyone will agree that it was worth us taking these extra few days to produce the quality seen in Noe's OS since soon the wait will be over but the fruits of that waiting will last forever, but art will always be our time-limiting factor sadly. We will definitely not be add voice-overs to either game until they are finished and we can produce a version for those who want it and another for those who don't, but that doesn't mean we can't offer sexy sounds and ear candy in the mean time while the art is cooking. We believe this would give us all the best of both world, but what we are aiming to discover today and in the future as we move forward is if there is interest in that other world's benefits. Thanks again for shouting out, glad to hear everyone's thoughts no matter which side of the fence they are on. All the best!