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 Hey guys ! This is the update and recap for Term 51's completion(from April 21-30! (Rewards will be send out via Patreon message and Dropbox invite from May 1-20 when all pledges have been processed by Patreon : )Term 52 will start after this post.

[Reward summary for Term 51]

Tier 1+ (1$)

  • -Activity Feed access, patron only previews+teasers patron only view
  • - NSFW/yaoi/yuri/polls !!(stay tuned!)  

Tier 2 +(5$) 

  • -Tier 1 reward 
  • -Jpg(5) Mei, Relax, Victor, Angewomon, Hello sister
  • -NSFW Jpgs (2):  victor, Angewomon
  • -steps sequence jpg:(5) Mei, Relax, Victor, Angewomon, Hello sister 
  • -access to brushes+ brush ads on from all available previous terms If any

Tier Yuri/Yaoi +(7$) 

  • -Tier 2 rewards 
  • -JPG (2) Bunny X chick (yuri). Elf X centaur(yaoi)
  • Steps sequence :(2)  Bunny X chick . Elf X centaur

Tier 3 +(10$)

  • -tier 2 rewards
  • -Tier Yuri/Yaoi(option included)
  • All psds (7)
  • -Video process (5)  Mei, Relax, Victor, Angewomon, Hello sister 
  • NSFW Video process (4): Angewomon, Victor,  Bunny X chick (yuri). Elf X centaur(yaoi) 
  • speedpaint 101.voice over tutorial.
  • Female torso anatomy voice over tutorial

+Tier 4 +(20$) 

  • -tier 3 reward
  • -past term ( voucher to download 1 past term from my gumroad ) 

+70 $ pledge-tier 3 rewards +2 nsfw posters of ur choice (please wait for my message on a list of ones I have in stock) or 3 normal posters of your choice *OR*tier 3 rewards+( 4 yuri /yaoi prints 8.5*11 inches on card stock paper)please pick from here all normal posters that are available can be found on my storenevy

+150$Mentorship tier -pick between custom feedback video or google hangout session. more info on profile page.(remember to message me on what you want once you pick this option !)

❅Stuff to look forward to for term 52! (May 1-31)❅

  • -widowmaker
  • -Zodiac .horse.
  • -more yaoi + yuri +1 hetero
  • -1 male +1 female nsfw
  • -video tutorial
  • -1 voice over tutorial




hi how do youu download a term ? please


1 term for next month :(


Is it still possible to get this term?? I really really want that Mei and Angewomon PSDs!!! T_T




Congrats on completing another spectacular term, Sakimi! Keep up the great work! :D <3 (Apologies if this message duplicates. I was having some issues with my net when I tried posting.)


Hi sakimi-chan, I've found out that my bank account is empty. And I've pledge since term 50 for tier 3. I was wondering, If I pay this Friday, will I still get the reward from term 50 and 51 ?


Hey Sakimi help please! I already pledged for term 51 and patreon charged me for it but now it says( Your pledge to Sakimi Chan didn't go through).I think it's for term 50! I don't want term 50 please fix this issue.


Hi Sakimichan!!! I had the chance of meeting you at Sakuracon in Seattle 2015 and was sad not to see you again this year. But anyways, when I met you I was cosplaying Eric Draven from The Crow, and you mentioned wanting to do a female version of it. Just thought I'd shoot that idea by you again because I absolutely love your work.


Congrats on the completed term Sakmi Chan! I really love the paintings you have done for this term. I am looking forwards to the next term. Especially excited for the character's you announced so far. Good luck with them all! ^^


I can't wait for this. Thank you so myc


All of these look so lovely


I really paid for term 51 but i got term 50 instead.that's not what I wanted :( sakimi you should pay more attention to your patrons !! sorry for posting 2 times I thought that one didn't get through


Have you already sent them I haven't gotten them


Thank you If you want please message me on the 8th I'll have more time to let you know about how to get this term. >_


Yeah, I do remember talking to you about it. XD thank you for the reminder.


I know, :( do you want the refund for term 50? or just send you term 51 instead?


