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After dinner, I sat in my bedroom looking at the pictures of this story one by one. And then I felt tired from waiting for so long. I slept for 5 hours until midnight and now I wake up and take another look at the new Turner's super naughty photos. Beautiful photos on your smartphone screen! It Was Your Panel Painting 2. Like the gods in Michelangelo's ceiling paintings, Turner's beautiful, naughty yet wholesome sexuality fills Zeus, his Turner, the perfect freebo. Is it a dream or reality? Glory and gratitude to Freebo, a genius who depicts human love that follows the path of exquisite sexual love! ! !


Thanks so much my friend, your words are really flattering! A bit exaggerating comparing my gay porn comics to Michelangelo 😂 but it’s really flattering! I hope that my art brings you joy. But please take a good sleep and rest well, 5 hours are not enough, don’t get sick please 😘

Peter Sichel

For all your fans like me who love your storylines when you feature frame after frame of the hairy vulnerable Dad bottoms like Mr. Turner (my favorite); especially in your panels where the Dad-bods jump off the page in such detail that an incredible orgasm is inescapable. You have the talent and imagination to illustrate the hottest comics of the moment. I encourage to keep your focus on the furry men and your fans will love you. Right now you are my favorite artist, and of many, many others I am sure!