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I really enjoyed the post about the 3 wishes! So I’m having another idea you all can help with.

You get a time travel device, but you can use it just 3 times…where (or better “when”) would you go?

Those sre my choices:

-year 3000, in the ultra futuristic Freebopolis, where women left planet earth forever. In this future, dads are super hot and total s7uts. Men after 45-50 years old become bottom s7uts, and younger men are constantly horny. There are also all kind of gay aliens and cyberpunk robots with huge dildo d1cks to satisfy the s7utty dads.

-Back to 1600, where Freebopolis port was full of pirates. The pirate ships were full of h0rny men, women couldn’t go on the ships because they were a sign of misfortune. So men had to vent their desires between each other, and obviously pirate daddies were used as wh0res by their younger companions.

-prehistoric time, were hot neanderthals and homo sapiens started interacting…and fuck1ng each other.

What about you? You can also travel in space, like in acient Rome, medieval castles or ancient Egypt!

Be kinky and creative!



Neanderthal daddies, they look dumber and we can imagine them wild and much more hairy. But me, as a fan of Ancient Rome I prefer this time, you can take many stories from Rome, since Gods, conquers, the "Nobiles" and their slaves, gladiators... Even Pirates.


-Victorian era London where you had all those top hat daddies. -definitely pirate daddies -kinda of pagan Britain with the likes or wizards and druids like merlin.


Prehistoric dumb dads! Specifically, the first to discover fire and weed. Total Neanderthal dumbasses completely open to suggestion in how to use their insanely hairy and muscular physiques and huge dadpussies.