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Hello Dadfuckers!

As you might have noticed, my style changes a lot over time. Sometimes when I look at my older comics I'm like "ewwww"!!! This is happening often when I look at my characters' design lately so I'm constantly restyling them over time. 

This is an example, Dr. Hoover is a recurrent character and he's gonna be in March's comic, along with a bunch of other characters. I really had the urge to restyle most of them, because I feel that they deserve it! Dr. Hoover will appear also a bit beefier!

The biggest problem with my old design of Dr. Hoover is that his face looks slightly different at each angle, mostly the shape of his face is rounder or squarer on each side. Or is the nose bigger or smaller, I tried to correct it!

Lately, I'm also thinking to grow up some of the dadfuckers a bit...like Billy, Andy, and Danny. Ad some facial hair, maybe a new haircut or something like that. Also, make their body a bit more mature and less twinky. Billy is hitting the gym, for example, so it makes sense, right? I'm not sure if changing them so much makes sense because I want them to be always recognizable. Before changing them, I will end their ongoing series for sure. I will finish Good Neighbourly Relations for Billy, for instance, don't worry!

Let me know what you think about it! I'm very curious of your opinion ;)



Characters changing is like real life: people grow up, gain or lose weight, try new looks and haircuts (or even lose hair!) It's more real than characters looking the same through the years.


The Simpsons have stayed the same for 30 years, yet they are always reimagined as grown ups. I love the development and change. Can you imagine a new generation of Dadfuckers... Like a Boruto situation... But much much better!!!


I hope you save several twink top types in your comics for mature muscle bottoms) you are great artist. last comic with focus on rimming so hot


Change is good just keep the big nipples on the dads LOL


I like the idea, I love it when artists update or add new details to their characters, it's always so interesting to see these things when you notice it, it's like the characters are maturing in-universe or something and it's even more fun when the artists want to add these changes in creative ways like time skips you see in manga or anime that way when the changes happen it's not weird the characters are just growing up, anyway I just really enjoy seeing characters you know and love in a new light....that sounds like it would also make a awesome idea for a new comic, thank ya for sticking around to the end for my wordy rambling! 😘


It's new because hair grows over time.


Life goes on and restyling is natural and sometimes the restyling can also matured men and even want them more....more!! So it is a great idea and definitely looking forward to it!!👍💋💖😊🔥🌈


Of course this is totally up to you. After all, these are your characters and as an artist you should always follow you inner voice and enjoy what you are doing. So if you feel that some of your characters need an overhaul then you shold definitely go for it. However since you asked for feedback, here's some of my thoughts: First of all I love the Dadfuckers so much. These handsome, sexy and most of all naughty and lusty boys are so enjoyable to watch. Even though the main attraction of your beautiful work are mouthwatering gorgeous Dads, Danny and the other boys are also a huge turn on for me. And there is something really hot about that "young boys dominating mature dads - scenario". So aging them up just "a bit" should be totally fine but aging them up too much (so that they are no longer young cocky boys) would kinda contradict that afore mentioned "young boys vs mature dads" scenario. However giving them a more mature and less twinky body could be very interesting. Basically that sounds like making the Dadfuckers even sexier, without aging them up too much. So the only thing I'm personally afraid of, is that the Dadfuckers will age up too much, so that they can't be considered "boys" anymore. Making their bodies a bit buffer and less twinky however, is something that I would enjoy. I have to admit that among all the Dadfuckers there is only one, that never really appealed to me and that is Andy. All the other Dadduckers are pretty handsome hot boys, but just like Roscoe the hot Trucker Dad from "ON THE ROAD" mentioned, Andy looks a bit like an alien with his skull-like, skinny facial features. In your old comic "Uncle Harry" for example, Andy looks very different, he's buffer and less skinny and looks much healthier and attractive imo. So while I hope that the Dadfuckers won't change too much, I wouldn't mind a more drastic overhaul for Andy, making him buffer and healthier looking, turning him into a sexy punk. Regarding the example of Dr. Hoover: I consider the style changes a natural process cause as an artist you are constantly improving and refining your style. So the differences between the oldest and the latest version of a certain character just show that your artstyle is evolving and that all the sexy Dads you are drawing, have become even hotter over time. ;)


Love the idea of ongoing character development. I feel like we got a sneak peak at their long term destination in that transformation story where they turned into daddies.


I’m all in for the new designs and the characters growing into the universe but I hope you will retain and reaffirm the core character traits that make all your characters so unique and memorable. Nothing better than seeing the characters we love in a new light but retaining that sense of familiarity.


Yes and new boys will grow up. I love the idea of men / bulls/ bears and daddies growing up and go from active fuckers to passionated bottoms.


pre- stories could sometimes come a little more to the fore. I love those sexual flirting moments, with looks, big bulges in pants, sexy open shirts, big asses in all kinds of speedos and pants. before it cums to horny dirty sex sessions


I’m not familiar with Boruto, but I have a story in my mind that make a big jump in time concerning the O’Brian legacy!


I will keep the diversity for sure in my comics! And dads will be always get used and abused in every way possible 🤣🤪 no reason to be worried about it!


Hey Navrim! Thanks so much for your comments and private messages! I always love to get these long feedbacks full of info and ideas about my comics! I'm glad you appreciate the Dadfuckers so much, I think they deserve more attention! Of course, they are my characters and I love them, but I'm not attracted to younger men AT ALL so for me they are just some more "tools" used to fuck dads XD I don't want to age them a lot though, but I think that Danny would look hotter with some facial hair and Billy too, with a different haircut and some beef on his body! They would still be boys ;) Now, most of the Dadfuckers are 21-23 years old, they would age around 24-26 years old I guess. And I can introduce more younger boys to comics. I never gave them a lot of care while drawing them. All of their designs are pretty basic, I'm trying to give more details to them as time passes. You are right about Andy, he looked different in his first comic. Well, in the future he's gonna be a super chub dad, we can see this from the "growth essence" comic. Anyway, thanks again for the time you took to write this comment, really appreciated it!


Thanks, Placidus! Yes, that's hot, also for me. It happens more often in Mr. O'Brian's stories. Mature men can be more romantic, I guess? Dadfuckers just want to destroy dads XD


I Love the mr. O Brian Stories. Difficult but maybe someday Mr. Navaro and Mr. O’Brian get in touch!


Realism, flaws and all, is hot