Thank you for letting me know. I am still waiting for more people to be pledged to send the mediafire link out. I'll send it out later on in the day. :)


I've always wanted to ask, even from your early work on deviantart it's clear youre very talented, and I wonder how you've learnt to draw anatomy, found your painting style, if you ever feel like work you've made is not what you like, and who you look up to? even if you answer one ill be over the moon x3 *runs away embarassed*


Great term! Mei conquered my heart ლ(´ڡ`ლ)


Jo Chen is my fav artist. :) I learned it through practice everyday and a lot of experimenting. >_


Sorry to bother but did you already sen out the mediafire link? Because I didn't get it.. I paid for it, I got the invoice to my gmail but I haven't gotten the link for download yet. AAre you sending it out later? Sorry! I'm still new to this patrean thing so I might have missed something?


Hi Sakami Chan! I've signed up for the $20 one. I have one question around the rewards. I understand that we can choose 1 past term reward for this tier. Can I know if I'll be receiving only 1 time of the past term reward during the sign up or will I be able to get it when I pledged it every month?


i guess a mistake was made. sign up for tier 3 (new tier 2 ) - yaoi yuri term got all step images for term 50 but for term 51 i only got tier 1 steps so: Steps sequence :(2) Bunny X chick . Elf X centaur is missing. greetings ~ ^^ ♥ love your art !


Hello Hals, thank you for letting me know. :) late processed pledge will be send out later on in the week. :)


Hello Von, thank you for the support! You'll receive 1 past term per term. :)


Thank you. I got my term 51 today! *loves them all* Just waiting on term 50 now. :3

Kiara Kitsune

Hello Sakimichan, I did not receive any messsage with the Tier 2 (former) reward for Term 50 and 51


Greetings Sakimi Chan! I did receive Term 50 and 51. May I request terms 49 and 44 for my past terms? Please and thank you!! ❤


thank you for letting me know. please request it through patreon message so it's easier for me to track thank you :)


Hi SakimiChan, I received term 51, but have not received term 50. I'm wondering if mine just got missed, or are you still sending them out? Thank you.


hi sakimichan. just wondering if you already sent the images for term 51?


Hello!! It seems I have not received 50 or 51.


Hello!! It seems I have not received 51 too.


I havent receive my terms 50 or 51 just letting you know. I got the tutorials but never got the images.


& I got the images but not the tutorials, funny that


Sorry give me a bit more time dropbox is not sending the link out fully, it's missing some users here and there. :(


Sorry give me a bit more time dropbox is not sending the link out fully, it's missing some users here and there. :(


Sorry give me a bit more time dropbox is not sending the link out fully, it's missing some users here and there. :(


Sorry give me a bit more time dropbox is not sending the link out fully, it's missing some users here and there. :(


Thank you! I wasn't expecting such a fast response ^_^ I am so excited I can't stand myself right now XD


i havent get terms 51 QAQ


sorry about that. >_< Hello Blake I am having a bit of problem with windows update I have to go on the dropbox website to send it out manually


I am having a bit of problem with windows update I have to go on the dropbox website to send it out manually


Alrighty just take your time and thank you for the fast reply

Janice Chavez

I also didn't receive term 50 and 51. I just finished downloading term 52 and 53 when I noticed I didn't have them. What can I do?


that is weird. *_* you didn't receive the dropbox invite? did you receive mediafire link? if not I have to send you those also. :(

Janice Chavez

No I didn't receive any links or Dropbox invites. As far as I can tell from my emails.


I just currently downloaded Term 51 from dropbox but somehow the link for the videos doesn't work for me. Is there a way you may could resend me the link? That would be so great :)!


wow, that is a fast response *o*! MediaFire tells me, that "this file is currently set to private". I hit the request access button yesterday, but since I didn't get this for the other terms I downloaded also yesterday I think that maybe this is not how it is supposed to \._./? Maybe i just did something wrong? It was my first term I pledged to, so I'm quiet new to the system...


oh! do you have the same email as patreon? I'll give you access to the files. please let me know. :)


Yes, it schould be the same. I could download term 52 and 53 just fine. Just Term 51 not so far... Thanks a lot :)!!!