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Hey Dadfuckers!

Tomorrow is my bday (I'm gonna be 35, OMG) , and I wanna celebrate with another chapter of this comic! And this chapter is fat, hairy, and juicy.

I really hope I can find the time to finish this comic within the month, so all of you can download it and enjoy it, but there are not so many days left and I still have 3 pages to finish.

For each page, I need to work a lot of hours, even more now that I'm developing my skills, so lately is getting a bit difficult for me to do monthly long comics. Maybe I should do like a did in March and release a couple of shorter stories each month. What do you think?

As usual, let me know if you enjoy this chapter and have fun with it!

See you next week for the ending ;)



Steven Milloy

...and Happy Birthday, by the way!!!


Happy birthday! I love the bed frame


Happy Birthday! And Look at that big sexy belly! Woof


Damn u just spoiled us with this!


Happy birthday. I honestly prefer the longer comics and don't mind the wait but I know I may be alone in that thinking

Eduardo Santiago

This turned out great... and HOT AF. Can't wait to read more from this series. Keep up the good work but don't push yourself. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


I loooooove man-hams for breakfast too! Happy b-day freebo23! 35? Still a whipper-snapper.


Happy Birthday Freebo!


Happy Birthday! Thank you for the hot stories!

Steven Milloy

LOL, love the bed frame!!!


Le lit est vraiment trop génial. J'adore.


Thanks everyone! You are great


Happy BDay freebo23!!! 💪🏻


Happy late birthday! I'd personally like if you did shorter comics more often and longer every once in a while. But I also don't mind waiting for the longer ones to finish. :)