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my drear friends,

the stolen laptop is definitely gone. I was tot he police and all that stuff but also them told me that's very difficult to be found again.

I already did all the new monthly doodles for the "papa bear" patrons, and i was working on 2 comics that were already done. 

The doodles are gone. I must do it again.

Papa Island 2 was complete, I just need some more time for the text and was ready to be published. Luckily I did some screen shots of all the pages, so I will use them. I don't think that the resolution will be perfect, but drawing and colouring it again doesn't make sense.

Another comic about Mr. Wright was partially coloured, and i think I must draw and colour it again from the beginning. Luckily it was a commission and I have a lot of screen shots in my mail that will make the job easier.

I started also a couple of new comics, but just sketches, and they are completely gone.

The good news is that probably I'll have a new laptop next week! I'll need some time to set it for work with it properly, but it's great!

thank you for all the patience and the support you gave me!

It was really important for me.

Love and hugs,



winter ace

Be safe! <:3>


Sorry that you have to go through all that. Big hugs!


Sorry this happened. But you will get back to where you were and might even change things up a bit. Now that you have to go over them again. The best


Sorry about your laptop again, but it's good to know you were able to at least have some of your prepared stuff finished.


I mean, it's good you still have some stuff for your comics and doodles. Hope you're able to get that new laptop too.

Edward Miller

You put out so much stuff on a daily I think a could wait a week no big your worth the wait!!

Daddy McQuaig

Aw damn! That’s heart breaking!! You are my favorite creator on Patreon - if I can do anything please let me know. As and IT engineer, I also highly recommend using cloud secure storage and some automatic syncing and backups. I can help if you need.