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First of all, what you all want: new version. It's been a pain in the butt. I finally had to go back to an older version, recovering 0.43 content and re-glueing all 0.50 content in Unity... again. Also, one of the paths for 0.50 was breaking the game so it had to be changed, it has a somewhat abrupt ending (this path only) but it should work nicely and it will look better once more content is added in future versions anyway.

It will be ready to be published soon.

On to today's matter. I've managed to design the cover for the comic series that will start this month with Lara. The last Raider is something I want to do with you guys, so be sure to give your thoughts about it. If you can't participate in polls and such but have a really cool idea be sure to mention it via message or in the Community section.

I want this first comic book to answer the title. Why is it called "The last Raider". So our story should have some sort of drama involving her team getting killed... or maybe she just prefers to act on her own without team at all... we'll see.

I want this to be filled with dirty stuff as always, but I don't want every suggestion to be sex-based. Some of them will have to make the story progress... I know I know... boring stuff :P. There's gotta be some villains, some kind of evil plan, some plot twists, etc... so you guys better eat breakfast every day, because it's gonna get tough !


Hope you guys are as excited as I am. See you soon!




No update this month???


Been having quite a few problems with it, but it's coming soon, dont worry.


this week or not ?