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Hello, DADFUCKERS of Freebopolis!

How are you? 

I'm very good, but extremely stressed! I did the best in my power to finish this comic on time and release a complete PDF by the end of the month, but I didn't make it!

I'm gonna provide you with the final 4 pages and the bonus FAN-ART made by my talented friend and fellow artist DESAXXX!

I love it! And of course, the animated version is even better!

But don't worry, next few days I will ultimate this comic and draw a cover for it, and release the final thing. So, I'm sorry but you must subscribe again for October if you want the complete comic.

Anyway, I switched the billing system of Patreon a few days ago, now you will be billed the day that you subscribe and your month of subscription will start the day you subscribe, and end after one month. I think that it's much better because I received so many requests from people in these years that were asking me for a refund because they subscribed at the end of the month and could enjoy their subscription just for a few days. I always refunded everyone with this issue because I always found it very stupid and illogic. 

I hope everything will function well also for me because I just bought a flat and spent all my savings!

The move to my own flat will be a great improvement for my personal life and also for the production of my comics and future projects. I would never be able to do this without the help of all my friends and supporters here on Patreon. SO THANK YOU ALL GUYS! YOU ARE THE BEST!

Now enjoy the last part of this comic, and of course, sooner or later, I will also collect the trilogy in one special publication. 

So, stay tuned for the next adventures! 

previous parts:




PS: This comic was a lot of fun, but also a bit extreme for my tastes. You know, I'm an artist so sometimes I like to push to my edges a bit and see where am I going. I hope you all liked this trilogy, I could do more of these things in the future, but usually, I like more "down-to-earth" stuff and sex. Of course, I like to draw dads being fuck3d to the limits. a bit humiliated and abused, but it's not my everyday kind of thing, I don't know if it's clear. Anyway, I'd like to know what are your thoughts on that, and also if you have some thoughts about AI. I personally love the technology progresses but I find them a bit wicked and creepy sometimes, so I integrated them here on this comic. Now enough blabbering, enjoy the comic!




For a pumper this comic is very exciting. Bravo

Bloom flow

I thought this comic was great. It’s always good when you try something new. You don’t need to do it all the time but you always have the option to revisit this type of stuff when you feel ready.


Make the mayor take ¿All? Dadmilk was very extreme but at the end it's a fantasy, it's like watching gore movies and people will not enjoy it in real life. Sometimes offering different things is interesting and you did it without losing this magical touch that you have. Congratulations. I hope see the mayor being fucked and pleased without be in drugs (It sounds really extreme hahaha).


Do always what please you ;-) but again enjoyed it very much!

Strawberry Milkshake

Oh I thought the blonde scientist guy was gonna get to be really beefy. He seems a lot thinner in the last couple of panels that he’s in


I personally love the dadvil storyline, but would love to see it used also in the future outside of the lab setting. I think it would make it little less extreme also. Still loved the extremity and I'm happy with you experimenting and doing things that you like. :)


Woof!!! Way hot. Love the furry daddies.


AND a Desaxxx animated gif! That's wonderful – the cherry on the top of this great comic of yours!


His body guards remind me of the two gay bear soldiers, even though one was a redhead, from pocahontas who I’ve always fantasized about


Fantastic comic -- honestly, I think it's one of your best, and its storyline shows the kinky side of Freebopolis very well! It's always good to try new ideas and themes, and looking forward to the inevitable return of the LAB AI and Dadvil's effect on every beefy daddy in the city :D

Dominic Raso

Perfection my friend 💦💦💦


Thanks so much Bloom! For sure I had a lot of fun doing this comic! More to cum!


Thanks, Mister! Yes, taking ALL THE MILK was a bit extreme, but that's what comics are for, right? I like comics because they can make the impossible things "real".


You are right, Dr. Hoover seems skinnier in the last few pages. Maybe he drained all his juices in the Mayor's ass? XD Just joking. The truth is that I rushed a bit to finish this comic and in the last pages I didn't pay much attention to details. Also, most of the time I'm not so focused on TOPS in my comics, I'm more careful about the BOTTOMS ;)


Yes, I have already a couple of stories in mind about DADVIL. Thanks finn!


Nice, I had to google them because I didn't remember anything about Pocahontas. For sure they are hot goons ;)


Thanks my friend, it's also because of you and all your hints and suggestions ;)


Most definitely! All you have to do is look up Pocahontas Ben and Lon- woof. Probably some of my first animated crushes, especially the red head