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Hey there everyone, thanks for checking back in with us! Today we’re going to look at some of the new rewards we announced last week and show you just what kind of kink we have in store for our true fans like you! Specifically, we will be talking about the “Season 1 Wallpaper Rewards”, the “Recollection Room”, the “Walkthrough” and the “Name a NPC”. We think you’re going to like them, but before we get into that we have a little reminder…

As you can see we’ve made the change over to beWilder. Thanks to you all for sticking with us through the transition and we hope you as excited as we are for what things are to come! Remember you can find us at the new url: patreon.com/beWilder rather than the old /agentsofheels. Now lets get to the tender and juicy bits this post is all about!

Wallpapers: Season 1
So let’s kick it off with the reward we are most excited about. Over the last year Unshi has been getting request and suggestions for concepts and wallpapers on a near weekly basis but alas the game always comes first when art is involved. “That CG would be a great wallpaper!” or “I would just love to have something of Romanov to hang on my wall!”… believe us when we say things like that are extremely flattering and we’re thrilled to have heard you say those things. That’s a big part of what inspired this reward.

So the heart of the reward is for each month period you pledge at the “Daring” tier (formally “Raider”) you get your choice of 2 Wallpapers from our Season 1 catalogue, 1 from the AoH set and 1 from the NTR set.
There is a total of 24 images to collect, 12 per game, featuring 4 girls for each. There are 3 pics of each girl to boot. Each image is of 2K resolution and contains a unique message for her adoring fans, not unlike an autograph. Each girl will have a playful SFW shot in her work gear (NTR girls in their restaurant uniform, the AoH girls in their mission gear), a more risqué shot in their favourite casual gear, and a NSFW shot with all on show.

So who will be on offer you ask? Good question! For the NTR girls, Noemi, Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey are all on the menu as the main cast girls. For AoH, Unshi hand pick the girls based on player feedback to date and his own filthy desire, naughty boy! You can look forward to more of the heroes Natasha and Cat, as well as the villains Mei and (v0.6 SPOLIER!) Ivy!

At the start of each month we will bring a poll to all you fans for which of the remaining AoH Wallpapers you’d like to see released. The poll will remain pen a number of days to give everyone a chance to take part and the following week the winning choice will be release in our Wallpaper of the Month post (which you will be able to find in the page overview section). The week after we will do the same for the NTR cast. Remember to keep your eye on the post and to have your voice heard, once a new Wallpaper is released the previous one will be gone until the end of the Season 1 run, so stay active and shout loud for your best girl!

This reward will come into effect in March once charging resumes, so start thinking who you want to see first!

Recollection Room

So, on to the next reward. Here we have a little announcement to make too. We are planning to add a new feature to the AoH engine we like to call the Recollection Room. Simply put it will act as a gallery to view all unlocked scenes from the game through the main menu. Now, before you go thinking we’re going to be holding this feature back as a reward, we’re not doing that. Once we have this feature built, tested and ready to roll out it will be in every version.

So what’s the reward then? Well, for those who pledge at the “Adventurous” tier (formally “Heroes”) we will be releasing a passcode with each version to unlock all new scenes. Now, we strongly recommend playing the game naturally for the best experience, but we know sometimes you’re just in the mood of a quick visit or just don’t have the time to explore all the paths. The code will let you see all there is to see as and when you want it! For everyone else, you just have to earn your goodies the hard way!

This reward is still in development and we will bring it to you as soon as possible. If people like the feature, we will be sure to develop it into NTR as well.


So this one is fairly straight forward, right? Ah… right, actually. Something that Unshi really regrets he didn’t make time for back in AoH’s early development is the walkthrough and list of scenes. As of now, the paths keep growing and the story branches radically (v0.5 and v0.6 show us just how much) so the focus is on making sure the paths all live up to the hype and expectation rather than writing up the past steps… we think all can agree that’s were the focus should be.

But NTR is a different story. We’ve learned from the past and we are on it right from the start this time! With each update to NTR we will bring you a walkthrough detailing how to find your way to all the scene’s we have to offer. Have no fear of missing out on anything! Noe will hold your hand every step of the way as you leader her through her story.

This reward will take effect with each update of NTR, starting at v0.1. Assuming demand, Nat will be getting on board too with her own walkthrough, and boy does she like it when you demand more of her!

Name an NPC

So, we’ve made it to the last, but not least of the spotlight rewards. Here we would like to reward those who have shown so much faith in us the chance to be a part of the BeWilderverse from the beginning! Come on by ‘Little Toscana’ in digital form and be there when it all goes down!

Pure Wild tier (formerly Villains) backers, you can name one of Noe’s regular customers and see yourself appear throughout the gameplay segments. Won’t it be something to see your favourite girl serving you? We’re getting jealous just thinking about it! What? You want to see what the game play looks like before you could imagine what it would be like… well then, how’s this?

(Gameplay Screenshot)
(WIP Screenshot of the main daily activities at 'Little Toscana')

For reasons relating to gameplay we are limiting this redemption to once per backer for now. If things go well, we’d love to open this up and allow multiple redemptions, but we will have to see how it goes, won’t we? Also be aware, names will have to be inline with some basic rules for decency sake, nothing offensive will be accepted, but that’s just common sense right? No need to worry about it really.

This reward will take effect with each update of NTR, starting at v0.1. Let us know how much you like this idea and we’ll consider working it into more games in the future.

So that’s all we’ve got to show you this time around. Be sure to let us know what you think. We can’t wait to show off our Season 1 wallpapers… Now, it’s back to work on Noe’s big debut for us! She’s smoking hot and almost ready to go… she just needs a little more cooking time and seasoning. We’ll see you on the next post!

Be Cool and beWilder!


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Robert Dunlop

sounds like a nice idea, give people the chance to have a go at the game first then release the walkthrough a week or two later, hopefully that should appease most game players.

Robert Dunlop

hi guys, just wondering if we are still on target for noes origin story this month? also for naming and ethnicity of my in game character should i pm you? just to add that i am really looking forward to what you have in store for us.


Hey buddy. Sorry for the late reply. That's a good question. We've had a few delays on our end but we're not going to make any excuses. We're working overtime all weekend and next week with the aim of getting Noe's OS out on schedule but we can't confirm right now that we can. We want to make sure all our content is top notch rather than rush things out, regardless which game or version number it is, you know? Like I said we are still looking to get it out this month though. We will be going ahead with the Wallpaper rewards next month too, likely starting late next week before the weekend hits so look forward to that in the mean time! I'm super psyched that you're looking forward to seeing what we have planned, we both are too. Noe's too good a girl to keep to ourselves after all. And to the NPC reward, go ahead and reach out via PM and we'll handle that way. Keep it a surprise for players to seek out in v0.1, muhahaha! Unshi will handle things from there when we've cleared some more of the OS heavy-lifting from workload. Cheers buddy! Have yourself a good weekend!