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Hello, Dadfuckers!

Summer was endless in Papa Island this year! But I'm finally done...for now. 

I had something different in my mind for this comic, but suddenly I realized that what I wanted was too much for just one comic, so "Family Affair" will be probably a trilogy. The Mancebo male family members deserve more.

At the beginning of the year I scheduled all the comics that I wanted to do, month by month, but...as you can probably see, I'm late!

Anyway, I'm not panicking, I will use October and November for the next "WEIRD HORNY TALES" chapter, the two short stories that won the last plot. Even though one of them is a bit too elaborate to be a short story, it will probably be longer.

I can't wait to start!

But I will need some days to prepare all the characters and material to do the comics, so be patient. I will probably start with "THE C0CK OF GLORY", featuring Mr. Turner because I already have most of the material.

Also, I apologize for the recycled cover of this comic, but I'm really drained and I couldn't draw anything new for this comic. Also, I think that many full-page panels of this comic were really good for covers. So here you are. If I had drawn one brand new artwork for the cover, I would have needed a few more days of work, but I really feel the urge to go on to the next story. 

Also, we are in full spooky season, so I really want to draw Victor and his weird tales.

So stay tuned for my next post, and in the next few days, I will also post the remaining panels and sketches.

Enjoy and let me know in the comments what you think!




I am so happy and can't wait to see my beloved Principal Turner get fucked Thoroughly soon!! Thanks Genius Freebo!!


Mr. Freebo, the genius, I just had an idea, and I would like to request Pedro as this year's Santa Claus. The story is about being fucked by all the men in the Mancebo family!

Fritz Sumter

I’m so excited, any chance of any hypnosis or punk guys in this and if not what are some stories of yours I should check out that have those.


Hello Fritz, no there is no hypnosis in this comic, but you can find some comics in "collections" about it. Like Dr. Hoover's comics, or "Family Feud on TV".


Hopefully this comic series continues again 🤤🤤🤤