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Hello Dadfuckers!

I have a lot of free time (joking) so I did some new REFERENCE SHEETS (Billy and Andy) and update Mr. Smith's one because I realized I used the same panel for him and Danny, and I have such a great amount of material so I decided to use another one. 

I should do more of these, but they are quite time-consuming so I kinda avoid them XD

I hope you like them! You can find them also in my archive folder pinned on my page (if you are using a browser, the pinning system doesn't work on mobile, stupid Patreon!)



Bloom flow

The reference sheets are a good idea! I was wondering when you would do some more. It helps keep track of your characters :-)

Dominic Raso

These are great! It helps put some the characters into perspective in the storylines the have preceeded.....thank you 💖💖💖


Yes, I waited too long! I’m kinda lazy when it’s time to put in order my stuff 😅