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I made a proper voice over tutorial for this term

tutorial involves  photo shop ( for making the art asset) and spine pro ( animation and rigging the art asset).

this tutorial is on

  • -how to process your art in photoshop , how to cut the character into layers for
  • -how to import your layer into spine pro
  • rigging
  • - how to convert your cut layers to mesh in spine pro
  • - how to build a face rig using bones in spine pro
  • -how to make IK constaints for the face rig
  • -how to make a basic hair rig in spine pro

this tutorial pack will include

  • -my Photoshop file involved in this tutorial
  • -my spine pro file that has the rigged face shown in the video tutorial.

(This piece is part of term 193 reward sign up from April 1-22st)◄Term193 rewards will be send out 5th-6 th of  May comes with

  • Tier 3-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+voice over video tutorial+ spine pro face rig files)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Awesome! I've used spine for game development- the guy behind it worked on LibGDX/ open source game engine back in the day. I knew you were using it, so it's awesome to see you get to bring your creations more to life, and see spine getting some love! xD

Ashley Kate

Impressive, while I'm not an artist I find this very informative/educational and give us some insight into what artists have to do to create amazing art pieces.


oooo this is a tutorial i’ve been wanting from you! glad I subscribed in time


I’ve been wanting to see something on animation, I know you’ll make it easy to understand!


Awesome face rig spine pro voice over tutorial. I really like this work. I'm sure it's worth checking it out.


Hello Sakimi! I entered now because I really want the term 193. I saw in a post from your insta yesterday saying that "tomorrow" the night would end. I would like to know if I entered in time for term 193 (which has the Spine Pro tutorial). thanks!


This is definitely a good thing and it will be extremely useful to many. Thanks for all the amazing work you do


oh i can wait to learn how to do this *w*


Hello Sakimi, I entered now because I really want the term 193. I would like to know if I entered in time for term 193 (which has the Spine Pro tutorial). Thanks


Hi Sakimi, I entered now because I really want the term 193. I wanted to know if I am on time or if I missed this tuto? Thanks for your great work!