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This is the first relaxing poll I'd ever made...?!

Here are the results!

Public winner: Theme N/A Artist's choice

Fire Emblem: Fates - Severa

Suggested by Mixed Fruit. Thank you for suggesting. I'll go with "Severa" since "Selena" could be entirely a different FE character.

Tier LV:X 3 winner:  "It's also Valentine!"

Blazblue - Mai Natsume

Suggested by FoebreakerK. Thank you for suggesting. It's been years since I'd play this game.

And a quick ecchi-scene.

EXTRA(s), [Patrons-Only] Quick finish Artwork!:-
Fire Emblem: Awakening - Cordelia
Suggested by TheKman. Thank you for suggesting. I'm doing both mother and daughter?! (From what I heard of.)

Tier LV: ❤ X MAX winner: "Prep for the night" [R18/Exclusive]"

Akame ga Kill! - Leone

Suggested by Ryan Connell. Thank you both for suggesting. Second or third time to draw her X3

  • Tier Bonus: Re-suggest another character. Winner will be contacted through Patreon DM, or Discord if able. Or just comment new character as entry here whenever, before the artwork starts.

I'll might doodle/quickdraw the rest if I had the time ;w;

If you have questions or confusing about this poll, just ask it in the comments below or Patreon message me.



Ryan Connell

HOORAY. Both Of my Favorite Girls Got In. THANK YOU

Ryan Connell

Also... Thank you for putting My name down for Leone's Suggestion


The "Re-suggest" is a bonus for the MAX tier. Means suggest a whole new character other than the voted one, AKA "Leone". This bonus is optional, which you can remain "Leone" if you want.

Ryan Connell

I'll Go with... The MAX Option. Because I really want to see that CURVY FIGURE!!!!! Uh... Not that I'm A Perverted Old freak or anything.


Female character, please. And an appropriate one too. *w* Otherwise this bonus will be voided, and just going with "Leone".


I only draw female characters. Your suggested character, Leone, won the LV.MAX tier. Thus, won the the bonus to suggest a new character, to replace her. Therefore, “re-suggest”.


Or you can choose, don’t re-suggest. The bonus is optional. Then remained as “Leone” as confirmed character.

Ryan Connell

I'll Stick with the original option for the LVL. MAX Tier