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Hello, Dadfuckers!

That's it! I'm done with this comic, finally! Well, I need a few more days for the cover art, as usual, but you can enjoy the whole story. It took a bit more than I expected and wanted, but it was worth it. I had to travel a lot during Easter so my job was on standby for a week, that's the reason for the delay. I planned to do also a short comic for April but I'm not sure I will be able to. Well, for sure I will publish something more, don't worry!

So, in the end, all the dad-holes of the story are wide open and oozing gallons of cum, as always, and Dr. Hoover managed to fix the situation, which was a little bit out of control! 

In the end, I introduced a new family coming to Freebopolis: the Papadakis. I was in Greece a couple of times and it's an amazing country, and the dads over there are just...HOT. So I really need a Greek dad in my comics, and Kostas is the right one. And if you follow me from the beginning, you already met him in some very old drawings of mine!

I wanted to do a longer ending, like something about Mr. Will's aftermath, or Kevin, Titus, and the technicians, but I really wanted to close this comic and move on. Longer projects are cool but a bit boring for me to draw always the same characters for such a long time. Next time I should find a way to split the story in half and do two parts, but for this comic there was a really long introduction without action, so it would have been pretty boring for you, I guess!

Well, it is what it is, and I really liked it!

Stay tuned for the cover art in the next few days and as usual, let me know your opinions!




WOW you weren't lying when you said this was a long comic Your hand must be crumbled paper by now


I really liked it and I hope you draw more Mr will in the future, he was my favorite in this comic


The Greeks are coming! Or cumming…either way 😍


I love the comic, but boi that pose on page 20 on the final page. Very fucking hot! Jack out here with sexy pose and big dummy ass.


Everytime you draw a dad again you make him hotter and hotter, I thought it was impossible do Mr. Jack, Mr. Rizzo and the big bastard Mr. O'Malley but you did it. Kostas looks as arrogant as sexy, I think I'll love him but I will always be Team Rizzo. It was an amazing final for an amazing job, very exciting.


I wanna see Pat 'Smash Him' too! This comic was great! it had two of my most fav dads in it and I loved the ending pages with Joe and Pat flirting and would be happy to see what comes from this interaction with Kostas and his sexy sons in the future, 20 pages of fun, good work Sir!

Eduardo Santiago

Amazing. Hypnosis, orgies, fainting women, a new feud, a new daddy, and two new members for the Dadfuckers Club. Can't wait to see these 3 out in the field. Always love your work. Take a little siesta after this, you'll need it for whatever it is you're already planning. Thank you, take care and don't overdue it.


Welcome back Kostas! Loved this comic. I'm proud of your "HARD" work! Looking forward to the next juicy story!


I love the hearts by the daddies at the end. Now totally enamored with each other


Yes extra long comic! My hand is ok, very well trained. It’s ready to do new comics 😜


Ahaha yes he looks so hot and dumb there! Like I wanna spank him senseless!


Thanks Mister! I love to give all my dads a chance to be in newer comics, so to draw them better and hotter than ever! Kostas needs a lesson, a “welcome to Freebopolis” gang bang, don’t you think? 🤣


Thanks Ed! Yes, there is a lot going on in this comic, it was a lot of work but a lot of fun! I need to think about Kostas and his boys now, they deserve a story, I already have something in my mind ;)

Dominic Raso

Perfect and boner raising as always!!!!!!