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Hello, Dadfuckers!

Finally, I had the time to finish this project. I'm very satisfied with it. The cover, and the characters sheets, are both great, in my personal opinion. What do you think?

I'm still using AI art to enrich my comics, and it's a lot of fun and inspiration.

In the last couple of months, I lost many followers, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because I didn't post as often as before. I hope you all are satisfied with my work, I spend all my energies on it, even though I have other artistic projects and hobbies. I hope all the leavers are gonna come back after the summer because I have a lot of ideas for the future. 

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think in the comments and DM!

Your personal dadp0rn creator,




Neil Scott

I love this series. The plug. Having him only cum with a dck in his ass. The whole thing.


This was amazing comic as usual! Would like to hear some updates about your visual novel project again when you have the chance! :)


Thanks Neil! It was a lot of fun to draw it, so I'm really happy to know that you liked it!


Hey Finn! Thanks so much! Sadly the visual novel project is stuck. My collaborator is going through difficult times so he stopped working with me a few months ago. Maybe the project was also too big. I should have started with a short story. :(


Omg phenomenal!!!❤️❤️❤️